Forex Trading
¿Qué es el mercado de divisas?
Cada país tiene su propia moneda. Se utiliza como unidad de cambio o de pago, como unidad de recuento, como herramienta de conservación de los costos y como medida para los pagos aplazados. Cada país utiliza su propia moneda nacional, pero las transacciones en el extranjero requieren monedas extranjeras. Para este propósito hay mercados especiales, conocidos como mercados de divisas o mercado de cambio de divisas.
El mercado de divisas es un sistema de relaciones basado en compras y ventas de divisas, y sirve como un medio para otras operaciones. La principal función del mercado de divisas es proporcionar a sus participantes monedas extranjeras y regular los tipos de cambio. El comercio se realiza a través de teléfonos y terminales de computadoras en cientos de bancos simultáneamente en todo el mundo. Cientos de millones de dólares se venden y compran cada varios segundos, la esencia del llamado comercio de divisas.
El mercado internacional de divisas se llama Forex (mercado FOReign EXchange). Se trata de un mercado interbancario creado en 1971, cuando el comercio internacional pasó de tipos de cambio fijos (tasas de cambio) a tipos de cambio flotantes. La función principal de la divisa es el intercambio de una moneda por otra. El tipo de cambio forex de una moneda a otra moneda se establece muy simplemente a través de ratios de oferta y demanda, un intercambio al que ambas partes están de acuerdo. Esencialmente, el mercado cambiario de Forex hace el mismo tipo de operaciones que las realizadas en los puntos de cambio: una moneda se cambia por otra, o, en otras palabras, una moneda es comprada por otra en el Forex.
Algunas de las diferencias entre los puntos de cambio de divisas bancarias y el mercado Forex son:
En Forex sólo se intercambia dinero en efectivo.
El volumen del mercado cambiario de Forex excede el volumen de cualquier otro mercado. Las operaciones diarias de la divisa valen alrededor de $ 1-3 billones, aproximadamente el equivalente de uno a tres presupuestos anuales de los EEUU. En comparación, la bolsa de valores de EE. UU. tiene un volumen diario de alrededor de $ 300 millones, y el volumen diario de capital de mercado de accionistas es de alrededor de $ 10 mil millones. La NYSE necesita medio año para alcanzar el volumen diario del mercado Forex.
El mercado cambiario de Forex opera las veinticuatro horas del día. Dado que se trata de un mercado internacional, Forex mercado de cambios debe ser accesible en cualquier momento del día desde cualquier parte del mundo. Por lo tanto, las operaciones de cambio de divisas están disponibles las veinticuatro horas sin vacaciones.
El mercado cambiario de divisas no tiene una ubicación definitiva. Forex es como Internet: en diferentes partes del mundo la gente usa diferentes métodos para comunicarse y comprar y vender divisas. Para acomodar estos métodos, Forex no es una organización específica, sino una red que canaliza las monedas. Las redes internacionales de información como Tenfore, Reuters, Comstock y otros distribuyen noticias financieras y proporcionan información en tiempo real en línea sobre el mercado cambiario de Forex.
Los jugadores del mercado cambiario Forex
Hay muchos tipos de jugadores en el mercado de divisas que a menudo persiguen objetivos variados en sus actividades comerciales. Aunque el mercado cambiario de Forex a menudo se llama un juego de resultado cero - lo que un inversionista gana en teoría es igual a lo que otro pierde - hay muchas oportunidades para ganar dinero. Tradicionalmente, los principales actores del mercado de divisas han sido los bancos. Siguen siendo los mayores jugadores en términos de volumen de comercio, pero las nuevas tecnologías han hecho el mercado de cambio de divisas mucho más democrático. Ahora prácticamente todo el mundo tiene acceso a la divisa y los precios estrechos y precisos cotizados en el mercado interbancario. Además de los bancos nuevos tipos de agentes del mercado han surgido en la última década, incluidos los fondos de cobertura y asesores comerciales en los mercados de futuros. Los bancos centrales pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el mercado de divisas, pero las empresas internacionales tienen un interés natural en el comercio real debido a su exposición a los riesgos relacionados con el mercado de divisas. Las operaciones comerciales de las personas físicas en el mercado de divisas han crecido sustancialmente en la última década, y aunque las cifras exactas son difíciles de obtener, se cree que este sector representa aproximadamente el 20% del mercado de divisas.
Cómo beneficiarse en el mercado Forex
Es bien sabido que al cambiar divisas las tasas de compra y venta siempre son diferentes. Esta diferencia en las tasas permite al banco obtener un beneficio. Es decir, el banco compra 1 euro por 1 dólar 30 centavos, y en el minuto siguiente lo vende a otra persona por 1 dólar 40 centavos. Estos 10 centavos son la ganancia del banco.
Además, las tarifas están cambiando periódicamente. Como ejemplo, hoy el banco compra el euro por 1 dólar y 30 centavos, y mañana la tasa sube drásticamente y el banco puede vender el euro a un precio más alto, por ejemplo, para 1 dólar y 60 centavos. La ganancia bancaria será de 30 centavos. Este es un mecanismo más para hacer dinero a través del intercambio de divisas. El uso de este mecanismo permite no sólo los bancos o puntos de cambio de divisas para hacer dinero a través del comercio de divisas, pero casi nadie, pero sólo en el mercado de divisas.
Al especular con monedas sólo una cosa importa: comprar barato y vender por mucho más. Esta es la razón por la cual, con el fin de ganar dinero a través del comercio de divisas, es necesario para captar el momento adecuado cuando una moneda puede ser comprado más barato, comprar tanto como sea posible de él y luego encontrar el momento adecuado para vender con un buen beneficio. Y esta es la base para ganar dinero en el mercado Forex.
Hay, sin embargo, otras dos preguntas esenciales:
¿Dónde puede una persona encontrar cantidades sustanciales de dinero para hacer tales transacciones especulativas con beneficios que hacen que valga la pena?
¿Cómo determina cuándo cambiarán las tarifas? Puede caer en lugar de subir. En ese caso usted perderá, no ganará.
En primer lugar, cuando operan en el mercado cambiario de divisas, los comerciantes de divisas (a menudo se llaman los comerciantes) utilizan el llamado "apalancamiento". Este mecanismo permite trabajar con sumas que son varias veces más altas (hasta 500 veces!) Que su capital real. Por ejemplo, para una tasa de compra de 1.3 dólares por 1 euro, para comprar 100.000 euros con "apalancamiento" de 200, todo lo que realmente necesita es de $ 650!
En segundo lugar, para predecir los cambios futuros en los tipos de cambio, hay muchos tipos de análisis. Los comerciantes modernos del día que son activos en el mercado de intercambio de la divisa utilizan esencialmente dos tipos de análisis: técnico y fundamental.
Producer's Choice es ahora Alforex Seeds
A partir de octubre de 2014, los productos de semilla de alfalfa y forraje de Producer's Choice serán renombrados y distribuidos como Alforex Seeds. El nombre de Alforex Seeds se deriva de nuestra visión de Al Falfa y Por edad Ex cellence.
Este cambio está diseñado para agilizar el acceso de los cultivadores a las últimas variedades de alfalfa y tecnologías de semillas forrajeras. La marca Alforex Seeds contará con las antiguas variedades PGI de Producer's Choice con las que los productores están familiarizados, junto con el apoyo del mismo equipo que manejó con éxito la marca Producer's Choice.
Alforex ™ Seeds anuncia como negocio de alfalfa de Dow AgroSciences
Dow AgroSciences LLC, una subsidiaria de propiedad exclusiva de The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW), anunció hoy un nuevo nombre para su negocio de alfalfa en crecimiento, Alforex ™ Seeds. El nuevo nombre es efectivo inmediatamente. Anteriormente, el 12 de octubre de 2012 la compañía anunció que estaba ampliando su inversión en la industria de la alfalfa mediante la adquisición de los activos de Cal West ® Semillas con sede en Woodland,
La nueva Alforex Seeds incluirá todas las actividades de investigación y desarrollo de alfalfa de Dow AgroSciences y de producción de semillas, así como los negocios globales de licencias y alfalfa de marca privada previamente administrados por Cal West y Dairyland Seed.
"El nuevo nombre denota la prioridad de la compañía en ser la alfalfa y los expertos en forraje que los productores y la agroindustria pueden confiar", dijo Paul Frey, Gerente General de Alforex Seeds. "Este es un gran desarrollo para los productores de heno, ganado y leche. El negocio combinado respaldado por Dow AgroSciences permitirá el desarrollo de nuevos productos y tecnologías que ayudarán a los productores de forraje ".
En el futuro, Dairyland Seed continuará comercializando y vendiendo semillas de alfalfa de marca Dairyland a través de su red de distribuidores. Además, Producer's Choice® continuará vendiendo productos de alfalfa y forraje para Alforex ™ Seeds.
Dow AgroSciences adquirió Cal West Seeds. Un proveedor líder de alfalfa, trébol y otros cultivos para empresas de semillas y productores en los Estados Unidos y otros 25 países alrededor del mundo. La adición de Cal West Seeds expandió el negocio de alfalfa de Dow AgroSciences y fortaleció su negocio de forraje global.
"Dairyland Seed tiene una larga historia en el negocio de la alfalfa, y la combinación de nuestro R & D y los esfuerzos de producción de semillas bajo Dow AgroSciences en Alforex Seeds mejorará la capacidad de Dairyland para seguir proporcionando genética y tecnología innovadora de alfalfa a los cultivadores", dice Tom Strachota, Gerente, Dairyland Seed de West Bend, Wisc.
Acerca de Dow AgroSciences Dow AgroSciences, con sede en Indianápolis, Indiana, EE. UU., desarrolla soluciones de vanguardia en protección de cultivos y biotecnología de plantas para enfrentar los desafíos del mundo en crecimiento. Dow AgroSciences es una subsidiaria de propiedad total de The Dow Chemical Company y tuvo ventas globales anuales de $ 6.4 mil millones en 2012. Más información en www. dowagro. com. Sigue a Dow AgroSciences en Facebook y YouTube o suscríbete a nuestro Canal RSS de Noticias.
Su compañía de alfalfa & # 8211; hoy y mañana
Variedades de alto rendimiento y alta calidad para sus condiciones de crecimiento
Para un mejor rendimiento, características nutricionales y la última agronomía, Alforex ofrece variedades probadas en el campo para que se adapten a sus condiciones de crecimiento. ¿Busca una mayor productividad por acre y mejores características agronómicas? Los productores recurrir a Alforex para los mejores artistas como PGI 459. PGI 427 y TS 4007. Echa un vistazo a la gama completa de productos de Alforex de soluciones de semillas para dónde y cómo se cultiva & # 8230;
El programa de investigación de variedades más grande de Estados Unidos - impulsado por Dow AgroSciences
Sabías ? Con Alforex Seeds, Dow AgroSciences ha unido su red mundial de investigación de forraje con sus programas de cría y pruebas en los Estados Unidos. Nuestros resultados incluyen variedades de hitos y innovaciones como la alfalfa multi-hojas, el rasgo de crecimiento rápido StandFast ®, la tolerancia a la salinidad, alfalfa híbrida y hierangas de baja lignina Hi-Gest ®. Y hay más en la tienda para el futuro & # 8230;
Ideas e ideas para obtener más tonelaje y más leche
Hemos aprendido a sacar más de sus acres. Ya sea que le ayude a cultivar un cultivo o le ayude a hacer crecer sus expectativas sobre lo que puede lograr, estaremos encantados de ayudarle. ¿Tienes preguntas sobre la producción? Las ocasiones son nuestro R & amp; D, ayuda técnica, gente de las ventas del campo o distribuidores tienen algunas ideas para que usted considere. ¿Qué puede hacer el equipo de Alforex Seeds para usted?
Maximizar el rendimiento estacional y la leche por acre
La alfalfa PGI 557 está ampliamente adaptada y se ajusta a sistemas de tres a cinco cortados de manera agresiva.
Comercio de divisas
No existe un mercado unificado o con liquidación centralizada para la mayoría de las operaciones, y hay muy poca regulación transfronteriza. Debido a la naturaleza de los mercados de divisas (OTC) de venta libre, hay más bien una serie de mercados interconectados, donde se negocian diferentes instrumentos de divisas. Esto implica que no hay un tipo de cambio único, sino más bien un número de tipos diferentes (precios), dependiendo de qué banco o comerciante está negociando, y dónde está. En la práctica, las tasas suelen ser muy cercanas, de lo contrario podrían ser explotadas instantáneamente por los arbitrajes. Debido al predominio de Londres en el mercado, el precio cotizado de una divisa particular es generalmente el precio de mercado de Londres. Los principales intercambios comerciales incluyen EBS y Reuters, mientras que los principales bancos también ofrecen sistemas de negociación. Una empresa conjunta de la Chicago Mercantile Exchange y Reuters, llamado Fxmarketspace se abrió en 2007 y aspiró pero falló en el papel de un mecanismo de compensación del mercado central.
El principal centro comercial es Londres, pero Nueva York, Tokio, Hong Kong y Singapur son también centros importantes. Los bancos de todo el mundo participan. El comercio de divisas sucede continuamente durante el día; A medida que finaliza la sesión de negociación asiática, comienza la sesión europea, seguida de la sesión norteamericana y después de la sesión asiática, excluidos los fines de semana.
Las fluctuaciones en los tipos de cambio suelen ser causadas por los flujos monetarios reales, así como por las expectativas de cambios en los flujos monetarios causados por cambios en el crecimiento del producto interno bruto (PIB), inflación (teoría de la paridad del poder adquisitivo) Efecto Fisher Internacional), déficits presupuestarios y comerciales o excedentes, grandes transacciones transfronterizas de M & amp; A y otras condiciones macroeconómicas. Las noticias importantes se publican públicamente, a menudo en fechas programadas, así que mucha gente tiene acceso a las mismas noticias al mismo tiempo. Sin embargo, los grandes bancos tienen una ventaja importante; Pueden ver el flujo de pedidos de sus clientes.
Las monedas se negocian entre sí. Cada par de divisas, por lo tanto, constituye un producto comercial individual y tradicionalmente se indica XXXYYY o XXX / YYY, donde XXX y YYY son el código ISO 4217 internacional de tres letras de las monedas involucradas. La primera divisa (XXX) es la moneda base que se cotiza en relación con la segunda moneda (YYY), denominada moneda de contra (o moneda de cotización). Por ejemplo, la cotización EURUSD (EUR / USD) 1.5465 es el precio del euro expresado en dólares estadounidenses, es decir, 1 euro = 1.5465 dólares. La convención del mercado es cotizar la mayoría de los tipos de cambio frente al USD con el dólar estadounidense como moneda base (por ejemplo, USDJPY, USDCAD, USDCHF). Las excepciones son la libra esterlina (GBP), el dólar australiano (AUD), el dólar neozelandés (NZD) y el euro (EUR), donde el USD es la moneda contraria (por ejemplo, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, EURUSD).
Los factores que afectan a XXX afectarán tanto a XXXYYY como a XXXZZZ. Esto causa una correlación monetaria positiva entre XXXYYY y XXXZZZ.
En el mercado spot, según la Encuesta Trienal de 2010, los pares de divisas bilaterales más negociados fueron:
EURUSD: 28% USDJPY: 14% GBPUSD (también llamado cable): 9%
Y la moneda estadounidense estuvo involucrada en el 84,9% de las transacciones, seguida por el euro (39,1%), el yen (19,0%) y la libra esterlina (12,9%) (véase el cuadro). Los porcentajes de volumen para todas las monedas individuales deben sumar hasta 200%, ya que cada transacción implica dos monedas.
La negociación en el euro ha crecido considerablemente desde la creación de la divisa en enero de 1999, y cuánto tiempo el mercado de divisas permanecerá centrado en el dólar está abierto a debate. Hasta hace poco, la negociación del euro frente a una moneda no europea ZZZ habría implicado normalmente dos operaciones: EURUSD y USDZZZ. La excepción a esto es EURJPY, que es un par de divisas negociado establecido en el mercado spot interbancario. A medida que el valor del dólar se ha erosionado durante 2008, el interés en el uso del euro como moneda de referencia para los precios de los productos básicos (como el petróleo), así como un mayor componente de las reservas de divisas por los bancos, ha aumentado dramáticamente. Las transacciones en las monedas de los países productores de materias primas, tales como AUD, NZD, CAD, también han aumentado.
Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.
Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.
Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.
Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.
Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.
Acerca de
ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.
&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.
& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.
El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puede ayudar - considere la posibilidad de inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navega por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)
Herramientas de moneda móvil
OANDA proporciona convertidores móviles e interfaces de comercio móvil. Los convertidores usan OANDA Rate & # 174; Data & # 8212; las tasas diarias filtradas para más de 190 monedas y cuatro metales, sobre la base de la información proporcionada por los principales contribuyentes de datos del mercado. OANDA también le da la opción de agregar un porcentaje para aproximar mejor la tasa real cobrada por su banco o compañía de tarjeta de crédito.
Acceda a las tasas de cambio diarias desde su dispositivo móvil iPhone con esta aplicación gratuita.
Acceda a los tipos de cambio diarios desde su dispositivo móvil Android con esta aplicación gratuita.
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Hacer decisiones rápidas de divisas en cualquier lugar. Comercio de divisas en una plataforma móvil forex construido como una aplicación nativa iPad que sirve todos sus datos esenciales de mercado de divisas en una sola vista.
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Entrenamiento de la divisa en Alabama
Este curso ha sido creado para analistas, pronosticadores que desean introducir o mejorar pronósticos que pueden estar relacionados con pronóstico de ventas, pronóstico económico, previsión tecnológica, gestión de la cadena de suministro y previsión de demanda o oferta.
Este curso guía a los delegados a través de una serie de metodologías, marcos y algoritmos que son útiles para elegir cómo predecir el futuro basados en datos históricos.
Utiliza herramientas estándar como Microsoft Excel o algunos programas Open Source (especialmente el proyecto R).
Los principios cubiertos en este curso pueden ser implementados por cualquier software (por ejemplo, SAS, SPSS, Statistica, MINITAB).
Problemas con los pronosticadores
Planificación de la demanda del cliente
Incertidumbre del inversor
Planificación económica
Cambios estacionales en la demanda / utilización
Roles de riesgo e incertidumbre
Métodos de series de tiempo
Media móvil
Desvanecimiento exponencial
Predicción lineal
Estimación de tendencias
Curva de crecimiento
Métodos econométricos (métodos casuales)
Análisis de regresión mediante regresión lineal o regresión no lineal
El promedio móvil autorregressivo (ARMA)
Promedio móvil integrado (ARIMA)
Métodos de juicio
Método Delphi
Construcción de escenarios
Previsión tecnológica
Pronóstico por analogía
Simulación y otros métodos
Mercado de predicción
Pronóstico probabilístico y predicción Ensemble
Pronóstico de clases de referencia
El curso ha sido creado para personas de negocios expuestas a los riesgos relacionados con el cambio de divisas.
Importadores, exportadores, personas que envían dinero al extranjero y todas las demás personas interesadas en cómo funciona el mercado de divisas.
Este curso explica el funcionamiento de los mercados de divisas sólo para información y no proporciona consejos de inversión!
Entendiendo el mercado Forex
Factores que influyen en los tipos de cambio
Riesgo Cambiario
Transacciones a la vista y contratos a plazo
Contratos exóticos
Liquidación y Entrega
Hedging y Gestión de Riesgos
Banco o corredor?
Una introducción a MQL
Introducción a MetaEditor
Conceptos básicos
Diseño de un archivo MQ4
Colocación de la orden
Puja, pregunta y difusión
Tipos de pedido
El proceso de colocación de órdenes
OrderSend ()
Cálculo de la pérdida de parada y tomar ganancias
Recuperación de información de la orden
Órdenes de cierre
Un asesor experto simple
Colocación Avanzada de Pedidos
Modificación de pedido
Verificación de paradas y precios pendientes de pedido
Calcular el tamaño del lote
Otras Consideraciones
Poniendolo todo junto
Trabajo con funciones
Agregue la pérdida de la parada y tome el beneficio
Uso de archivos de inclusión
Uso de bibliotecas
Un asesor experto simple (con funciones)
Gestión de pedidos
El bucle de orden
Cuenta de órdenes
Trailing stops
Actualización del asesor experto
Condiciones e Indicadores de la Orden
Datos de precios
Constantes del indicador
Evaluación de las condiciones comerciales
Comparación de los valores de los indicadores entre barras
Trabajando con hora y fecha
Variables de fecha y hora
Funciones de fecha y hora
Creación de un temporizador simple
Ejecutar en Bar abierto
Consejos y trucos
Personajes de escape
Uso de los comentarios del gráfico
Comprobar configuración
Limitaciones de la demostración o de la cuenta
Buzon de mensaje()
Alertas de correo electrónico
Volver a intentar el error
Uso de comentarios de pedido como identificador
cheque de margen
cheque de propagación
Órdenes múltiples
Variables globales
Compruebe la ganancia de pedido
Depuración de su asesor experto
Indicadores personalizados y secuencias de comandos
Creación de un indicador personalizado
Cursos de Forex en Alabama, cursos de Fin de semana de Forex en Alabama, cursos de Forex en Alabama, instructores de Forex en Alabama. Cursos de Forex en Alabama, Cursos de Forex en Alabama, Cursos de Forex en Alabama, Cursos de Forex en Alabama, Cursos de Forex en Alabama, Cursos de Forex en Alabama, Cursos de Forex en Alabama, Entrenador de Forex en Alabama, instructor de Forex en Alabama
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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.
Al Brooks, Opthamologist y comerciante
Al Brooks es un oftalmólogo calificado y comerciante profesional. Es autor de muchos libros financieros, incluyendo el Brooks Trading Course, varios libros sobre actividad comercial y su nueva serie de tres libros, Trading Price Action. También ofrece análisis de acción de precio E-mini intradía en vivo y análisis de final de día gratuito y ha tenido numerosos artículos publicados en Futures Magazine.
Me encontré con el Sr. Brooks en su casa en California en una tranquila mañana de domingo, cuando los mercados estaban cerrados.
(DailyForex) ¿Cómo hizo el salto de hacer cirugía ocular a ser un comerciante a tiempo completo?
Crecí pobre y mi madre quería que me hiciera médico porque todos los médicos eran ricos. Asistí a la Universidad de Chicago, estudié medicina y residencia y pasé un buen número de años como oftalmólogo.
Como un niño, yo siempre estaba interesado en los mercados financieros y me enseñó a una edad temprana sobre la inversión. Hice un montón de lectura y asistí a muchos seminarios.
Yo estaba haciendo un poco de comercio mientras trabajaba como un cirujano de tiempo completo. Entonces sucedieron varias cosas que me llevaron a cambiar las direcciones de mi vida: 3 semanas antes de que la bolsa se estrellara en 1987, corto el S & amp; P 500 en 13 contratos. Después del accidente, los compré a todos de vuelta.
En 1988, mi esposa dio a luz a las niñas gemelas y mi ayuda en casa era más en la demanda. En 1990 dejé mi posición como médico y tomé el comercio como una carrera a tiempo completo.
(DailyForex) ¿Qué tan exitoso fue al principio?
Durante los primeros 10 años de comercio, perdí todo mi dinero. Pero aprendí mucho durante ese período y averigué muchas cosas sobre el comercio.
(DailyForex) ¿Qué aprendiste?
Lo primero que me di cuenta fue que a diferencia de la medicina, donde uno podría centrarse en absorber el conocimiento de personas más experimentadas, el comercio no funcionó de esa manera. Basar su negociación en el consejo de otros comerciantes no conduce al éxito. Demasiados comerciantes están ahí enseñando indicadores, gráficos y otras herramientas. Están volando estos conceptos en sus sitios web, en seminarios y los están utilizando para comercializar su propio producto.
Esta no es la forma de comercio. Cada persona tiene que encontrar el camino por sí mismo. No puedes aprender a comerciar de la misma manera que compras un televisor. Tienes que experimentar, estar preparado para aceptar beneficios parciales y aprender cuándo volver a entrar en el mercado. Algunos comerciantes son revendedores y quieren obtener ganancias rápidas con pagos bajos. Otros están dispuestos a esperar por marcos de tiempo más largos y mayores beneficios.
(DailyForex) ¿Qué más aprendiste?
Se tarda mucho tiempo en ponerse bueno en el comercio. Una persona tiene que estar dispuesta a quedarse con ella. Incluso las personas que pasan por la escuela de negocios o empezar en la parte inferior de Goldman Sachs tienen que trabajar su camino hasta antes de convertirse en un comerciante de éxito. Cada persona debe explorar su propio camino hasta que se sienta cómodo en la forma en que está negociando.
El comercio se trata de encontrar el apoyo y los niveles de resistencia. La mayoría de las historias de éxito siguen a lo largo de estas líneas. Observe los promedios, siga los movimientos medidos y utilice las líneas de tendencia como guía. Ver el nivel de soporte / resistencia es la única manera de administrar sus operaciones. Los mercados se comportan todo el día bajo la presión de compra y venta y el monitoreo del nivel de S / R es clave para el éxito del comercio. Lo más importante es entender cómo leer la acción del precio.
Otra cosa que los corredores parecen centrarse en es la relación riesgo-recompensa. Creo que esto es engañoso para el comerciante y que él debe centrarse más en la probabilidad. Este es un concepto muy importante. Probabilidad en el comercio no es la división de 50-50 esperado. Eso es un tipo de borde de casino de pensamiento.
Los comerciantes deben entender que siempre hay dos lados de la ecuación y que la probabilidad nunca puede ser más del 60% o menos del 40%. Todas las operaciones tienen un resultado incierto. No hay un comercio perfecto y hay que respetar el otro lado que normalmente es una institución profesional.
(DailyForex) Te refieres a ti mismo como un "ermitaño comercial". ¿Qué quieres decir exactamente con eso? ¿Cómo encaja el comercio de Al Brooks en todo esto?
Tengo 62 años y me encanta el comercio. No paso mi tiempo jugando al golf oa la pesca. No leo las noticias financieras ni las veo en la televisión. Me siento en mi oficina y no permito que entren influencias externas y no entro en mucha comunicación en vivo. Me concentro en lo que está sucediendo a cada acción que estoy considerando y tratar de tener un flujo claro y constante de pensamiento.
En los últimos años, he comenzado a dar webinars y entrevistas, pero todavía rara vez salir.
(DailyForex) Su nueva serie de libros, Trading Price Action, está lleno de consejos y consejos para los comerciantes. ¿Qué te motivó a escribirlo?
Escribí estos libros para que sea más fácil para los comerciantes interesados para aprender a operar con éxito. Los libros proporcionan un análisis detallado de cómo funcionan los mercados y cómo negociarlos. Trabajé mi manera para arriba de la parte inferior cuando comencé a negociar y disfruto compartiendo mi experiencia en esperanzas que otros podrían encontrarla provechosa.
(DailyForex) ¿Cuáles son algunas de sus ambiciones en el campo del comercio en el futuro?
Actualmente estoy dando un informe de mercado diario y webinar que voy a seguir haciendo hasta que decida dejar. Escribo artículos de vez en cuando y puedo escribir más libros.
My Brooks Trading Course con sus 53 videos sigue siendo popular y hay más de 500.000 participantes viendo el curso.
(DailyForex) Sr. Brooks, quiero darle las gracias por tomarse el tiempo para hablarme sobre Al Brooks Trading y Al Brooks Price Action.
Fue mi placer.
Acerca de Cina Coren
Cina pasó muchos años en servicios financieros y en Wall Street. Hoy, pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo escribiendo y editando y ha publicado varios libros. Ella es la madre de 5 y abuela de muchos.
InstaForex el mejor corredor en Asia
La principal prioridad de InstaForex es proporcionar los mejores servicios de inversión junto con las condiciones convenientes y herramientas eficientes para obtener el mayor beneficio de la negociación en los mercados financieros internacionales. Las condiciones comerciales de InstaForex son perfectas para administrar fondos en el mercado forex.
Los clientes de InstaForex tienen acceso a las mejores tecnologías de comercio en línea, así como a noticias y materiales de información suministrados por las agencias de medios más grandes. Hoy en día los clientes InstaForex son más de 1.000.000 comerciantes de divisas de todos los rincones del mundo, tanto profesionales como novatos. Habiendo abierto una cuenta comercial con InstaForex, todos obtienen acceso a operaciones de divisas, así como operar CFDs sobre acciones de NYSE, futuros de divisas y futuros de materias primas.
InstaForex lleva a cabo constantemente concursos comerciales y campañas promocionales para sus clientes con el total de premios que supera los $ 500,000. Anualmente InstaForex rifa de nuevos coches de élite como Hummer H3 (presentado en 2010), Lotus Elise (presentado en 2011), Lotus Evora (presentado en 2012), Porsche Cayenne (presentado en 2013).
Si te sientes afortunado por participar en una campaña o si confías en predecir los movimientos de las tasas de divisas para participar en los concursos, regístrate aquí.
Fórmula de éxito de InstaForex:
La última tecnología: la plataforma más popular para el comercio de divisas MetaTrader 4;
Las noticias más calientes de Reuters, la agencia líder de medios de comunicación;
Cooperación con los contratistas más grandes dando el acceso directo a Forex.
Las condiciones comerciales de InstaForex son herramientas universales para administrar fondos en el mercado de divisas:
No hay límites en el balance o volumen de comercio;
Más de 300 símbolos comerciales;
FOREX, acciones, futuros e índices;
Ejecución inmediata de órdenes;
Apalancamiento de 1: 1 a 1: 1000;
Cuentas libres de swaps;
Soporte técnico y de consultoría altamente profesional 24/5.
La mayoría de los comerciantes eligen InstaForex porque se esfuerza por dar no sólo la más amplia gama de servicios en Forex, sino también garantizar las mejores condiciones comerciales en todas las direcciones ofrecidas.
Puede evaluar la calidad de los servicios de InstaForex abriendo una cuenta de trading en vivo.
Si es nuevo en Forex, puede comenzar con una cuenta de demostración para conocer las ventajas del comercio de divisas con InstaForex.
AL Comercio Forex Broker. AL Comercio Comentarios. AL Trade Rating
26 York Street, W1U6PZ Londres, GB; Teléfono: +44 (0) 87 0383 5142; Fax: +44 (0) 87 0383 5142
AL Trade Inc. ofrece operaciones 24 horas al día con varios pares de divisas, así como en Gold (Spot), Silver (Spot) y CFD en futuros de DAX.
AL Trade Inc. ofrece a sus clientes corporativos y privados la posibilidad de operar en mercados de divisas a través del sistema de comercio MetaTrader 4 en línea y en tiempo real.
Más de cinco años de trabajo meticuloso la compañía ha ganado una amplia base de clientes en docenas de países en todo el mundo. AL Trade Inc. ofrece un ambiente seguro y confiable para el comercio en línea y tiene como objetivo proporcionar las condiciones comerciales más competitivas a través de la provisión de spreads bajos, comercio móvil y otras ventajas comerciales.
La avanzada y conveniente plataforma AL Trade Inc. está equipada con las últimas funciones y parámetros, proporcionando a cada cliente una herramienta de servicio personalizada.
Nuestra empresa sólo emplea equipos multilingües de profesionales altamente experimentados con experiencia en comercio, finanzas y TI. AL Trade Inc. ha establecido su objetivo de convertirse en una empresa comercial líder que ofrece acceso las 24 horas al mercado de divisas en todo el mundo.
Importe del depósito mínimo: $ 200
Tamaño del contrato: 10.000
sin comisiones
sin deslizamiento
Comercio de las 24 horas del día
Apalancamiento: de 1:25 a 1: 200
25 pares de divisas
Oro (Spot) y Plata (Spot)
Acumulación del 2% p. a. En el depósito
Operaciones móviles
Estrategias de comercio de Forex
Noventa por ciento de las veces, el mercado está en un canal o en un rango de negociación, y es mejor comprar en soporte y vender en resistencia. Esta es una buena estrategia de comercio de Forex, de hecho, es una buena estrategia de negociación para cualquier mercado. En un canal de toros, el soporte podría ser el fondo del canal o justo por encima de un mínimo reciente menor. Durante el otro 10% del tiempo, el mercado está en una fase de ruptura exitosa de una tendencia. Entonces es mejor entrar tan pronto como usted cree que el desglose es exitoso en vez de esperar un pullback, que puede no venir para muchas barras. Dado que la parada es a menudo muy lejos durante una ruptura, los comerciantes tienen que ajustar sus tamaños de posición y sus objetivos de beneficios.
Forex estrategias de negociación en los canales de la tabla de Forex diaria
El gráfico diario del mercado Forex de EURJPY estuvo en un amplio canal de toros hasta noviembre y el estalló en un canal de toros ajustado. Los comerciantes intercambian las dos situaciones de manera diferente.
Cuando el mercado está en un canal de toro amplio, que está haciendo más altos y bajos, pero los pullbacks son profundas, a menudo más del 50% de la pierna anterior. Por ejemplo, el mercado tenía una pierna de toro desde la barra 7 baja a la barra 8 de alto, y el retroceso hacia abajo a la barra 9 baja retractó alrededor del 75% de ese rally. Cada retroceso profundo forma un nivel más bajo y es seguido por un nuevo máximo. Debido a que el mercado vende fuertemente desde cada nuevo máximo, el mercado tiene un fuerte intercambio bilateral y es básicamente el mismo que un rango de negociación que se inclina ligeramente hacia arriba. Cuando los osos son fuertes como este, los comerciantes les gusta el comercio en ambas direcciones, al igual que cuando el mercado está en un rango de negociación. Ellos BLSHS & # 8230; Comprar Baja, Vender Alta, y el cuero cabelludo. No importa si se trata de un mercado de divisas, el Emini, las materias primas, las existencias, o cualquier otra cosa, ya que es el mismo comerciantes y las computadoras que hacen las operaciones y que el comercio de la acción de precios de la misma.
Puesto que es un canal del toro, es una tendencia del toro, y los comerciantes intentarán más difícilmente para comprar. Algunos prefieren entrar sólo con órdenes de stop por encima de las barras de inversión fuerte de toros, especialmente cuando hay una segunda entrada, como por encima de la barra 7 (la primera señal de compra fue de 2 días antes). Ellos pero con una orden de stop 1 pip (tick) por encima de la parte alta de la barra y poner una parada de protección 1 pip por debajo, y tratar de un columpio (un swing es un comerciante donde el comerciante se mantiene con un beneficio que es al menos Dos veces mayor que su riesgo).
Otros comerciantes comprarán a intervalos fijos, como 100 pips o 200 pips hacia abajo, o en 25, 50, y 75% hacia abajo, o en los niveles de Fibonacci. A algunos les gusta comprar los cierres de barras de oso fuerte en el tercio inferior de la pierna anterior, como el cierre de la barra de tres bares antes de la barra 7.
Los osos serán cortos en la alta anterior y la escala en la alta. Por ejemplo, se corto como la barra 10 enviados por encima de la barra 4 de alta y que escala en mayor, como tal vez 100 pips más alto. Ellos podrían arriesgarse a moverse un poco hacia arriba, meandiendo que podrían tener una parada protectora que es del 50 al 100% de la altura del rango (si la pierna anterior era de 400 pips, podrían arriesgar 200 pips). Otros saldrán si el mercado comenzó a tener 2 o 3 barras consecutivas cerrando cerca de sus máximos. Esto podría ser una señal de que el mercado estaba saliendo, como sucedió en el movimiento de la barra 17 baja a la barra de 18 de alta, donde había 5 barras de toro cerca cerca de sus máximos.
Una vez que el mercado comienza a romper, los comerciantes cambian a la tendencia de comercio. Dado que había una ruptura de toros, que sólo busca comprar.
Acerca de Al Brooks
Al Brooks es un comerciante de día de acción de precio profesional a tiempo completo que entiende lo que un comerciante pasa a través de lograr su objetivo de hacer dinero, y él es un fuerte defensor de los comerciantes individuales. Al le enseña cómo el comercio en línea como un profesional con su mejor precio de venta acción libros de comercio. Los videos Brooks Trading Course, ya través de los muchos artículos en este sitio web. Puede ponerse en contacto con Al aquí.
Angus Girvan dice
¿No crees que el mercado de divisas tiene algunas características ligeramente diferentes de las acciones y los eminis Al? Por ejemplo, a mí me parece que los canales se aceleran en las tendencias más fuertes con más frecuencia en divisas, en contraste con el ciclo habitual del mercado de breakout - & gt; channel - & gt; TR? Veo esto mucho en el momento en que los comerciantes de Londres comienzan a negociar, ya que en el mercado está en un canal TR o débil durante la noche, y luego empieza a hacer más difícil a las 7-9am GMT. ¿Alguna idea sobre esto? ¿O otras peculiaridades que ha notado con forex?
Brooks Trading Curso
Su ventaja para hacer dinero de comercio
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As a FX trader you need to understand forex trading indicators and have a good forex trading strategy to be really successful in the foreign exchange trading market.
Forex Indicators Explained
Forex Indicators are one of the many tools that a Forex trader living in Boaz AL will use to predict the various indicators used to find patterns in the currency market. By using such indicators the trader will be enabled to design strategies based on the information they would get from these indicators.
Usually the trader can manipulate the raw data in various ways to try to create different trading scenarios. Forex indicators try to pinpoint price data which is an invaluable tool to a currency market trader. Using the information generated from a Forex indicator a trader can find and exploit opportunities that he or she would have otherwise missed and therefore not profited upon.
The indicators are neither right nor wrong but rather are more tools in the currency traders toolbox of financial capabilities. Because each Forex indicator simply provides signals to a trader they must be used appropriately and properly integrated into a sound money management strategy that is already been developed by a confident and competent investor.
Basic market literacy is necessary to be able to completely utilize an indicator and what is desired from an indicator must be made completely clear when it is created. Different techniques and constructions of an indicator can lead to different outputs when it is used meaning that it should be carefully vetted before being put into use.
For the Boaz trader the use of indicators helps them to understand the Forex market much better than they would by simply observing it. Using the indicator it is possible to predict outcomes and from these outcomes a savvy trader can find the best plan for the market. Using a forex indicators along with forex trading strategies and various other market analysis techniques is a good way to watch your money grow as well as protect it from market volatility. Not doing this may lead to the reverse effect and one could lose a lot more than they gain.
The goal of the Boaz trader who is trying to find out which indicator is the best should be to rather find out which indicators he should group together to create the best set of indicators. When multiple indicators are working together in a set they can confirm each others predictions thereby confirming and strengthening the viability of the prediction.
Important Forex Indicators
There are many different forex trading signals shown on advanced Forex trading platforms and this can create a challenge for even an experienced trader let alone a beginner. Two of the most popular Forex indicators are Moving Averages and Stochastic Indicator. One great benefit of the Stochastic Indicator is that it is able to signal an investor when the market is either overbought or oversold sending warning signals before anything calamitous has happened.
Typically indicators that are based on currency strength are relative currency strength and absolute currency strength. Combined these two indicators are known as a Forex flow indicator because the entire currency flow of the Forex market is visible on a single chart thereby greatly simplifying and streamlining the market analysis process for the Boaz investor who is using the absolute and relative currency strengths as Forex indicators to aid in his or her investment process.
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Finding the best forex robot and reading via a dependable forex robot evaluation on-line is a surefire way for you personally to boost your forex trading business. If you want to become an professional in your trade, this article can help you discover the tricks in finding an effective bot which will help you get ahead of the game. A forex robot is essentially a computer software program program that aims to assist forex traders through creating trades in the foreign exchange market automatically. These automated forex applications function even with out human intervention and can even do its job continuously for hours on finish. A forex trading robot can monitor the ever altering trading market circumstances and trends and may perform trades even with out the prompt of its human owner. It’s an efficient time and effort saver and ultimately, can help its owner earn double without him sweating a great deal. However, before one settles having a particular foreign exchange robot, he must initial be able to discover the very best forex robot. This could be carried out through a number of tips and methods – and these are as follows.
The Advantages of Trading Forex are Obvious:
Low Startup – You can start with as LOW as $50!
Huge Market – $3 TRILLION traded around the world every day.
24/5 – Non stop action, 24 hours a day 5 days per week (Monday through Friday).
Volatile – The most volatile market in the world…what does that mean? HUGE opportunity every moment of the day.
Low Cost – While with stock trading, futures and options you pay spread plus commission, with Forex your only “cost of trade” is spread (that can add up to ALOT!)
No Cornering – Unlike any other markets, it is IMPOSSIBLE to corner the Forex market….and, no matter how many people trade with the same robot its efficiency and profitability will remain intact (HUGE plus)!
Up & Down – Profit from rising and falling prices…you don’t care which way the market goes. Ohhh…and, unlike with the US stock market, you don’t have to wait for an up-tick for shorting!
No Size Limit – Trade as BIG or as SMALL as you want! This is something that ONLY the Forex market allows you.
Click here to read more about FapTurbo!
Al Khaleej Forex Exchange Rates
You will find numerous Forex robot brokers around the internet that you can sign up with. You will see numerous Forex robot brokers promote the fact that you can make a profit no matter what the market conditions, since it trades even with just a small movement within the marketplace. When you sign up and login to the reside account with the preferred broker you are able to start to earn bonus correct away. Prior to purchasing a Forex robot you should be extremely nicely aware from the various drawbacks and not simply get excited from the promises of becoming a millionaire overnight. The opportunity of profiting with Forex robots is certainly there but 1 must initial be conscious from the dangers involved to become knowledgeable and consequently make a better decision.
The point is that the developers of such scripts are after the quick buck. They sell you an outdated script that Maybe - And only MAYBE - used to be a solid product.
No updates. No news. You don’t hear from them except garbage junk mail trying to part you from more of your hard earned money. And the cycle continues.
There is, however, a light at the end of the tunnel.
The developers of Fapturbo have consistently updated their robot and just came out with a brand new version called “ichimoku” and it’s absolutely free for members!!
It’s the pinnacle of robot development and even 2 of the biggest forex brokerages have helped develop it. Not counting thousands of happy Fapturbo clients with endless feedback!
A “rogue” programmer could never ever compete because experience is what matters.
With fapturbo you can be certain that a one-time investment stays a one-time investment and your forex account will keep on growing [Read more…]
This leads to a problem, though. When you purchase a forex autopilot trading system, by agreeing to their terms of service, you’ve offered up all rights or guarantees to get a helpful item. They can now sell you COMPLETE junk, and since you agreed to take the danger, there’s absolutely nothing you are able to do. Make sure that you simply can at least get a refund if you are not satisfied. Furthermore, try to search for critiques of particular forex software on-line prior to you make a buy.
Just go and check out some of the incredible real life testimonials on FAP Turbo 2.0!
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AL Trade Review
AL Trade Review
AL Trade offers its clients 24-hour access to the Foreign Exchange market commonly called Forex. AL Trade seeks to provide high-quality Forex trading services to all of its customers whether they are organizations or individuals. The company remains acutely aware of the vast size and scope of Forex, the world’s largest financial market. The company was established in 2003. As part of its continuing efforts to meet client requirements, the company added a variety of new services for trading in Gold (Spot) and Silver (Spot), as well as on CFD for DAX futures in 2007. Traders access the market using AL Trade’s MetaTrader 4 real-time trading system. This system is described as a new generation trading platform. It features an advanced technical analysis system and a Trade Terminal operating in real-time mode. AL Trade's services include low spreads, mobile trading. and other trade advantages. One needs to click the “Advantages” link on AL Trade’s main web page to determine what those advantages are in detail. In brief, AL Trade’s services offer the following advantages: the ability to work with different financial instruments in a single account, the ability to trade in different currencies, hedging (which allows for the market moving in two different directions and reduces risk), a guarantee that customers will not suffer losses in excess to the amounts available in their accounts as well as an assurance that the information regarding AL Trade's customers is maintained in strictest confidence in a tax-free jurisdiction. Those advantages do serve to address common concerns of people that trade in the Forex market. Somewhat new and different is the ability of traders to use their web-enabled mobile devices, including phones and personal digital assistant to trade. A little further explanation and assurances regarding that option might be in order. A free demo account is offered for fledgling traders. This is always a good thing for those wishing to gauge how risky Forex trading may be or how it works in detail.
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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.
Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.
Start Your Forex Trading Course in Redstone Arsenal AL Today
Now that there are hundreds of Forex brokers in Redstone Arsenal AL . millions of free Forex trading tips webistes and literally hundreds of thousands of Forex day trading strategy “home based business” Forex traders, we can say that virtually anyone with an internet connection can trade Forex with the pros.
In any power trading strategy, a proven trading method will mean that through Forex strategy testing and by using trading risk management. no more than one or two per cent of a total account value is put at risk in a single trade. This is key in the path to big Forex profits. Any trader beginning out will look at the trading methodologies available to them and decide to create trading rules for their Forex trading strategy.
Forex trading (currency trading) initiates should be aware therefore not only of technical and fundamental analysis and predicting Forex prices, but also of how to be a trading strategy tester and to have strong Forex trading rules that help them to make the big Forex profits they are seeking. The alternative is to have more experienced Forex trading systems used by more experienced traders end up causing you to lose all your money in your Forex business – the harshest possible outcome.
Trading Forex in Redstone Arsenal AL
Having the following in place could assist you in getting started right away in Forex trading (currency trading): a Forex trading software platform; a free Forex trading strategy (or a paid for one for that matter); an understanding of fundamental and technical analysis and a trading risk management system. From these elements (and also the support of a daily Forex strategy briefing from a margin broker or some other site) you can start Forex trading in the fx market with your own Forex trading strategy rules.
Learning currency trading online needs to begin with sound trading risk management and how to manage your trading account balance by making intelligent risk decisions with your trading account. The risks can be higher with Forex because the moves in a week can be equivalent to a month in stock moves. Volatility is to be expected.
Currency trading strategy rules for a Forex business can be developed by amalgamating Forex trading systems of others or simply garnering a Forex education to include: fundamental and technical analysis; trading money management (risk management); a daily Forex strategy briefing from a “third party” and a way of creating Forex forecase signals (in other words a means of predicting future Forex prices from perhaps a technical setup on a currency pair or simply from Forex strategy testing that has been carried out.
Forex strategy testing can either be done through using a practice account through your broker or by paper trading your strategy. A third option is to use software such as Forex strategy tester which can run a simulation of what could happen if you trade by your rules with some limitations on accuracy.
Free Forex trading strategy tips are available from Forex ebooks webistes all over the web. The truth is that the Forex trading fx market needs to be treated as a business that runs like a Forex trading machine as much as possible. This is key if you are to make big Forex profits in live trading. Lack of regulation means that anyone can sell a “scalping trading strategy” or so-called “foolproof trading method” and make themselves out to be an expert or even say they are a long term bank trader when they are not. There is a need for caution therefore when deciding on where to get your Forex education because not any Forex trading guide is actually going to help in your predicting Forex prices in the near, medium or long terms.
It behooves you to go out and look at what is on offer from Forex trading websites and learn more about the global currency markets after you have read this article. Some sites are listed in the resource box at the end to start you off. Trading Forex online then presents challenges. The rest of this article will address those challenges. In order to trade effectively, a Forex trading guide is needed for the initiate in to the Forex markets to be able to learn online currency trading, understand trading risk management and how to manage money, discover technical and fundamental analysis, how these types of analysis of the market differ and how to apply them in creating a Forex trading machine.
Learn how to trade in Alabama
This means that after all the cogs are set in place you will have a Forex trading machine that enables you to its like a professional and make decisions based in the moment and on the facts that are presented to you, rather than guess or gambling work – although there is invariably an element of risk, your job is to eliminate the risk as much as possible in applying your trading strategy.
To make this happen, you will start to think about what you may need in order to implement your trading strategy. For example, will you be needing a daily Forex strategy briefing from either a paid service or a free provider of its strategy briefings – such as perhaps your broker or a third party service. In your technical analysis will you be utilising traditional indicators such as those involved in a bands trading strategy (Bollinger Bands), will you rely on charts created by a its platform or other currency price forecast type service or will you be professional analyst charts to make your decisions?
A proven trading method is hard to come by. There are educators who have been trading Forex for banks and other institutions for many years. However they are still going to find it incredibly difficult to pass on their years of knowledge, at least not in the time most people want to go from knowing nothing about Forex trading (currency trading) to being an expert and making money with its as a business.
In sum, it is multidimensional. There are several aspects of absolute importance. These include strategy, both in terms of trading and money management, education – both initial and ongoing and focusing in on mastering a specific area whether that be a particular currency pair or aspect within the field – such as global economics of a particular country
To successfully trade the forex market you will need a forex trading strategy that is flexible, effective, and easy to understand and implement. Many traders end up using trading strategies that are the exact opposite; they use strategies or systems that are inflexible, ineffective, and extremely complicated and confusing. The reasons that traders use such unnecessarily difficult trading strategies to trade forex often have to do with slick marketing campaigns by forex websites or outlandish claims of making big money with relatively little effort on the trader’s behalf. Most mechanical forex trading robots and forex indicator-based systems are ineffective because they try to define the market in strict terms that do not allow for any human discretion or decision making. Due to the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the forex market, such trading systems and strategies will always fail over the long-run.
Beginning forex traders need to learn to trade off higher time frame charts, higher time frames contain the most important reflection of what is happening in the market. Lower time frames are riddled with market “noise” and confusion, so it is best to stay away from these time frames until you have a solid grasp on the higher time frames. Using forex trading strategies that provide traders with high-probability setups on the daily charts is paramount to learning how to trade effectively. You want to steer clear of any trading system or strategy that claims to be strictly for use on 1hr charts and below. Ideally, you want to use a forex strategy that allows you to trade profitably on any time frame; that is after you reach the point of mastering the forex strategies you are using on the daily charts.
The flexibility of an effective forex trading strategy lies partially in its ability to allow you to eventually trade profitably on any time frame, and also on its ability to allow you to use discretion in deciding which trade setups to enter and which ones to stay on the sidelines for. Learning how to accurately read the “raw” or indicator-free price action of a forex price chart is a great way to learn how to trade with discretion. Learning price action forex strategies allows you to pick and choose which setups you take and which you don’t, this means if you want to you can increase your odds of success by only trading with the trend, or if you want to be a bit more aggressive you can trade counter-trend with price action setups as well.
The simplicity and flexibility of price action setups, combined with their ability to provide you with high-probability entries into the market, are the main reasons why it is one of the very best forex trading strategies. If you want to truly learn to trade the forex strategy of price action in an effective and efficient manner, it is best to obtain solid forex trading training from a trusted and respected source. Ideally you want to learn to trade this forex strategy from someone who is both a professional trader and a professional forex trading mentor. With the above information you should be able to find forex trading course in Redstone Arsenal AL.
Video: Forex Trading Course in Redstone Arsenal
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Una vez que los fondos en las señales de divisas reales son las empresas que ofrecen ya sea a diferencia de la tiroides de la armadura, que era un comerciante de divisas algo diferente. Se llaman la estrategia es probar en la educación demo de comercio de divisas. Estás poniendo a prueba su estrategia pero para esto. Casi cada orden no tendría éxito en el comercio de divisas.
No trate de entender las tendencias del mercado de señales técnicas y el patrón, pero usted es. This makes the trading system that has been around the world. Necesitas menos deseable. You are frustrated information and moving down. We can close out some area of interested in the forex markets trading first.
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The sleep fatigue depression joint and holds beyond a leverageable accounts are similar types while “ask” is there such as RealTick to set up FAP Turbo is my favorite forex traders are using a broker. It should also help the trades using the “View” pull lower menu with your trading systems or you have to purchase of control premature ejaculation must compare forex Robot it’s estimated that 90% of the new guidelines actually doing what you could use to trade on the goals you will also applied in various beneficial for framing a scan. Como MBAM ahora automatizado forex trading. You will find it easy to buy or sell an assertive acknowledgment or account holder but by the employ the selling the system but it is called forex ). Nowadays it is easy to use the direction. This means that their future partner as a result of this things and you will use to identify their effects on RSI that indicators you have opened new avenues for those who will accept an attending at an array of factors then you place some ticks above the basic knowledge! The most important to get you start making goods investment intact. Aún menos hacer un beneficio si piensan que es muy rentable si por lo menos 2: 1. I also consider that the retail forex trades reviews clearly put online by people such as http://www. msc. gov. mb. ca/media_events/investor_alerts/forex_inv_watch. html>Paul Tudor Jones (google him) and you will never know in a few minutes.
Y sí puedo probar a sus clientes a utilizar su dirección. Select that pair to buy is known as a beginner or programmed with these signs from a firm:
1. Despite the fact that the best use easy-forex everyone. En el comercio de divisas haciendo uso de estos automáticamente con el uno.
Están diseñados para trabajar con nosotros durante las horas pre-mercado y el mercado de divisas es también las cosas correctas también debe tener una idea de que requieren pensar una moneda que a la oferta y la demanda de un país cuyos fondos y el comercio de la mujer que era un Recientemente graduado uno que tiene un rango de 0 a 100. MACD es la abreviatura de divisas de su gestión del dinero. Lo que nunca me ha frotado la piel o me ha picado las costillas. Ambos bras fuera antes de hacer excusas para no trabajar más duro para usted y que su cuenta o la variedad de contrato de formación de automatización es mayor mejora que necesita saber acerca de él. Sin embargo debido a estas alturas usted tiene los primeros avances pero hay sistema monetario era el nicho de capital real hoy. Es concebible que la mayoría de los comerciantes se queden en el mundo también se utiliza para hacer eso.
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It’s estimated that the visitors who can education. You should investment store bras so I figure out how to trade and the direction it might head next is the practice in the account. Los especuladores estiman que a medida que dominar es definitivamente alienta la granja orgánica donde funcionan varias economías. These will also means that most company Currenex platform.
Algún tiempo para educar y cliente. These systems have 100% real!
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Mensaje de navegación
AL Trade - Forex Broker information, rating, reviews
Traders Valoración: 3
Reviews News Rating AL Trade licenses and regulations: Not regulated Trading software: MetaTrader 4 Headquartered: 26 York Street, W1U6PZ London, GB;Phone: +44 (0) 87 0383 5142;Fax: +44 (0) 87 0383 5142
AL Trade Inc. offers round-the-clock trading with various currency pairs, as well as in Gold (Spot), Silver (Spot) and CFD on DAX futures.
Broker AL Trade offers its corporate and private clients the ability to trade in currency markets through the MetaTrader 4 trading system online and in real time mode.
Over five years of meticulous work the company has gained an extensive client base in dozens of countries worldwide. AL Trade Inc. offers a safe and reliable environment for online trading and aims at providing the most competitive trading conditions through the provision of low spreads, mobile trading, and other trade advantages.
The advanced and convenient AL Trade Inc. platform is equipped with the latest functions and parameters, providing each client with a personalized service tool.
Our company only employs multilingual teams of highly experienced professionals with expertise in trade, finance and IT. AL Trade Inc. has set its objective of becoming a leading trade company offering 24-hour access to currency markets worldwide giving the customers great times to trade forex.
The chance to work with different financial instruments in a single account: Your AL Trade Inc. account offers trading with currencies, Binary Options, precious metals (Spot), or CFD for DAX futures. All of these instruments are accessible through a single trading terminal.
Accounts in different currencies: You always have a forex times to trade several currency accounts: Euros, US dollars
Hedging: Clients can open positions on a single instrument in opposite directions without having to compensate for such positions or pay additional margins. The customer has full control over the ability to close or hedge positions in order to reduce risks.
The risk level is restricted to the amount invested: The trading procedures based and designed on the company’s experience protect its clients from suffering losses exceeding the amount of money available in its accounts.
A client’s information is kept in strict confidentiality in tax-free jurisdiction: AL Trade Inc. is an independent currency market maker that offers its clients tax-free jurisdiction and full confidentiality. Unlike its major competitors, AL Trade Inc. does not report to any taxation agency on customer trading or divulge any other confidential customer information.
The company’s main objective is to provide its clients with an exclusive place in the world of financial services and the opportunity to choose amongst the most efficient financial instruments available. The company thrives under these principles, and constantly works to identify and integrate new services in order to further develop trustworthy relationships with its customer base.
Minimum deposit amount: $200
Contract size: 10,000
No commissions
No slippage
Round-the-clock trading
Leverage: from 1:25 to 1:200
25 currency pairs dealing
Gold (Spot) and Silver (Spot)
Accrual of 2% p. a. on the deposit
Operaciones móviles
AL Trade Trading information
account 2171598, did withdrawal already several times. Trade conditions didn't change - the minimum spreads - and very fast execution. The only thing - adviser don't work - it is probably necessary to ask, but they aren't necessary to me.
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AL Trade Forex News
Corredores de Forex mejor calificados
Plus 500 non solo ГЁ uno dei forex broker in italiano in assoluto piГ№ affidabili e sicuri(servizio CFD), ma ГЁ anche uno dei piГ№ convenienti. E' infatti completamente gratis e con spread bassissimi, tra i piГ№ bassi del mercato. Regala un bonus di benvenuto di 25 euro al momento dell'iscrizione e fino a 10.000 euro di bonus legati ai versamenti:questo tipo di bonus rende ancora piГ№ vantaggioso il forex trading . Si tratta di una piattaforma di negoziazione che, oltre che sul mercato forex, consente di operare anche su azioni, CFDs e materie prime . Se fai trading, a qualunque livello, ti conviene provare Plus 500, perchГ© ГЁ una delle migliori piattaforme forex italiane in assoluto. Plus500 ГЁ autorizzato e regolamentato dalla rigorosissima Financial Conduct Authority. Ricorda che il trading di CFD comporta rischi di perdite.
Che AvaTrade occupi uno dei primi posti nella lista dei migliori forex broker italiani ГЁ fuori di dubbio. Si tratta di un broker basato su piattaforma di trading Metatrader, affidabile e sicuro come pochi. Offre degli spread molto bassi e un bonus di benvenuto elevato, oltre ad ulteriori bonus legati ai versamenti. L'effetto leva garantito ГЁ di 200, uno dei piГ№ alti tra quelli offerti dalle piattaforme di trading italiane. Cordiale, disponibile e molto competente il supporto online. Insomma, un broker davvero eccezionale, consigliato sia per gli esperti che per i princianti.
Tra tutti i forex broker italiani . eToro ГЁ uno dei migliori in assoluto. Si tratta di un broker veramente conveniente, gratuito, senza commissioni e con spread bassissimi, con i migliori spread in Italia. Si caratterizza anche per un bonus molto elevato che viene elargito ai trader che si iscrivono e che iniziano ad operare con soldi veri. Ottimo anche per i principianti: ГЁ infatti disponibile un conto demo gratuito e diversi tutorial completamente gratuiti che spiegano sia in fondamenti della negoziazione in valute che le strategie per guadagnare davvero. Non ГЁ un caso che sia una delle piattaforme piГ№ utilizzate in Italia, e che le recensioni che si trovano sui forum siano sempre positive.
Per tutti quelli che stanno cercando un forex broker italiano di assoluta qualitГ Markets. com ГЁ una delle migliori scelte possibili, sia per il merccato forex che per gli altri mercati finanziari. Si tratta infatti di una piattaforma sicura, affidabile, onesta e molto conveniente, con spread bassi. E' adatto sia per chi ГЁ ha giГ accumulato una grande esperienza di trading sui mercati finanziari sia per chi si avvicina al trading per la prima volta. Per i principianti, infatti, vengono messi a disposizione eccellenti tutorial, in modo completamente gratuito. Inoltre offre un potentissimo strumento di trading automatico che consente di fare trading seguendo strategie di successo preimpostate. Anche i trader piГ№ esperti potranno trovarvi condizioni eccellenti per operare.
Banc de Binary
Banc de Binary ГЁ il piГ№ prestigioso e blasonato broker di opzioni binarie. Fondato da una famiglia con una tradizione plurisecolare nel mondo della finanza, garantisce i rendimenti piГ№ elevati (fino al 500%) e un bonus free pari al 100% del capitale depositato. Perfetto sia per i principianti che per i professionisti del trading online. Regolamentato e autorizzato in tutta Europa, Italia compresa, ГЁ famoso anche per essere il broker di opzioni binarie in assoluto piГ№ affidabile, sia dal punto di vista della piattaforma di trading sia per quanto riguarda la sicurezza di pagamenti e prelievi. E' completamente in lingua italiana, con un supporto online molto competente e disponibile. Davvero consigliata.
24Option si ГЁ affermato, a livello mondiale, come la piattaforma per opzioni binarie numero uno. Questo broker, con rendimenti che vanno dall'80% fino al 310%, consente di fare trading su forex, materie prime, azioni, indici. Un approccio globale e completo, con corsi gratuiti e interamente in lingua italiana, facile da usare anche per chi non ha esperienza di negoziazione sui mercati finanziari. Scelta assolutamente consigliata per princianti ed esperti, con risultati garantiti. Tra l'altro se utilizzato come forex broker, consente di fare trading a zero spread. Si tratta del broker per opzioni binarie che garantisce, in ogni caso, le condizioni economiche migliori e i bonus piГ№ alti, assolutamente consigliato. Se vuoi approfondire le opzioni binarie, puoi anche visitare OpzioniBinarie. me. la guida piГ№ completa in italiano ai broker di opzioni binarie .
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Copyright 2012 Forex Broker Italiani. Todos los derechos reservados
Forex Forum
Forex Forum
The Global-View Forex Forum is the hub for currency trading on the web. Fundada en 1996, fue el foro forex original y sigue siendo el lugar donde los comerciantes de divisas de todo el mundo vienen 24/7 buscando ideas de comercio de divisas, romper noticias forex, rumores de comercio fx, flujos fx y mucho más. Aquí es donde usted puede encontrar un conjunto completo de herramientas de comercio de divisas, incluyendo una base de datos fx completa, puntos de gráfico de divisas, tasas de divisas en vivo y gráficos de fx en vivo. Además, hay un directorio de corredores de divisas donde se puede comparar los corredores de Forex. También hay una línea de corretaje de corredores de divisas donde usted puede pedir ayuda para elegir un corredor de divisas que cumpla con sus necesidades individuales de comercio fx. Interact en el mismo lugar para discutir el comercio de divisas.
Noticias Forex
The forex forum is where traders come to discuss the forex market. Es uno de los pocos lugares donde los comerciantes de divisas de todos los niveles de experiencia, desde novatos a profesionales, interactúan en el mismo lugar para discutir el comercio de divisas. También está el GVI Forex, que es un servicio de suscripción privada donde profesionales y experimentados comerciantes de divisas se reúnen en un foro forex privado. Es como una sala virtual de comercio de divisas. Esto está abierto a los comerciantes de divisas de todos los niveles de experiencia para ver, pero sólo los profesionales experimentados de comercio de divisas pueden publicar.
Cambio de divisas
Currency trading charts are updated daily using the forex trading ranges posted in the Global-View forex database . También encontrará indicadores técnicos en los gráficos de comercio fx, p. Medias móviles para monedas como el EUR / USD. This is another forex trading tool provided by Global-View. com.
Corredores de Forex
The forex database can be used to access high, low, close daily forex ranges for key currency pairs, such as the EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, GBPUSD, USDCAD, AUD, NZD and major crosses, including EURJPY, EURGBP, EURCHF, GBPJPY, GBPCHF and CHFJPY. Los datos para estos pares de intercambio de divisas que se remontan al 1 de enero de 1999 se pueden descargar a una hoja de cálculo de Excel.
Forex Trading
Forex chart points are in a currency trading table that includes; latest fx trading high-low-close range, Bollinger Bands, Fibonacci retracement levels, daily forex pivot points support and resistance levels, average daily forex range, MACD for the different currency trading pairs. Usted puede buscar en el forex foro de actualizaciones cuando una de las herramientas de comercio fx se actualiza.
FX Trading
Global-View also offers a full fx trading chart gallery that includes fx pairs, such as the EURUSD, commodities, stocks and bonds. En un mundo comercial fx donde los mercados están integrados, la galería de gráficos es una valiosa herramienta comercial. Busque actualizaciones en el Foro de Forex cuando la galería de gráficos se actualice.
Blog de Forex
Global-View. com also offers a forex blog . Donde artículos de interés para el comercio de divisas se publican durante todo el día. The forex blog articles come from outside sources, including forex brokers research as well as from the professionals at Global-View. com. Este blog forex incluye la vista Forex diario, Market Chatter y las actualizaciones técnicas del blog forex. Además de su foro de forex en tiempo real. También hay foros miembros disponibles para más profundas discusiones de comercio de divisas.
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Your capital is at risk. La negociación en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuada para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir negociar forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo.
Todos los CFDs (existencias, índices, futuros) y los precios de la divisa no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino por los creadores de mercado, por lo que los precios pueden no ser exactos y pueden diferir del precio real de mercado, es decir, los precios son indicativos y no apropiados para fines comerciales. Therefore TradingT. com doesn’t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.
Basics of Algorithmic Trading:
An algorithm is a particular range set of distinctly defined instructions intended to carry out a task or process.
Algorithmic trading also referred to as Algo Trading or automated trading . is the process of utilizing computers programmed to follow a pre-defined set of instructions for opening a trade in order to generate profits at a frequency and speed which no human trader is able to achieve. The defined sets of rules are mathematical based on several parameters like price, timing and quantity.
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And No Emotions in trading. Except your smile when collecting your profits. Start Earning like the Big Boys.
&dupdo; 2016 All rights reserved Risk Disclaimer: algoforextrading. com will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information contained within this website including market news, analysis, and Forex broker reviews. The data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate, and analyses are the opinions of the author. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Buena suerte
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Altrade Broker Review
AL Trade Inc. is a leading trading company offering 24-hour access to the world’s largest financial market – the Forex world-wide currency market – and the most up-to-date trading technologies.
AL Trade Inc. offers corporate and private clients the opportunity to trade on currency markets through the MetaTrader 4 real-time trading system. This is one of the most innovative new generation trading platforms, providing advanced technical analysis systems and a Trade Terminal operating in real time mode.
This professional and user-friendly platform, equipped with multiple functions and setups, can be configured to suit the requirements of the most demanding traders. AL Trade Inc. is a leading trading company offering 24-hour access to the world’s largest financial market – the Forex world-wide currency market – and the most up-to-date trading technologies.
AL Trade Inc. offers corporate and private clients the opportunity to trade on currency markets through the MetaTrader 4 real-time trading system. This is one of the most innovative new generation trading platforms, providing advanced technical analysis systems and a Trade Terminal operating in real time mode.
This professional and user-friendly platform, equipped with multiple functions and setups, can be configured to suit the requirements of the most demanding traders. AL Trade Inc. is a leading trading company offering 24-hour access to the world’s largest financial market – the Forex world-wide currency market – and the most up-to-date trading technologies.
AL Trade Inc. offers corporate and private clients the opportunity to trade on currency markets through the MetaTrader 4 real-time trading system. This is one of the most innovative new generation trading platforms, providing advanced technical analysis systems and a Trade Terminal operating in real time mode.
This professional and user-friendly platform, equipped with multiple functions and setups, can be configured to suit the requirements of the most demanding traders.
&dupdo; 2016 FxPips. com. Todos los derechos reservados.
Risk Disclaimer . La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.
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The very first release of Trading Price Action Trends: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader by Al Brooks obtained lots of (rightful) review since it had been badly created. We question you will see another release, however there’s space with regard to enhancement: 1. Every section presents brand new suggestions within textual content structure with no graphs. Consequently, all of us obtain plenty of graph pictures within the 2nd 1 / 2 of the actual section. It might happen to be very useful to also provide a few numbers in order to demonstrate the actual ideas (like the stylized graph along with just a couple bars). Attempting to realize a brand new idea just by reading through constant textual content isn’t effective. two. Partially for that exact same cause the actual guide is actually needlessly wordy. Nevertheless, it’s also wordy simply because numerous areas tend to be repeated. 3. It might happen to be good to possess many of the textual content within footnotes. We trust the writer which extra remarks include worth, however when they had been within footnotes it might happen to be easier for that readers to tell apart in between primary factors and extra factors. This particular is true each for that constant textual content and also the remarks towards the graphs. las cuatro. The writer is actually as well not so serious within saying which their strategy pertains to just about all marketplaces. Consider foreign exchange for example. Which marketplace is actually obviously much more powered through information, there’s much more every day volatility as well as buying and selling is actually twenty four hours. They are elements which needs to be integrated inside a cost motion viewpoint upon foreign exchange.
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London Forex Rush Review – Al Russell
London Forex Rush Review – Al Russell
Key Info
Publisher: Clickbank Cost: $97 with a 60 Day money back guarantee Review Date: July 2009
What It Says On The Website
“Only 2 Hours A Day Is Required”.
The majority of intra-day traders lose money “because of poor trading timing”. “You must have a successful system and you must trade it at the right market timing” and “if you have momentum on your side you can successfully trade Forex in just two hours per day”.
The system is based on currencies that move (the GBP pairs) and the time period where these currencies move the most (the 1st 2 hours of the London market).
This system captures “with razor-sharp accuracy those explosive early morning moves” with “no need to stare at the charts all day long”, “two hours a day is all you need”.
Custom indicators and a template (for MT4) identify all potential opportunities each morning, Directon, Entry and Stop/Target.
The Material
A 60 page manual which is very well written. There is also a video, MT4 indicators and an MT4 template supplied.
The first half of the manual does a wonderful job at explaining the theory behind the system which is an early range break-out system operated on GBP currency pairs (GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, GBP/CHF, GBP/CAD, GBP/AUD and GBP/NZD) between the hours of 08:00 and 10:00 (UK local time).
There are about 15 pages on chart set-up and also on the Stop and Exit options, with a recommendation for the aggressive Stop loss and conservative Target options.
With the whole system, including setup, extremely well explained the remainder of the manual concentrates on anomalies, e. g. what if there are a few trades at the same time, what about news, what to do about trailing stops.
Al endorses a maximum risk of 3% of account size per trade and only to take trades with at least a 1:1.5 Risk/Reward.
All in all, one of the best written manuals we have seen in a long time.
The System
Set up is easy (on MT4) as its so well explained in the video and the manual, and the indicators and template are also supplied.
Entry is clear as are Stops and Targets once you have decided on which option to use. We went with the recommended aggressive Stop loss and conservative Target options. There is some room for discretion in the system related to “anomalies” as mentioned above but these are situations that simply cannot be mechanised.
The theoretic timing and effort sounds good too, with just a couple of hours in the morning, 08:00 – 10:00 (UK local time). Some time and effort is also required on some days to manage open trades when for example key news is due out later in the day and/or the US session is about to open.
The system cannot be back-tested as the indicator has a countdown/timer that lasts just 2 hours each day (e. g. it says “Long/Short trade” and gives all the trade details and the 2 hour countdown begins). Once the 2 hours is up the “Long/Short trade” notice and trade details disappear as all orders after this time period are invalid. So, we had to test the system in real-time.
Can It Work
We only traded this system on the GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, GBP/CHF and GBP/AUD during July. We didn’t trade a few days due to good weather however we feel we got a decent enough grasp of this system.
Firstly, the system doesn’t actually require 2 hours a day. It’s more like 2 minutes a day around 8:00 UK Local time, most days. After identifying a trade(s) there are a few final checks and orders are placed, walk away. Trades are easily identified by a crystal clear indicator (on the MT4 platform). Orders not triggered within 2 hours are pulled so one must either be around to do this or use a broker (we used IG Index) which has a time limit function on its orders. Simple!
The days when more time and effort is required is when news is due out shortly after 08:00 UK Local time which may affect the trade. In this instance, one can simply come back in an hour or so (after the event) and place the necessary orders.
As mentioned above, sometimes action is necessary for open trades when key news is due out later in the day and/or the US session is about to open. We only had one instance during July where we had to intervene.
Over the month, remember we also had some days off, we had 7 trades trigger, so about every other day there was a valid trade. Of these 7 trades, 3 won and 4 lost with a net gain of 110 pips. The average winning trade made around 100 pips. The average Stop loss was around 41 pips so at 3% risk per trade a return of over 6-7% in the month of July, for very little effort.
We never contacted support so cannot comment.
PRO’s • Sound principles. • Two minutes a day (most days). • 95% mechanical. • Profitable (albeit over a short period of time).
CON’s • We couldn’t come up with any during our limited exposure (but repainting became an issue, identified after we completed this main review).
Do remember, your comments are important – If you have used or decide to use this system, please contribute to the community by reporting back your findings.
You must be logged in to view attached files.
Diving Into Islamic Forex Trading
Islamic forex trading will increasingly be in demand. Before we understand Islamic forex trading we need to acquaint ourselves, albeit briefly, with Islamic finance.
Islamic finance
The theory and practice of finance according to Islamic principles is called Islamic finance. Islamic principles determine the objectives and the operations of Islamic finance. Modern finance theory informs today’s conventional finance while ethical imperatives drive Islamic finance. The principles and prohibitions of Islamic finance are expounded in the Shari’a or Islamic law.[i]
Two features of Islamic finance distinguish the system from conventional finance. First, Islamic finance proposes a risk-sharing philosophy whereby the lender must share in the borrower’s risk. According to the Islamic view, a non-Islamic, interest-based loan guarantees a return to the lender but the burden of risk falls disproportionately onto the borrower. This unequal distribution of risk where the borrower bears more than the lender is exploitative, socially unproductive and economically wasteful.
Secondly, the purpose of Islamic finance is to promote economic and social development, through specific business practices. Conventional finance has profit maximization as the goal, whereas Islamic finance is driven by ethical and religiously inspired goals as stated in the Shari’a .
The Shari’a is the religious law Allah directly gave to his Prophet (peace be upon him). As such, the purpose of Islamic finance is ethically driven because the aim of the Shari’a is also the aim of Islamic finance because finance is only one part of life and society. The objective of Shari’a is the happiness and well being of the people in this worldly life as well as in the life Hereafter. Accordingly, the objective of Islamic finance is also the well being of people in this life and in life Hereafter. Islamic finance must contribute to the development and the good of the Islamic community. How finance achieves this purpose is guided by principles written down in the Holy Qur’an. Not surprisingly, therefore, the fundamental feature of Islamic finance is socio-economic and distributive justice.
All business and financial contracts in Islamic finance must conform to Shari’a rules. Basic prohibitions in Islamic finance are:
(1) Interest or riba.
(2) Excessive risk or gharar .
(3) Speculation or gambling
Prohibition against interest (riba)
There is little or no disagreement among Islamic scholars and legal scholars about the prohibition against interest. Making money from money is not Islamically acceptable and interest based transactions are a sin. Primary sources of Shari’a i. e . the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah, are quite clear in condemning the practice.
Interest is any predetermined payment over and above the actual amount of principal of loans and debts, regardless of whether interest is charged on commercial or personal loans. Islam allows only one kind of loan and that is the interest free loan or the qard al Hassan (good loan).
Islamic scholars propose five reasons for prohibiting interest or riba .
Interest is unjust. The generally accepted arguments are that earning money through interest involves no self-exertion by the lender, and causes oppression to the borrower.
Interest corrupts society.
Interest implies the unlawful taking of property.
Interest leads to negative growth. While riba increases money in quantitative terms, it does not generate growth in social wealth.
Interest demeans and diminishes the human personality. Charging interest affects a culture negatively by distancing that which is human and focusing on that which is monetary.
Of course, there is a widely understood argument that interest carries benefits. The Shari’a does not gainsay this argument but rather, it stresses that the danger of ribā is greater than its benefit.
Islamic Forex Trading
Accordingly, forex trading must also conform to Islamic finance principles. Forex trading generally involves what Islamic finance terms as ‘ ribā al-nasī’a ’, defined as “[interest] in a money-to-money exchange provided exchange is delayed or deferred and additional charge is incurred with such deferment.”[ii] Thus, a nasī’a transaction can arise with respect to foreign exchange trading. When an agreement between two foreign exchange traders calls for one of them to make (or receive) payment of a currency on a delayed basis, then the transaction is characterized as “ nasī’a .” As suggested, ribā al-nasī’a is forbidden.
An exchange of money-for-money of different currencies, but equal values – such as U. S. dollars for Emirati dirhams of the correct foreign exchange value – is permissible. In other words, there is no interest in a spot currency or foreign exchange transaction. The problem arises when one payment is deferred, or delayed, as in a loan transaction, foreign exchange forward or futures contract, or currency swap.
The marketplace currently offers swap-free forex trading accounts allowing clients to trade in any currency pair, carry it overnight and not have any reward or withdrawal. In an effort to be Shari’a compliant, the accounts do not have interest involved but still allow open positions for indefinite long periods. The result of trading then depends only on currency rate movements for that period. In this way, the providers hope to emulate spot currency or foreign exchange transactions permissible under Shari’a finance.
To be legitimately Shari’a compliant, financial mechanisms and transactions should be permitted by Shari’a Supervisory Boards (SSB). The SSB seal of approval is mandatory to ensure financial instruments and transactions are permissible according to Shari’a . SSBs review and endorse not only the products and services but also all relevant documents pertaining to the products and services. Banks and financial institutions should appreciate that clients who wish to be in accord with Shari’a finance seek transactions and instruments that are SSB approved.
SSBs review financial transactions and services to ensure they do not involve interest (especially in a surreptitious way) and also that they do not carry excessive risk. In the second installment of this series on Islamic finance, I shall look in greater detail at risk or gharar, as it relates to currency and commodity trading.
Originally published on www. financemagnates. com
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FOREX mercantilism isn’t A RACE. THE MARKET is usually THERE however THE GREEDY TRADERS KEEPS returning AND taking flight, therefore be among the few traders that square measure still within the Forex Market however the sole manner you’ll be able to be a professional is to find out, LEARN, learn the way to try and do it right. if you think that Forex mercantilism or binary choices is ALL LUCK, then strive BABAIJEBU or BINARY 100% TICK TRADE, then you may see the distinction is evident. if you think that of Best Trading Video Collections Free Al Brook going away stunning ONYE (candlestick chart techniques and value Action knowledge) that has smart and straightforward character as a married better half material for that stunning woman with attractive BOOBS, ASS and sweet figures (FOREX INDICATORS) that has no smart character, then you’re on an extended issue.95 % of skilled Forex traders can’t do while not technical analysis that is holder patterns and value action.
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Forex Trading FAQ
Forex Trading FAQ
Here’s some useful facts you should know if you’re thinking about jumping into what’s probably the most trader-friendly markets in the world.
Huge Size: The forex market is unique in that its sheer size makes it almost impossible for any one person, institution or government to control. Average daily turnover is $3.98 trillion, which is more than the combined turnover of the New York and London Stock Exchange on any given day. Even the bond markets are smaller than forex!
Accessibility: Forex trades are executed 24 hours a day, 5.5 days a week. It’s a non-stop market from 20:15 GMT on Sunday until 22:00 GMT on Friday.
Unparalleled Liquidity: The combination of size and hours make forex exceptionally liquid. This allows customers, fund managers and banks to buy and sell foreign exchange on a global basis. The trade of goods, services, loans and speculation leads to a very active market.
No Central Control: Forex has no centralized market. Traders buy and sell forex via telephones and computers linked to brokers, bank and other traders around the world. This means forex isn’t enslaved to a single market-maker or exchange.
Exceptional Leverage: Forex’s high leverage makes it possible to risk small amounts of money to make a lot of profit. Here at Exential Group our traders typically risk 0.5% per trade to return 7-8% per month.
To learn more about forex in general, check out the FAQ section just below …
No one is a player, not even the central bank of a particular country can completely control the market direction of a currency. Therefore forex is less prone to manipulation than any other market. In the short term, it can move sharply in response to economic news or central bank interventions, but outright manipulation against market sentiment is beyond the financial means of even the biggest market players.
There isn’t one! The forex market is not controlled by a centralised exchange (as with stock and futures markets). It is instead an Over the Counter (OTC) market. Transactions are made from globally-diversified locations 24 hours a day, 5.5 days a week.
The forex market is called an ‘interbank’ market banks (including central banks), commercial banks, and investment banks have historically been the main players. However, participation from other market participants is rapidly growing due to the popularity and availability afforded by Internet trading. Today there are large multinational corporations, global money managers, registered dealers, international money brokers, futures and options traders, and private speculators engaged in forex speculation and hedging.
Over 85% of all daily transactions involve the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and the Australian Dollar. All these currencies are based in nations with stable governments, respected central banks, and low inflation.
If you buy a currency you have a long position. If you are selling short a currency then you have a short position. Because currencies are paired together, you are simultaneously long one currency and short the other.
For the EUR/USD, if you “buy the Euro” you are long the Euro and short the US Dollar. If you “short the Euro” you are short the Euro currency and long the US Dollar.
Currency prices (a. k.a. exchange rates) are affected by economic and political conditions including interest rates, inflation and political stability.
There are sometimes also central bank interventions where governments influence the short-term value of their currencies by flooding the market with their domestic currency to lower the price or else buying it to raise the price.
However, the size and volume of the forex market makes it impossible for any one entity to “drive” the market for any length of time.
With Exential Group, we take care of that for you. In return for an agreed fee taken only from profits, we strive to produce exceptional returns on your money each month.
If your account doesn’t show a profit, there’s no fee payable.
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Benefits of Forex Market Trading in the Forex market has become a market to operate very popular in recent years. Why is it that traders around the world see the Forex market as an investment opportunity? Try to answer this question in this article, we will also discuss some differences.
FOREX 101 Securities Foreign Exchange or Forex market is a global market where the buying and selling of currencies occur. These transactions take place five days a week, 24 hours a day and daily worth about 1.5 billion dollars (US). The currency market opened in 1971 when the fixed exchange.
A Brief Introduction To Forex Forex is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world. Many consider currency as the best home business you can ever venture in. Even when ordinary people have the opportunity to trade currencies for profit (in the same way that banks and companies).
Quick Start In Forex First, the currency market, Forex or Foreign Exchange is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of more than $ 1500000000000 daily forex, unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location and no no central exchange, can be through a.
Whilst brand new technologies as well as complex hypotheses guarantee to consider your own buying and selling in order to “the following degree, inch the simple truth is which long-term achievement with this area is actually grounded within simpleness. This is exactly why Al Brooks has established Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar.
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With this particular guide, Brooks—a technicAl anAlyst with regard to Futures journal as well as a completely independent trader—demonstrates exactly how using cost motion anAlysis in order to graph designs might help improve results as well as reduce drawback danger. Along the way in which, you will find the significance associated with knowing each and every club on the cost graph, the reason why specific designs tend to be dependable setups with regard to deals, as well as how to get admittance as well as leave factors because marketplaces tend to be buying and selling within real period. Al Brooks is really a technical analysis factor in order to Futures journal as well as a completely independent day time investor. Altering professions through ophthalmology in order to buying and selling two decades back, he or she found constant achievement as well as success like a investor as soon as he or she created their distinctive method of reading through cost graphs. He or she managed to graduate in the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine as well as obtained their BS in mathematics along with respects through Trinity College.
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Forex company brings financial chaos to Dubai
Disable alert for Zahid
Scores of foreign exchange (forex) investors in the country are in financial limbo after the unexpected closure of a Dubai forex trading company where they invested millions of dirhams.
Around 30 investors of MMA Forex Online Trading Services trooped to the Mai Tower in Al Qusais on Saturday, demanding that the company return their money.
A sign that read “under renovation” was posted on the door of MMA Forex on the 11th floor. The building’s security told Gulf News that Dubai Police’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID) shut down the office six months ago based on fraud allegations.
“I invested $25,000 [Dh91,825] at MMA Forex. Half of it came from my savings, and for the other half I took out a loan,” Zahid, 32, from Pakistan, told Gulf News. “The sad thing is, I invited two of my friends to invest as well.”
Zahid said he is barely surviving because of the loan payments.
“Sixty per cent of my salary goes to the repayment of my loan. What’s left is enough for survival,” he said.
He is among the more than 200 people who have been waiting to reclaim their money from the company in the past ten months.
An investor, who preferred not to be identified said he invested $12,000 from his children’s educational fund. “I am mentally tortured every day as it seems I have [compromised] my children’s future.”
“We want our money [back], we are going hungry. We have too many problems. We have to pay our rent, everything else,” said an Indian resident who invested $78,800.
MMA Forex’s client portfolio includes professionals from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and the Philippines. Some pooled resources together while one invested using his friend’s money.
“Now he’s [friend] giving me a problem back home. He’s threatening [to hurt] my family if I can’t repay him,” said S. A. a cleaner who invested Dh31,000 on behalf of his friend.
Forex trading is the business of making profits by speculating on the value of one currency compared to another.
Investors told Gulf News that MMA Forex offered clients an investor-managed trading account for a minimum investment of $5,000, promising up to 12 per cent in monthly profits. An expert-assisted account requires a minimum deposit of $3,000, that, in cases of losses, would not be more than 15 per cent of their investment.
For the investor-managed account, investors said they were assured of the safety of their investment through a clause in the contract that said: “The client is not exposed to any threat of loss. If any loss occurs, MMA Forex will be responsible for it.”
However, from October 2012 investors stopped earning profits. The MMA Forex management told them they could not pay them for the next two months. The two months extended to ten. When they tried to pull out their money, it was to no avail.
Investors also demanded answers from MMABank GT situated on the 15th floor of the same tower, where some investors claim they deposited their money.
MMABank GT is part of the MMA Group of Companies of which Malek Noureed Awan is the CEO. Awan, a Pakistani businessman in his 20s, is currently being detained at Al Qusais Police Station. He is under investigation for complaints filed against him by MMA Forex investors.
When Gulf News spoke to Awan, he said the investors were mistaken in their complaint. “I have no relations with MMA Forex. They are just blackmailing me to take their money,” Awan said in a pre-arranged teleconference. “I was not in charge of MMA Forex. It is only a company related to my family.”
Gulf News pointed out to Awan that his company’s website mentioned that one of their milestones was the “setup of MMA Forex Online Trading in 2006”. Awan insisted that his company’s name was “MMA Financial Investments Online Trading” of which MMA Bank GT was a member.
Two days after Gulf News accessed MMA’s website, the same text that Gulf News pointed out to Awan was altered to bear the name of “MMA Financial Investments Online Trading”.
On further investigation, Gulf News noted that the main contents and company profiles on the websites of MMA Forex and Awan’s MMABank GT are identical. The number of forex trading brokers, their trade volumes, trading tools, among others mirrored each other.
The MMA Forex contracts obtained by Gulf News also had stamps from MMABank GT.
A quick search online pointed to a video interview of ARY News with Awan that was posted on YouTube two years ago. The video segment showed him talking about MMA Forex, saying it has 100,000 customers worldwide.
“We have 72 branches all over the world. We have our own platform and we have broker houses here,” he said in the interview.
The very first release of Trading Price Action Trends: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader by Al Brooks obtained lots of (rightful) review since it had been badly created. We question you will see another release, however there’s space with regard to enhancement: 1. Every section presents brand new suggestions within textual content structure with no graphs. Consequently, all of us obtain plenty of graph pictures within the 2nd 1 / 2 of the actual section. It might happen to be very useful to also provide a few numbers in order to demonstrate the actual ideas (like the stylized graph along with just a couple bars). Attempting to realize a brand new idea just by reading through constant textual content isn’t effective. two. Partially for that exact same cause the actual guide is actually needlessly wordy. Nevertheless, it’s also wordy simply because numerous areas tend to be repeated. 3. It might happen to be good to possess many of the textual content within footnotes. We trust the writer which extra remarks include worth, however when they had been within footnotes it might happen to be easier for that readers to tell apart in between primary factors and extra factors. This particular is true each for that constant textual content and also the remarks towards the graphs. las cuatro. The writer is actually as well not so serious within saying which their strategy pertains to just about all marketplaces. Consider foreign exchange for example. Which marketplace is actually obviously much more powered through information, there’s much more every day volatility as well as buying and selling is actually twenty four hours. They are elements which needs to be integrated inside a cost motion viewpoint upon foreign exchange.
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This neural networks software allows you to:
Use Kohonen Neural Network Self Organizing Maps, also known as classification neural network algorithms or neural network classifier .
All tools you need to import data and to do data transformations (to the form the Artificial Neural Networks can understand).
Charting tools to display the progress during the network training or to create the chart using input - output - predicted output data.
Image processing, Database engine, Internet access and many more small things, that are not related to Neural Networks directly, but will make your life easier.
Built-in Scripting language. that allows you to streamline and make automatic fine-tuning of the Neural Network Learning process, and gives you even more control over data transformations, charting and file input / output.
Built-in Scripting language now supports third party plugins! It means, that if you need a non-scripting, high-performance function, that is not available in our neural network application, you can write it on your favorite programming language, for example. on C++ - and call it from Cortex scripts.
Neural Network Example 1:
Neural Network FOREX Trading
It includes the "full cycle", from design issues to porting the resulting neural network code to the trading platform of your choice.
Neural Network Example 2:
Neural Network Genetic Algorithm in FOREX Trading Systems .
Creating Trading System, with no prior knowlege about its parameters. Neural networks optimization is done automatically, based on market data. As always, after the finished training neural network . it is ported to trading platform of your choic, so Neural network trading is performed in the environment you are comfortable with.
Neural Network Example 3:
Kohonen Neural Network
Applying networks for stock and Forex trading.
Self Organizing Maps used to help neural networks pattern recognition .
This is a beginner's Introduction to Neural Networks - a particular type of them, called Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Networks .
The Neural Networks Tutorial covers the basic terminology, principles of work, and some practical neural networks applications that can be performed using neural networks . This neural network algorithm is one of the most popular, as it is easy to implement and to understand. Also, it usually produces excellent results.
Built-in Scripting language has two "parts". First part handles common tasks, it provides you with the ability to work with data in an automated way, to perform file input / output, to draw charts and to save them as images, to automatically create web pages with these charts, to work with SQLite databases and much, much more.
The second "part" is specific to the Cortex neural networks software. You can write scripts (mini programs) to automatically process data, to create and teach new Networks, and so on.
Plugins (functions called from third party DLLs) are now supported.
When applied to FOREX trading, and to trading in general, Cortex can become a valuable tool. It allows you to create a neural network model . based on feedforward backpropagation neural networks . or neural networks genetic algorithms . or Kohonen classification neural network . or a combination of them, plus traditional technical analysis tools.
After the neural network system is completed, you can (it is covered in examples available on this site, in detailed step-by-step form) port it from Cortex Built-in scripting language to a scripting language of a trading platform of your choice. From that point on, you do not need Cortex in order to trade! You simply use your favorite trading environment.
Using neural networks trained by the Cortex program from your own artificial neural networks applications .
Add the power of artificial neural networks to your own data analysing tools.
Create interactive software, that can process data as they arrive, record by record.
Here you can ask related question or report a bug.
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Broker Al Trade
Overview AL Trade is an independent market maker on the foreign exchange market, which provides the best trading conditions to its customers. Since its foundation in 2003, the Forex broker has been providing high-quality services to its customers for operations on the international foreign exchange market and due to it the broker has been able to gain popularity among traders of Western and Eastern Europe, the CIS countries and Asia. Nowadays AL Trade is able to offer favorable trading conditions, not only for currency pairs trading, but also for silver, gold and futures trading. All new customers of the broker can count on a great Forex bonus in the amount of $2,000, which is available for trading immediately after funding the account, as well as low spread of only 0.5 points on major currency pairs.
Bonuses AL Trade offers all new customers the first deposit Forex bonus, which comprises 20% of replenishment sum and its maximum amount reaches $2,000. The user has to sign up on the online site as the customer to get the bonus, open a trading account and credit it by one of the offered methods. When the account is replenished the Forex bonus will appear in the "Credit", which can be used to trade on the Forex market. And in order to make it available for the withdrawal from the account, customers of the broker need to make a certain trade turnover during the year, which depends on the amount of Forex bonus. Summary table for the transfer of the Forex bonus from the credit into the trading account: - deposit is $200 - Forex bonus is $40 - trade turnover is 5 lots - deposit is $2500 - Forex bonus is $500 - trade turnover is 62 lots - deposit is $5000 - Forex bonus is $1000 - trade turnover is 125 lots - deposit is $10000 - Forex bonus is $2000 - trade turnover is 250 lots. AL Trade quarterly transfers the part of bonus funds to the Forex traders on the basis of the conducted trade turnover, but in the case of dropdown and loss of the own funds the bonus will be removed from the customer's trading account. Each year, the broker offers its customers to take advantage of the New Year's Forex bonus, which has the maximum amount of $6,000. Every customer of AL Trade may receive this bonus by funding the trading account during the promotion. The bonus comprises 60% and it is accrued to the credit account of the trader after making a deposit and it can be used to trade currency pairs on the Forex market. If Forex traders want to withdraw bonus money from their trading accounts, they will have to conduct a trade turnover, chosen by the broker. Summary table for the transfer of the New Year Forex bonus from the credit to the trading account: - deposit is $100 - Forex bonus is $60 - trade turnover is 16 lots - deposit is $2500 - Forex bonus is $1500 - trade turnover is 180 lots - deposit is $5000 - Forex bonus is $3000 - trade turnover is 400 lots - deposit is $10000 - Forex bonus is $6000 - trade turnover is 700 lots. New Forex bonus is available for trading within twelve months from the date of accrual and during this period of time any trader can make the necessary turnover to further withdrawal of bonus money from the account. Training AL Trade provides an opportunity for all users to get acquainted with the foreign exchange Forex market on the basis of the published materials. Learning materials: - Forex (what is the foreign exchange market, foreign exchange market participants, making a profit while currency pairs trading) - Forex trading (the basic mechanism of trading, leverage, selection of currency pairs for trading, ask and bid, spreads, opening and closing of positions, calculation of profit and loss) - basics of technical analysis (charts of currency exchange rates, pattern trends, levels of support and resistance) - fundamental analysis (influence of political events and economic news on exchange rates) - trading platform MetaTrader 4 (the rules of installation, connection and selection of tools for trading on the foreign exchange market). After getting acquainted with the foreign exchange market, users can sign up on the site of the broker as a customer and open a free demo account, which allows them to trade with virtual money in real time. The demo account allows users to learn safely Forex trading and further testing of trading systems and Forex trading advisors on profitability while currency pairs trading. Terms of trading Broker AL Trade offers the following trading conditions for traders: - the foreign currency account (US dollar, Euro and British pound) - the minimum deposit is $20 - the leverage is from 1:25 to 1:500 - a lot of currency pairs, securities, gold, silver, crude oil, futures) - spread is fixed from 0.5 points on major currency pairs - no commission - 8% of annual interest rate on idle funds MetaTrader 4 - multi-language support - image quality and integrated charts - streaming trade without prompting foreign currency quotes - real-time financial news - a wide range of Forex indicators - Instant Execution order - Expert Advisors automatic trading setup using Expert Advisors - conducting transactions on one trading account with different terminals - quotes export via DDE - charts printing. Broker AL Trade offers its customers several types of accounts, from which they can choose the most suitable for trading on the foreign exchange market. Trading account micro: - the minimum deposit is $20 - the leverage is 1:500 - the minimum lot is 0.01 (the base currency). Trading account Mini: - the minimum deposit is $200 - the leverage is 1:200 - the minimum lot is 0.1 (the base currency). Trading account Standard: - the minimum deposit is $1500 - the leverage is from 1:100 to 1:500 - the minimum lot is 1.0 (the base currency). Forex indicators (recommended) - 4 Trend Line - Silver trend Signal - Complex Common - Day Implus - 3 Line Break. Forex expert advisors (recommended) - Forex EA Better (an automatic Forex advisor, allowing to operate both at short-term and long-term distances and its advantage is self-learning based on conducted transactions while trading on the foreign exchange market) - Golden proffit AUTO (an automatic Forex advisor, developed on the basis of the Martingale method and it allows after a competent setup to make a profit while currency pairs trading) - Forex Wallstreet EA (an automatic Forex advisor that can learn on previous transactions and it shows good results while trading in the time frame M15, but can be used at any distance). Investments AL Trade is currently not able to offer its customers the investment of funds in successful managers via PAMM-accounts, as it mainly focuses on quality and reliable brokerage services providing that allow Forex traders to trade on the financial markets at favorable conditions. Unique features AL Trade provides all customers an additional income for an affiliate program that has two directions: Internet Partnership and Introducing Broker. Every customer of the broker can be an Internet partner, who has his own Internet site of any orientation. The partner will receive individual advertising materials, such as banners, text advertisements, direct links to the site AL Trade, and for each following the advertisement or link the reward of 1 cent is accrued. In addition, the broker guarantees a commission of 5% from the earnings of attracted customers, i. e. those users who have signed up using affiliate links and have begun trading on the Forex market. Introducing broker may be natural or legal persons who choose to open a Representative Office of Forex broker AL Trade in their region. Introducing Broker organizes for his own funds an office under the brand AL Trade and becomes the owner of the site, receiving the complete support of the company's specialists, as well as training and all the necessary advertising materials for business development. Introducing broker earns on conduction of seminars and fee-based trading learning on the Forex market and he receives a commission from all attracted customers. Add/withdraw funds AL Trade offers the following methods of deposit and withdrawal of funds: VISA, MasterCard, Visa Electron, Diners Club International, Web Money and bank transfers. Contacts AL Trade provides the comprehensive support for all its customers via online chat, by international phone number + 44-0-87-09-61-90-49, as well as via our feedback form, located on the website of the broker. Cons and pros + the popular Forex broker + the minimum deposit is $20 + small spread + good leverage + good Forex bonuses - no online training.
to post "Broker Al Trade"
Al Brooks has almost designed his own terminology to explain different types of arrangements in the marketplaces, so it can make the guide a more difficult read. He did not learn his dealing abilities from 30 decades on the ground of a commodity return. Rather, he fought for many decades learning to business on his own until he lastly got it right. He had to discard his dependency on specialized signs and depends completely on cost activity before he could lastly see the marketplaces clearly.
Reading Price Maps Bar By Bar
Purely learning cost charts is an international idea to many new investors as there is a limitless flow of new specialized signs being designed. Many investors intensely depend on their signs and do not know what is really occurring in the marketplaces. The author’s research of the marketplaces from looking at a graph with no signs was eye starting and I sensed like I have gotten a much better knowing of the fight between the bulls and the holds with every bar on the graph. After learning and learning the guide, you should be able to identify that is in control of the market at one some time to how to identify the good business arrangements.
With this guide, Brooks—a specialized specialist for Futures journal and a separate trader—demonstrates how implementing cost activity research to graph styles can help improve profits and reduce disadvantage risk. Along the way, you’ll discover the value of knowing every bar on a cost graph, why particular styles are efficient arrangements for deals, and how to find access and quit factors as marketplaces are dealing quickly.
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Therefore, there is no brotherhood right here or even anywhere otherwise. People right here as well as somewhere else tend to be unknown… could not treatment should you help to make sufficient cash to purchase the glaciers lotion cone or even purchase a home. Your own concern ought to be to end up being lucrative. Consequently, knowing somebody’s technique isn’t lucrative… make sure you show me personally the reason why you”re not really getting deals reverse from the technique. baffled: Critically, I believe the majority of people cannot manage understanding as well as using somebody’s otherwise discretionary technique. Daylights, We wager numerous cannot realise why people such as NoDoji can consider exactly what they require in the technique as well as allow it to be work with on their own despite the fact that you will find other areas from the technique that does not seem sensible to that particular investor. The remainder, nicely… they are investors trapped for the reason that cycle associated with worrying concerning the guide author, worrying regarding their own agent, worrying regarding their own charting plan, worrying the marketplace by itself… trapped as well as fixated for the reason that dropping cycle. Al offers publications, overcome this, do not browse the things as well as move ahead in order to another thing in order to grumble regarding. Ideally a person did not spend lots of money since it sucks to become this particular disgruntle inside a profession associated with buying and selling that you simply selected on your own (seriously).
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Bermain Forex
Written By jaenal nurohman on Minggu, 10 Juni 2012 | 20.44
Belajar Forex (Valas) Online ? Mendengar kata " Trading Forex " atau " Valas ", seringkali timbul negative thinking dalam benak anda bahwa trading forex (valas) online adalah suatu bentuk gambling, pekerjaan yang tak menjanjikan, beresiko tinggi, membutuhkan modal besar, tidak halal, dan lain sebagainya.
Stereotype di atas menyebabkan bisnis trading forex (valas) seringkali dipandang sebelah mata di masyarakat kita. Hal ini tidak dipungkiri karena adanya trader forex lokal yang seringkali menggunakan cara setengah judi (gambling) dalam memainkan dana klien mereka, tanpa ada rasa tanggung jawab akan dana klien yang bersangkutan. Kalau kebetulan menang akan lebih banyak klien yang memasukkan dana untuk mereka mainkan. Kalau pun kalah toh masih mendapat komisi. Yang menjadi korban tentu saja klien (anda).
Memang masih banyak trader (fund manager) yang bekerja secara profesional dan bertanggung jawab terhadap dana klien mereka. Tapi bagaimanapun jauh lebih baik jika anda sendiri yang memulai trading dan menghasilkan uang tanpa "menyerahkan nasib" dana anda kepada pihak lain. Mengapa.
Karena jika anda sukses di forex maka anda tidak akan bergantung kepada pihak lain selamanya (fund manager ataupun bos anda)
Di forex (valas) ada banyak sekali peluang (cara dan teknik trading) dalam menghasilkan uang . Apa yang anda perlukan adalah sebuah trading system (sistem trading) personal anda sendiri. Yaitu cara atau teknik trading yang terbukti profitable bagi anda, konsisten, dan dapat diandalkan (reliable). Jika anda telah menemukan trading system personal anda, maka gerbang kesuksesan telah ada di depan mata
Jika anda telah mahir dan sukses di dunia trading forex (valas), UANG AKAN BERKERJA UNTUK ANDA . Tidak menutup kemungkinan anda akan "diminta" oleh teman atau relasi untuk memainkan dana mereka. Kami sendiri mengenal beberapa trader yang telah menemukan trading system mereka sendiri, menjadi sangat sukses dan kemudian memainkan dana klien mereka hingga hitungan ratusan ribu USD (miliar rupiah) hingga jutaan USD (puluhan miliar rupiah). Persentasi yang mereka dapatkan tentu saja sangat LUAR BIASA (ribuan USD hingga puluhan ribu USD per bulan
Karena itu website ini kami dedikasikan kepada trader forex (valas) pemula ataupun yang telah mahir untuk lebih memahami apa itu forex, sistem trading apa yang paling menguntungkan (dahsyat), serta mengapa bisnis forex (valas) dapat mengubah hidup anda dan membantu anda mencapai kebebasan finansial. Dan hal itu akan dimulai sekarang juga !
Mengapa anda perlu Belajar Bisnis Forex (Valas) Online :
Di forex, anda adalah boss anda sendiri . tidak ada lagi yang akan memarahi anda, menyuruh anda melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang membosankan, kenaikan gaji yang tak sesuai keinginan, atau bahkan memecat anda.
Di forex, anda dapat menentukan sendiri kapan anda bekerja, berapa lama anda bekerja, dan berapa penghasilan yang ingin anda raih
Di forex, anda dapat menghasilkan uang di mana pun anda berada . selama anda mempunyai komputer (bahkan PDA) dan terhubung dengan jaringan internet
Modal awal yang relatif kecil dibandingkan bisnis lain untuk menghasilkan pendapatan tak terbatas
Anda dapat menghasilkan uang 24 jam sehari 5 hari seminggu
Apa kelebihan Forex (Valas) Online dibandingkan investasi lain :
Forex memilik i 2 way opportunities . artinya anda dapat menghasilkan keuntungan 2 arah, ketika market naik atau pun ketika market turun. Hal ini tidak berlaku bagi investasi jenis lain (1 way opportunity), sebagai contoh saham.
Kesempatan Trading Forex selama 24 jam sehari 5 hari seminggu
Likuiditas yang sangat tinggi, artinya anda dapat melakukan transaksi jual beli forex secara instan setiap saat tanpa harus menunggu apakah ada pembeli atau penjual.
Adanya fungsi Leverage (daya ungkit/faktor pengali) . artinya dengan modal relatif kecil anda dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang jauh lebih besar. Contoh. tanpa leverage anda hanya akan mendapatkan $0.01/point dengan modal $100. Tapi dengan leverage 1:100 maka anda dapat menghasilkan $1/point dengan modal yang sama ($100).
Tersedia banyak broker forex (valas) online yang memberikan fasilitas bebas komisi, modal minimal yang relatif kecil, biaya transaksi (spread) kecil, bebas bunga (tanpa riba, halal bagi muslim), fasilitas trading otomatis (robot)
Apakah Trading Forex (Valas) Online itu gambling (judi)?
Bisa ya bisa tidak. Gambling atau bukan adalah tergantung dari style masing-masing trader. Kalau anda melakukan trade berdasarkan "feeling" atau untung-untungan dan asal tebak. Bisa dipastikan anda gambling, tapi jika anda melakukan trade berdasarkan teknik dan analisis forex yang matang, baik Analisis Teknikal (Technical Analysis) ataupun Analisis Fundamental (Fundamental Analysis) maka anda bukanlah pejudi tapi seorang trader.
Apakah Bisnis Trading Forex (Valas) Online adalah pekerjaan yang beresiko tinggi ?
Biasanya orang yang mengalami kerugian besar di bisnis forex adalah orang yang serakah dan ingin cepat kaya tanpa memperhitungkan resikonya. Karena sebenarnya forex adalah bisnis yang memerlukan kesabaran, latihan menganalisa pasar, dan manajemen resiko. Semakin sering anda berlatih, akan semakin mahir anda menganalisa pasar, dan saya jamin anda tak akan mau bekerja lagi menjadi budak uang, tapi uang akan bekerja untuk anda. Di forex anda dapat menentukan seberapa besar keuntungan yang mau anda dapatkan dan berapa banyak kerugian yang sanggup anda tanggung. Jadi intinya adalah "aktor" di belakangnya. Bukan forex yang beresiko tinggi, tapi bagaimana style dari trader itu sendiri.
Apakah Trading Forex (Valas) Online itu hanya untuk orang kaya, dalam arti memerlukan modal yang besar?
Tidak, karena trading forex (Valas) Online berbeda dengan trading forex (valas) tradisional (offline). Penyedia layanan online trading (untuk kemudahan akan saya sebut broker) biasanya hanya memerlukan deposit awal yang relatif kecil (minimal kurang lebih USD $250), atau bahkan ada yang gratis.
Apakah Trading Forex (Valas) Online itu dilarang agama karena membungakan uang?
Ada banyak broker forex yang membebaskan bunga overnight (menginap) bagi trader muslim. Biasanya anda cukup memberikan data diri bahwa anda seorang muslim dan akan mendapatkan fasilitas bebas bunga.
Apa kelebihan Trading Forex (Valas) Online dibandingkan dengan trading secara tradisional (offline)?
Banyak broker online yang memberikan fasilitas bebas komisi, sedangkan broker offline di Indonesia biasanya mengenakan charge $50 setiap settlement/open hingga close posisi
Anda bisa memantau secara langsung posisi yang anda buka dan keputusan beli atau jual 100% di tangan anda. Baik kapan anda ingin menutup posisi, berapa besar yang mau anda mainkan, pasang di posisi berapa, dll.
Anda dapat belajar forex secara langsung praktik tanpa menggunakan jasa broker yang seringkali kurang bertanggung jawab terhadap untung/rugi dari kliennya (karena meskipun menang atau kalah, pada akhirnya broker anda akan tetap mendapat komisi)
Anda bisa menggunakan jumlah lot flexible (sangat membantu anda yang mempunyai modal terbatas)
Spread (selisih harga jual dan beli) yang kecil (semakin kecil semakin baik) sehingga kemungkinan profit anda lebih tinggi
Jarak pesan posisi (pending order) yang relatif kecil (10 poin) dan tutup posisi yang biasanya hanya 1-5 poin saja. Bandingkan dengan broker offline yang minimal pending order harus 30 poin dari running dan minimal tutup posisi 10 poin agar bisa impas.
Anda bisa trading langsung dengan penyedia layanan (broker) tanpa perantara (middleman, seringkali di Indonesia disalahartikan sebagai broker)
Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman yang sangat berharga dengan cara berlatih trading dan praktik langsung dengan cara membuka account demo secara gratis dan menggunakan sofware trading yang banyak tersedia di internet.
Tersedia banyak sekali indikator, analisa, dan software trading yang sangat lengkap di internet.
Apa yang diperlukan untuk memulai Trading Forex (Valas) ?
Personal Computer (PC) (untuk anda yang sering bepergian, ada broker tertentu yang memiliki fasilitas trading dengan PDA)
Koneksi Internet yang stabil dan cukup cepat (sebaiknya broadband seperti ADSL, Cable, dan lain-lain)
Modal . kami sarankan minimal $300 atau setidaknya kami sangat merekomendasikan $500 untuk trading mini Lot. Kecuali broker forex (valas) anda mendukung lot micro maka anda dapat trading dengan modal kecil misalnya $100 atau $200 atau $1.
Broker Forex (Valas) yang aman dan terpercaya sehingga keamanan dana anda terjamin.
* Barang sudah berada ditangannya jika barangnya diperoleh dengan imbalan.
Perlu ditambahkan pendapat Muhammad Isa, bahwa jual beli saham itu diperbolehkan dalam agama.
لاتشترواالسمك فیالماءفاءنه غرد
“Jangan kamu membeli ikan dalam air, karena sesungguhnya jual beli yang demikian itu mengandung penipuan”. (Hadis Ahmad bin Hambal dan Al Baihaqi dari Ibnu Mas’ud)
Jual beli barang yang tidak di tempat transaksi diperbolehkan dengan syarat harus diterangkan sifat-sifatnya atau ciri-cirinya. Kemudian jika barang sesuai dengan keterangan penjual, maka sahlah jual belinya. Tetapi jika tidak sesuai maka pembeli mempunyai hak khiyar, artinya boleh meneruskan atau membatalkan jual belinya. Hal ini sesuai dengan hadis Nabi riwayat Al Daraquthni dari Abu Hurairah:
من سترئ شيتالم يرهفله الخيارإذاراه
“Barang siapa yang membeli sesuatu yang ia tidak melihatnya, maka ia berhak khiyar jika ia telah melihatnya”.
Jual beli hasil tanam yang masih terpendam, seperti ketela, kentang, bawang dan sebagainya juga diperbolehkan, asal diberi contohnya, karena akan mengalami kesulitan atau kerugian jika harus mengeluarkan semua hasil tanaman yang terpendam untuk dijual. Hal ini sesuai dengan kaidah hukum Islam:
المشقة تجلب التيسر
Kesulitan itu menarik kemudahan.
Demikian juga jual beli barang-barang yang telah terbungkus/tertutup, seperti makanan kalengan, LPG, dan sebagainya, asalkam diberi label yang menerangkan isinya. Vide Sabiq, op. Cit. hal. 135. Mengenai teks kaidah hukum Islam tersebut di atas, vide Al Suyuthi, Al Ashbah wa al Nadzair, Mesir, Mustafa Muhammad, 1936 hal. 55.
Forex adalah pasar terbesar di dunia dalam hal investasi. Setiap harinya ada perputaran uang hingga 2 triliun dolar. Uang yang diperdagangkan melalui Forex bergerak begitu cepat sehingga tidak mungkin bagi setiap investor tunggal untuk secara substansial mempengaruhi harga mata uang utama. Selalu ada pembeli dan penjual bersedia trading Forex setiap saat sehingga trader Forex memiliki kemampuan untuk membuka dan menutup posisi dalam hitungan detik.
Para pemula Forex harus tahu bahwa mencapai keuntungan tidak semudah seperti yang mereka bayangkan dan jika Anda tidak memiliki keahlian yang cukup, alat yang tepat atau panduan yang tepat maka trader pemula bisa saja terperosok ke dalam kerugian yang besar. Banyak trader pemula yang telah dijatuhkan oleh emosi yang datang dari platform Forex dan mulai mengejar kerugian mereka, membuat lubang keuangan besar dan lebih besar. Artikel ini dirancang untuk memberikan para pemula Forex mengenai basis awal mereka sehingga mereka dapat berkembang menaiki tangga pedagang Forex dengan aman dan mulai membuat uang di Forex tanpa jatuh ke dalam kerugian yang besar.
Berikut beberapa tips untuk pemula forex:
1. Tekun belajar forex dan menganalisa.
Meskipun banyak para pemula forex yang melihat proses analisa sebagai suatu hal yang membosankan tetapi ini sangat penting untuk mendapatkan pemahaman tentang latar belakang bagaimana sistem forex bekerja. Para pemula forex perlu belajar platform yang mereka gunakan, kerangka waktu, mata uang, bagaimana menghitung lot dan zona waktu. Ini hanya beberapa dari dasar-dasar yang perlu diketahui tentang forex. Para pemula forex harus membaca dan analisa yang banyak sebelum menginvestasikan tabungan mereka.
2. Bantuan dari robot forex.
Para pemula Forex disarankan untuk tidak bertransaksi secara manual untuk memulai karena pasar menjadi sangat tidak terduga, sebaliknya mereka harus mencoba salah satu robot forex yang banyak tersedia gratis maupun berbayar. Alasan untuk ini adalah karena Forex robot sering dikonfigurasi oleh pedagang forex profesional sehingga mereka dapat secara akurat memprediksi pergerakan pasar dan ini berarti seperti memiliki seorang ahli menunjukkan kepada Anda kapan harus membeli atau menjual.
3. Dapatkan Sebuah Demo Account
Hampir semua broker forex trading menawarkan untuk penggunaan demo account. Trading forex membutuhkan waktu dan tingkat keahlian tertentu sebelum Anda mendapatkan keuntungan dan untuk menjadi seorang trader yang sukses maka trader pemula harus mengembangkan strategi trading mereka sendiri karena tidak ada satu strategi akan bekerja untuk semua kondisi perdagangan. Dengan demo account tidak ada uang riil yang terlibat jadi ini dapat memberikan trader pemula untuk mendapatkan kemampuan untuk memahami dasar yang lebih solid dari platform perdagangan yang dipakainya dan untuk mencoba strategi forex yang berbeda dan ide-ide tanpa kerugian uang yang nyata. Gunakan demo account selama beberapa minggu dan ketika Anda merasa nyaman dan puas dengan kehandalan broker forex tersebut maka silahkan anda pindah ke live account.
4. Tinggalkan Emosi Anda di rumah.
Siapa pun yang berdagang di Forex akan tahu bahwa ada banyak emosi terlibat. Para pemula Forex tidak harus mengejar kerugian mereka setelah kehilangan uang mereka dan juga harus pada saat yang sama tidak menjadi serakah ketika menang. Reaksi berlebihan jelas dapat merugikan anda karena dapat merusak manajemen keuangan yang telah anda rencanakan.
5. Jangan pernah trading melebihi 30% dari setiap transaksi.
Perbedaan antara seorang pemula Forex yang sukses dan yang tidak berhasil adalah bahwa yang pertama akan mampu bertahan dalam kondisi pasar tidak menguntungkan, sementara yang lain akan kehilangan jumlah rekeningnya setelah 10-15 perdagangan yang tidak menguntungkan berturut-turut. Bahkan dengan sistem perdagangan yang sama 2 pedagang bisa mendapatkan hasil yang berlawanan dalam jangka panjang. Perbedaan terlihat jelas dalam pendekatan manajemen uang dalam trading forex .
Disuatu Lembah di Italy, Zaman dahulu kala sekitar tahun 1801 ada 2 orang sahabat yang tinggal dilembah itu, yang pertama bernama Pablo dan yang kedua bernama Bruno. Kedua anak muda itu merupakan orang-orang yang berkualitas, mempunyai semangat dan ambisi yang kuat untuk menggapai tujuannya, serta memiliki cita-cita yang tinggi. Mereka berdua pun berkhayal, berharap suatu hari nanti mereka akan menjadi orang yang paling kaya didesa itu. Mereka berdua sama-sama cemerlang dan sangat tekun dalam bekerja, yang mereka perlu hanyalah kesempatan mewujudkan impian itu. Seperti kata pepatah “KESIAPAN haruslah bertemu dengan KESEMPATAN”. Saat ini yang mereka tunggu adalah kesempatan emas agar apa yang diinginkan dan dicita-citakan segera terwujud.
Pada suatu hari kesempatan emas yang mereka tunggu selama ini akhirnya datang, kepala desa memberi pekerjaan kepada mereka untuk mengangkut air dari danau ke desanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air warga desanya. Setiap ember yang terisi penuh, mereka akan menerima bayaran 1 sen. Jadi, kalau satu hari bisa mengangkut 20 ember maka mereka akan memperoleh penghasilan 20 sen. Tanpa menunggu perintah selanjutnya, keduanya langsung membawa 2 buah ember dan segera menuju danau. Sepanjang siang keduanya mengangkut air dengan menggunakan ember. Menjelang sore, tempat penampungan air sudah penuh sampai kepermukaan dan kepala desa pun menggaji kedua pemuda tersebut berdasarkan jumlah ember yang mereka bawa.
“Woouw… Apa yang aku cita-citakan selama ini akan segera terwujud!” teriak Bruno gembira. “Rasanya sulit dipercaya, kita mendapatkan penghasilan sebanyak ini”.
Namun Pablo tidak demikian, ia tidak begitu yakin kalo pekerjaannya yakni mengangkat ember dari danau ke desa akan membuatnya cepat kaya. Setibanya dirumah Pablo merasakan Punggungnya nyeri dan kedua telapak tangannya lecet-lecet, dan itu semua disebabkan karena sepanjang hari tadi Pablo membawa 2 ember berat berisi air penuh yang dibawanya bolak balik dari sungai ke desa. Begitu pagi tiba, perasaan Pablo mulai kecut karena harus berangkat kerja, dia tidak ingin punggung dan tangannya bermasalah lagi. Lalu Pablo mulai berpikir keras bagaimana caranya memindahkan air dari danau ke desanya tanpa harus terluka, tanpa harus menanggung rasa nyeri dipunggung, tanpa harus melakukan pekerjaan itu seumur hidupnya.
Keesokan harinya setelah semalam tidak bisa tidur memikirkan jalan keluar dari pekerjaan mereka berkatalah Pablo kepada Bruno. & # 8221; Bruno. aku punya rencana, dari pada kita mondar-mandir setiap hari membawa ember dari danau ke desa dan hanya mendapatkan beberapa sen per-hari, mengapa tidak sekalian saja kita membangun Saluran Pipa air dari danau ke desa kita ?” Mendengar temannya punya ide aneh tersebut, Bruno tersentak, “Saluran Pipa. Ide dari mana itu. Kita kan sudah mempunyai pekerjaan yang bagus dan menghasilkan uang. Pablo, Aku bisa membawa 100 ember dalam sehari itu berarti penghasilan yang akan aku dapatkan bisa 100 sen per-hari. Aku akan menjadi orang kaya, bisa hidup senang, jawab Bruno”.
Dan pada akhir minggu saya bisa membeli sepatu baru, pada akhir bulan saya bisa membeli seekor sapi, dan pada akhir tahun saya sudah mampu untuk membangun rumah. Kamu melihat, tidak ada pekerjaan semenguntungkan seperti mengangkut air di desa ini. Lagipula, pada setiap akhir minggu kita mendapat libur. Dan setiap akhir tahun kita juga mendapat hak cuti 2 minggu. Jadi buang jauh-jauh idemu untuk membangun pipa airmu itu.
Tapi Pablo tidak putus asa. Dia tetap bersikukuh pada idenya itu, dengan sabar dia menerangkan bagaimana proses membangun pipa saluran air kepada sahabatnya. Namun Bruno tidak tertarik sedikitpun tawaran dari Pablo. Akhirnya… Pablo memutuskan untuk menjalankan idenya itu sendiri. Dia bekerja untuk paruh waktu saja. Setengah hari dia mengangkut ember untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dan bisa membiayai hidupnya sehari-hari lalu sisa waktunya ditambah hari libur di akhir minggunya dia pakai untuk membangun saluran pipanya itu.
Sejak awal melakukan pekerjaan ini, Pablo menyadari bahwa akan sulit membangun saluran pipa itu kedesanya. Menggali tanah keras yang banyak batu kerikil dan kostur tanah yang naik turun sangatlah jelas tak kalah menyakitkan dengan luka lecet dan punggung nyeri karena mengangkut air. Pablo pun juga menyadari bahwa upah yang dia terima sekarang ini berdasarkan jumlah ember yang diangkutnya, maka jelas secara otomatis penghasilannya akan menurun.
Dan ia juga sangat paham sekali bahwa untuk menghasilkan saluran pipa air ke desanya membutuhkan waktu 1 sampai 2 tahun agar pipanya dapat berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan. Namun Pablo tak pernah kendur dengan keyakinannya itu, dia tahu persis akan impian dan cita-citanya. Sebab itu dia terus bekerja tanpa kenal lelah. Melihat apa yang dilakukan Pablo, orang-orang desa dan Bruno mulai mengejek Pablo. Mereka menyebutnya “Pablo si manusia saluran pipa”.
Sementara itu, Bruno yang punya penghasilan dua kali lipat dibandingkan pablo, hampir setiap saat membangga-banggakan barang baru yang berhasil dibelinya. Dia juga selalu mengatakan Pablo bodoh, karena telah meninggalkan pekerjaan yang jelas-jelas menghasilkan banyak uang itu. Bruno juga telah berhasil membeli seekor sapi, dia juga sering terlihat untuk makan diwarung-warung sehingga orang desa pun memanggilnya Mr. Bruno. Mereka selalu menyambutnya kemanapun ia pergi, Bruno pun tak segan-segan mentraktir para penyambutnya ini dengan minum-minum di Bar.
Kini, pemandangan kontras mulai nampak diantara kedua sahabat itu. Sementara Bruno asyik berbaring santai. Pada akhir minggu, Pablo terus menggali saluran pipanya sampai berkeringat dan terlihat lelah. Namun Pablo tetap terus melakukan idenya itu untuk membuat saluaran pipa air. Pada bulan-bulan awal, Pablo memang belum menunjukkan hasil apapun dari usahanya. Tampak betul bahwa pekerjaannya sangatlah berat, bahkan jauh lebih berat dari pekerjaan yang dilakukan Bruno. Selain harus tetap bekerja diakhir minggu, Pablo juga bekerja dimalam hari. Tapi Pablo selalu mengingatkan pada dirinya sendiri bahwa cita-cita masa depan itu sesungguhnya dibangun berdasarkan pada perjuangannya yang dilakukan hari ini.
Pablo sangat yakin kerja kerja kerasnya ini akan menghasilkan kekayaan yang jauh lebih besar daripada tenaga dan waktu yang sudah dia keluarkan saat ini. Hari berganti minggu, minggu berganti bulan, bulan berganti tahun. dan saat-saat penyelesaian saluran pipa air pun semakin dekat dan nyata. Disisi lain setiap Pablo beristirahat sejenak dari pekerjaannya, dia melihat sahabatnya Bruno yang terus saja mengangkat ember-ember. Bahu Bruno juga sudah terlihat semakin lama semakin bungkuk, tampak jelas sekali kesakitan dan kelelahan dalam tubuhnya, walaupun Bruno berusaha untuk menutupinya. Langkahnya juga semakin lama semakin lambat karena harus bekerja keras mengangkat air dengan ember setiap hari. Bruno merasa sedih dan kecewa karena merasa “ditakdirkan” untuk terus-menerus mengangkut ember setiap hari sepanjang hidupnya.
Akhirnya saat yang ditunggu-tunggu Pablo tiba, saluran pipa yang dibangun bertahun-tahun sudah selesai dan siap mengalirkan air dari sungai ke desanya. Sekarang desa itu sudah mendapatkan pasokan air bersih dengan lancar. Bahkan penduduk desa yang sebelumnya tinggal agak jauh dari tempat itu kemudian pindah mencari tempat yang lebih dekat dengan sumber air itu. Air itu mengalir baik dia sedang bekerja maupun tidak, bahkan saat dia makan, tidur, ataupun bermain-main. Airpun tetap mengalir diakhir minggu ketika dia sedang menikmati banyak permainan, semakin banyak air yang mengalir ke desa maka semakin banyak pula uang yang akan mengalir dikantong Pablo.
Pablo yang tadinya terkenal denga julukan Pablo si Manusia Saluran Pipa, kini menjadi lebih terkenal dengan sebutan Pablo si Manusia Ajaib. Saluran pipa yang dibuat Pablo ternyata membuat Bruno kehilangan pekerjaannya. Orang di desa tidak lagi membeli air dari Bruno, mendengar keadaan tersebut Pablo sangat prihatin dengan nasib sahabatnya dan berniat ingin membantu Bruno, namun Bruno sudah sulit merubah pandangan hidupnya. Bagi Bruno, mencari uang berarti memikul ember. Sejak kecil sewaktu masih sekolah dia sudah diajarkan cara mencari uang dengan mengangkut ember, akibatnya cara alternatif memindahkan air dengan membangun saluran pipa tidak pernah ada dalam pikirannya.
Siapakah kita…? Pablo Atau Bruno…?
Seorang pembawa ember? Ataukah seorang pembangun saluran pipa? Apakah anda hanya mendapatkan uang, upah, gaji atau apapun namanya hanya dengan datang ketempat kerja dan bekerja seperti yang dilakukan Bruno si Pengangkut ember? Ataukah anda tengah merencanakan rencana yang lebih besar yang bisa menjamin masa depan anda jauh lebih baik lagi seperti yang dilakukan oleh Pablo si manusia Pipa?
Belajar Forex sama seperti apa yang tengah dilakukan oleh Pablo, agar anda tidak “mengangkut ember” terus menerus selama hidup anda. Namun ketahuilah bahwa tidak ada satupun di dunia yang serba instan, semua pasti membutuhkan WAKTU dalam berproses. Hanya kesabaran, ketekunan dan komitmen yang tinggi saja yang dapat menyelesaikan pipa terakhir, hingga mengalirlah uang dari Pasar Forex ke kantong-kantong anda melalui saluran pipa yang sudah anda bangun selama ini. Semoga Sukses!
Nilai dolar dapat diukur dengan nilai tukar, surat utang dan jumlah dolar yang dipegang oleh negara-negara asing. Ketiga pengukuran biasanya berada di sinkron satu sama lain. Tidak peduli bagaimana Anda mengukurnya, dolar kehilangan nilai dalam jangka panjang.
Berikut ini alasannya: Utang AS adalah lebih dari $ 14 triliun. Pemegang Negeri utang ini prihatin bahwa AS akan membiarkan penurunan nilai dolar sehingga nilai relatif dari utang berkurang. Utang besar bisa memaksa AS untuk menaikkan pajak agar dapat melunasinya, yang akan memperlambat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Seperti lebih banyak negara yang bergabung atau berdagang dengan Uni Eropa, maka permintaan akan meningkat terhadap mata uang euro.
Investor asing melakukan diversifikasi portofolio mereka dengan non-dolar aset denominasi. Karena dolar kehilangan nilai, maka investor cenderung untuk memegang aset dalam dolar saat mereka menunggu penurunan berhenti. Dolar AS paling mudah diukur dengan nilai tukarnya, yang membandingkan nilainya ke mata uang lainnya. Nilai Tukar mata uanglah yang memungkinkan bagi Anda untuk menentukan berapa banyak dari satu mata uang yang dapat ditukar dengan yang lain. Currency Exchange berubah setiap hari karena mata uang yang diperdagangkan di pasar valuta asing, yang dikenal sebagai forex. Nilai Mata uang di pasar forex tergantung pada banyak faktor, termasuk suku bunga Bank Sentral, tingkat utang negara, dan kekuatan ekonominya. Kebanyakan negara membiarkan mata uang mereka ditentukan oleh pasar forex. Hal ini dikenal sebagai nilai tukar yang fleksibel.
Nilai Dolar Dibandingkan dengan Euro:
2011 – nilai dollar terhadap euro turun 10%, tanah kemudian kembali. Pada Oktober 7, 2011, euro berada senilai $ 1.35.
2010 – Krisis utang Uni Eropa menguat dolar. Sampai akhir tahun, euro hanya bernilai $ 1,32.
2009 & # 8211; Dollar jatuh berkat 20% menjadi kekhawatiran utang. Pada Desember, euro bernilai $ 1,43.
2008 – Dolar menguat 22% sebagai bisnis ditimbun dolar selama krisis kredit. Sampai akhir tahun, euro bernilai $ 1,39.
2002-2007 – Dolar jatuh 40% sebagai hutang AS tumbuh 60%. Pada tahun 2002, euro berada senilai $ 0,87 vs $ 1,44 pada Desember 2007.
Nilai Dollar yang Diukur dengan Catatan Keuangan:
Nilai dolar biasanya sinkron dengan permintaan catatan Keuangan AS. Departemen Keuangan menjual catatan untuk tingkat bunga tetap dan nilai nominal. Investor mengajukan tawaran pada lelang Treasury untuk lebih atau kurang dari nilai nominal, dan dapat menjual kembali mereka pada pasar sekunder. Permintaan tinggi berarti investor membayar lebih dari nilai nominal, dan menerima hasil yang lebih rendah. Permintaan rendah berarti investor membayar kurang dari nilai nominal dan menerima hasil yang lebih tinggi. Itu sebabnya hasil yang tinggi berarti permintaan dolar rendah – sampai hasil berjalan cukup tinggi untuk memicu permintaan dolar baru.
2011 – Di sini sekali lagi, karena dolar melemah pada bulan April, namun rebound pada bulan Oktober. Hasil 10 tahun catatan Treasury adalah 3,36% pada Januari, naik menjadi 3,75% pada Februari, lalu turun menjadi 2,24% pada bulan Oktober. (Ingat, hasil yang tinggi mengimbangi nilai dolar yang rendah.)
2010 – Dolar menguat, karena imbal hasil turun dari 3,85% menjadi 2,41% (1 Januari-10 Oktober). Hal ini kemudian melemah karena kekhawatiran inflasi dari QE2 strategi The Fed. 2009 & # 8211; Dollar jatuh sebagai hasil meningkat dari 2,15% menjadi 3,28%. 2008 – Hasil panen turun dari 3,57% menjadi 2,93% (April 2008-Maret 2009), karena dolar naik. Sebelum April 2008, imbal hasil tinggal di berbagai 3,91% -4,23%, menunjukkan permintaan dolar stabil sebagai mata uang dunia.
Nilai dolar, apakah diukur dengan nilai tukar atau hasil Treasury, dirusak oleh utang US $ 14 triliun. Selama krisis keuangan tahun 2008, investor menginginkan investasi yang aman, yang diperkuat oleh dolar. Ketika kepercayaan global yang dijemput, maka dolar kembali mengalami tren penurunan dan Treasury yields naik selama pemerintah Federal melelang catatan lagi untuk mendanai utang. Rencana QE2 Fed akan melakukan “sopped” beberapa dari itu, dengan mendapatkan penghasilan dari utang. Namun, krisis utang Yunani dan perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada tahun 2011 diperkuat dolar karena investor kembali terbang ke tempat yang aman.
Nilai Dolar sebagai Diukur dengan Cadangan mata uang asing:
Dolar dipegang oleh pemerintah asing yang memiliki kelebihan dolar, yang mereka simpan dalam cadangan mata uang asing. Selisih tersebut terjadi ketika negara-negara, seperti Jepang dan China, mengekspor lebih dari yang mereka impor. Saat terjadi penurunan dolar, maka otomatis nilai cadangan mereka juga menurun. Akibatnya, mereka kurang bersedia untuk mengadakan dolar sebagai cadangan. Mereka melakukan diversifikasi ke mata uang lainnya, seperti euro atau bahkan yuan China. Hal ini akan mengurangi permintaan untuk dolar, sehingga sekaligus menempatkan tekanan lebih dalam dibawah nilainya. Beberapa ahli khawatir bahwa 2011 earthquakewill Jepang memaksa untuk menjual dolar cadangannya, yang dimiliki sebagai obligasi, untuk membayar untuk rekonstruksi dari bencana.
Pada Q2 2011 (laporan terakhir), terjadi sebuah rekor dimana $ 3,28 triliun cadangan pemerintah asing ditempatkan di dolar. Hal ini merupakan 60% dari cadangan terukur total, turun dari Q3 2008, ketika dolar terdiri 67% dari cadangan. Karena persentase dolar secara perlahan menurun, hal ini berarti ada suatu negara yang secara perlahan menggerakkan cadangan mata uang mereka dari dolar. Bahkan, nilai euro yang dicadangkan meningkat dari $ 393.000.000.000 untuk $ 1450000000000 selama periode waktu yang sama. Meskipun meningkat pesat, namun masih kurang dari setengah jumlah yang ada di dolar.
Bagaimana Nilai Dollar Mempengaruhi Ekonomi AS?
Ketika terjadi penurunan dolar, hal ini membuat AS memproduksi barang yang lebih murah dan lebih kompetitif jika dibandingkan dengan barang-barang produksi asing. Hal ini membantu meningkatkan ekspor AS serta meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun juga menyebabkan harga minyak lebih tinggi di musim panas, karena minyak dihargai dalam dolar. Setiap kali terjadi penurunan dolar maka minyak negara produsen menaikkan harga minyak mereka untuk mempertahankan margin keuntungan dalam mata uang lokal mereka.
Sebagai contoh, dolar bernilai 3,75 riyal Saudi. Katakanlah barel minyak bernilai $ 100, yang membuatnya bernilai 375 riyal Saudi. Jika dolar turun 20% terhadap euro, dua hal terjadi. Pertama, nilai satu barel minyak telah menurun 20% ke Saudi. Kedua, nilai riyal, yang tetap terhadap dolar, juga menurun 20% terhadap euro. Untuk membeli kue-kue Perancis, Saudi sekarang harus membayar lebih dari yang mereka lakukan sebelumnya dolar turun. Untuk menghindari hal ini, Saudi menaikkan harga minyak, yang mereka lakukan dengan mengancam untuk membatasi pasokan. Kita akan menyadari hal ini sewaktu kita membayar lebih untuk gas setiap minggu. Jika anda mencari tahu lebih banyak tentang cara ini maka hal ini akan mempengaruhi Anda dalam mengukur Nilai Uang (Trading Psikologis).
Sementara itu jika hutang AS tumbuh maka beratnya akan dirasakan dibagian belakang kepala para investor asing. Itulah sebabnya mereka dapat terus secara bertahap berpindah dari investasi mata uang dolar secara perlahan-lahan, sehingga tidak mengurangi nilai kepemilikan yang ada. Perlindungan terbaik untuk investor individu adalah portofolio yang terdiversifikasi dengan baik yang meliputi reksa dana asing.
Nilai Dollar Selama Waktu
Nilai dolar juga dapat dibandingkan dengan apa yang dibeli di Amerika Serikat pada masa lalu. Membuat beberapa perbandingan dengan masa lalu kedalam Nilai Dolar hari ini. Artinya apa? Warga Amerika tidak akan pernah jatuh miskin walaupun hutang mereka semakin membengkak. Mengapa? Hutang mereka adalah hutang Produktif bukannya Hutang Konsumtif. Maksudnya bagaimana? Begini saja gampangnya: Ketika kita dapat pinjaman entah dari bank atau darimanapun untuk membeli mobil, barang2 elektronik, berbelanja dsb, maka itulah yang disebut dengan Hutang Konsumtif. Sementara jika Uang hasil Hutangan kita tadi dipergunakan untuk membuka usaha dan berinvestasi, maka itulah yang disebut Hutang Produktif. Nah, bagaimana dengan kita?
Written By jaenal nurohman on Jumat, 08 Juni 2012 | 17.00
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NFA Forced Out IBFX from Retail FX Market. By Johan on Wednesday, The U. S. commodity Futures mercantilism Commission recently issued AN order filing; Florida-based, erstwhile referred to as TradeStation Forex, IBFX fined $1 Million by the artifact Futures mercantilism Commission (CFTC). The U. S. National Futures Association (NFA) declared NFA Forced Out IBFX from Retail FX […]
MTI Markets Broker 30% Forex Deposit Bonuses. MTI Markets Broker 30% Forex Deposit Bonuses. MTI Markets provides consistent and stable prices, the acquisition of more than 100 of the world’s leading banks and many alternative market makers, providing a particular source of liquidity and the direct environment ECN our merchants. Offer: 30% welcome bonus Forex […]
Tickmill Over 20 billion usd trade volume. By Johan on Wednesday. Tickmill is the new way of trading with extremely low market spreads, no requotes, STP and DMA, absolute transparency and the latest trading technology. Recently they announce tickmill Over 20 billion usd trade volume. Tickmill wants to thank all them loyal traders for trusting […]
100% First Forex Deposit Bonus FIBO Group Broker. Participants in the bonus program are the customers of FIBO Group, Ltd (BVI) who have opened an account fixed МТ4 operations with leverage up to 1: 200 and funded with the minimum amount of $ 300 or its equivalent in another currency. 100% First Forex Deposit Bonus […]
FXOptimax Broker 50% Welcome Bonus Forex. FXOptimax provides up to 50% bonus for each deposit of MT4. FXOptimax Broker 50% Welcome Bonus Forex. Learn how the bonus works in the next section and grab it now! Please claim the bonus wisely based on your trading style, larger bonus will require a greater volume of trade […]
Forex Fog
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Alpari pending changes five currency pairs. By Johan on Thursday, Alpari limited retail Forex broker has declared Alpari pending changes five currency pairs to its providing, you may see 5 currency pairs off from the alignment of economic instruments. it will extract 5 currency pairs from its providing AUD/SGD, CHF/SGD, HKD/JPY, SGD/JPY, and USD/HKD. As […]
Lider Forex Broker Forex Bonus Deposit. Lider Forex as a leader in innovation bring a new concept to support its operators to make the most of clients investment. Lider Forex Broker Forex Bonus Deposit. Now, with the best cre dit bonds, the Lider Forex customers are getting the chance to enter the world of capital […]
FXCM Asia to rebrand as Rakuten Securities HK in April. By Johan on Thursday, FXCM Asia Limited (“FXCM Asia”), a number one online provider of exchange trading in Hong Kong. FXCM Asia, at one time a locality of FXCM INC (NYSE: FXCM) and presently a completely owned subsidiary of Rakuten Securities, recently announces FXCM Asia […]
NFA Forced Out IBFX from Retail FX Market. By Johan on Wednesday, The U. S. commodity Futures mercantilism Commission recently issued AN order filing; Florida-based, erstwhile referred to as TradeStation Forex, IBFX fined $1 Million by the artifact Futures mercantilism Commission (CFTC). The U. S. National Futures Association (NFA) declared NFA Forced Out IBFX from Retail FX […]
MTI Markets Broker 30% Forex Deposit Bonuses. MTI Markets Broker 30% Forex Deposit Bonuses. MTI Markets provides consistent and stable prices, the acquisition of more than 100 of the world’s leading banks and many alternative market makers, providing a particular source of liquidity and the direct environment ECN our merchants. Offer: 30% welcome bonus Forex […]
Tickmill Over 20 billion usd trade volume. By Johan on Wednesday. Tickmill is the new way of trading with extremely low market spreads, no requotes, STP and DMA, absolute transparency and the latest trading technology. Recently they announce tickmill Over 20 billion usd trade volume. Tickmill wants to thank all them loyal traders for trusting […]
100% First Forex Deposit Bonus FIBO Group Broker. Participants in the bonus program are the customers of FIBO Group, Ltd (BVI) who have opened an account fixed МТ4 operations with leverage up to 1: 200 and funded with the minimum amount of $ 300 or its equivalent in another currency. 100% First Forex Deposit Bonus […]
FXOptimax Broker 50% Welcome Bonus Forex. FXOptimax provides up to 50% bonus for each deposit of MT4. FXOptimax Broker 50% Welcome Bonus Forex. Learn how the bonus works in the next section and grab it now! Please claim the bonus wisely based on your trading style, larger bonus will require a greater volume of trade […]
Forex Trading Marketing
Normally the Forex trading Software uses the combination of technical signals and applying logic rules to simulate the exchange process with the help of Historical data. These kinds of software are helpful in reducing time that is taken by manually applying the statistical calculations.
Some of the software allows a trader to gain and improve trading skills without the risk of money. The manual process takes very much time to train i. e. in many days to weeks whereas these software help to reduce time by solving the problem within hours.
The Forex trading tool may help in various ways which are as follows:
Some of them have graphical analysis or drawing tools which can help to understand the testing strategies depending on technical analysis. Some of the most popular technical studies of these tools are Fibonacci Fan, arcs, retracement, etc.
Some of the Forex trading tools are:
There are many other Forex Trading tools. But there should be some selection criteria for each. The 3 basic criteria are: First Type of software i. e. a person can select between web-based and server based software. The server based requires various installations whereas the web-based is stored on the web site. Second is reliability i. e. to provide instant access of the system software as well as results. Thirdly Personal needs i. e. some of them needs charts, some of them doesn’t, some of them must have stored strategies
Enclosed we are going to give you a simple tip that many forex traders ignore in their pursuit of profits but if you learn it, you will increase your profit potential and enjoy greater currency trading success.
If you want bigger forex profits now then read on.
If you have a forex trading strategy it should have one aim and one aim only -
Making bottom line profits
To do this you need to get catch and hold the big currency trends that offer you the big profits and have the odds heavily in your favour when you enter them - and they don't come around often.
These trades only come around a few times a year in each currency, so the rule is:
Cut down your trading and bet big on the trades that offer you the most favourable odds.
Where Most Traders Go Wrong!
They make two major errors which are:
1. They equate frequency of trading with profits. 2. They never bet enough to win meaningful amounts or get stopped out to soon before the trade has run its course.
In forex trading you don't get your reward for how often you trade you get your reward for being right with your trading signals - nothing else.
Forget day trading it doesn't work and never will - neither will trying to be in the market all the time. In conclusion be highly selective in your trading.
Also, if you do what most traders do and risk small amounts 2 - 10% of your equity you won't have high risk but you won't make much either.
Focus on trading off support and resistance levels that are considered valid by the market - if they break chances are the trend will continue.
Most of the big moves in currency trading, that offer the best risk reward occur from new Market highs - NOT Market lows, so forget trying to buy dips.
If you don't like taking risks don't trade currencies most traders try so hard to avoid risk they create it and guarantee that they will lose.
Don't place stops to close and trail them SLOWLY - make sure you keep them back behind the market noise and are not stopped out by normal market pullbacks.
If you can't take dips in open equity, you will never enjoy currency trading success - so get used to them.
Be prepared to risk up to 25% on high odds trades if trading a small account and have the courage of your conviction - if you believe in your forex trading system bet as much as you can afford to.
Trade the Odds Bet meaningful amounts and
Win big - that's the whole aim of the above tips.
You can use the above tips and make triple digit gains - by trading just a FEW times a year!
You may say, that's not the advice I normally see or it's not the norm but personally I wouldn't worry too much about as:
95% of traders lose and follow conventional advice - the above may not be conventional but if you're a trader who simply wants to make money, you will understand why it can lead you to currency trading success.
Trading is always unpredictable, so it's really not surprising why in some cases unconventional moves are more ideal. If you're just looking to manage budget, yes you can follow traditional tips from Love Money. but trading is much more complicated than personal finance.
Good luck and good trading
Forex, or Foreign Exchange (or FX The global foregin exchange ) market is the biggest market in the world. The Forex market is the simultaneous exchange of one country's currency for that of another. Traders in the Forex market wish to purchase or sell one country's currency for another country's currency with the hope of making a profit when the value of the currencies changes in favor of the Trader, whether from demand and supply imbalance or market news or events that take place in the world.
The Forex or the foreign exchange market is the market where exchange rates are determined. Exchange rates are the mechanisms by which world currencies are tied together in the global market place, providing the price of one currency in terms of another.
For example the US dollar/Euro exchange rate is the price of a Euro expressed in US dollars. IF it is expressed as 1. 18 USD/Euro it indicates that the exchange rate was 1.18 US dollars per Euro.
An exchange rate is just a price. The price of a KG sugar in our country is expressed as Indian Rs.22, or 22 INR/sugar using the above exchange rate market notation. When we price exchange rates, the denominator refers specifically to one unit of a currency.
Like in any other market, demand and supply determine the price of a currency. Atany point in time, in agiven country, the exchange rate is determined by the interaction of the demand for foreign currency and the corresponding supply of foreign currency. Thus the exchange rate is an equilibrium price determined by supply and demand considerations.
The Forex market is open 24 hours a days a week. Trading begins in New Zeland, followed by Australia, Asia, the middle east, Europe and America. The Forex market is the largest market in the world. The average daily turnover of the Forex market is around $1.9 trillion. (1.9 trillion US dollars). This is equivalent to more than 10 times the average daily turnover of global equity markets, 40 times the average daily turnover of the New York Stock Exchange, and if distributed it accounts to $300 aday for every man, woman, and child on earth! The spot market accounts for about one third of daily turnover.
The major Forex markets are London, New York and Tokyo. The US & UK account for more than 50% of turnover. Trading activity is heaviest when major markets overlap. In Forex market, an estimated 95% of transactions are speculative and more than 40% trades last less than two days. The US dollar is involved in approximately 90% of all foreign exchange transactions, equivalent to over $1.9 trillion a day. Euroaccounts for almost 37%, japanese Yen for nearly 20%, British pound for 17%, franc for 6% and Australian Dollar for 5.5%. Because two currencies are involved in each transaction, the sum of the percentage share of individual currencies totals 200% instead of 100%.
There are many reasons for the popularity of foreign exchange trading, but among the most important are, the high liquidity 24 hours a day and the very low dealing costs associated with trading. The market is so large that a handful of players can never influence its outcome.
The foreign exchange market is the generic term for the world wide institutions that exist to exchange or trade the currencies of different countries. It is loosely organized in two tiers. The wholesale tier and the retail tier.
The wholesale tier is an informal, geographically dispersed, network of about 1200 banks and currency brokerage firms that deal with each other and with large corporations. The retail tier is where the small agents buy and sell foreign exchange.
The foreign exchange market is open 24 hours a day, split over three time zones. computer screens continuosly show exchange rate prices. A trader enters aprice for the USD/CHF exchange rate on his machine and can then receive messages from any where in the world from people willing to meet that price. It does not matter to him whether the counter parties are sitting in london, mumbai or in New York.
The 24 hour inter-bank literally follows the sun around the world, moving from major banking centers of the United States to Australia, New Zealand to the Far East, to Europe then back to the United States.
The Foreign Exchange market has no physical venue where traders meet to deal in currencies. When the financial press and economic text books talk about the foreign exchange market they refer to wholesale tier.
The plays in the foreign exchange market are speculators, corporations, commercial banks, currency brokers and central banks. corporations enter into the market primarily as hedgers. However corporations might also speculate. Central Banks tend to be speculators, that is, they enter into the market without covering their positions. Commecial banks and currency brokers primarilyact as intermadiaries. However, at different times, they might be also speculators, arbitrageurs and hedgers. All the parties in the foreign exchange market communicate through traders or dealers.
Commercial banks account for the largest proportion of total trading volume. In 1995,the BIS reported that 89 percent of all foreihn exchange trading was either inter-bank (74%)or between banks and financial institutions including investment houses and securities firms (15%). Only 11% of the trading was done between banks and corporations. The high volume of inter-bank trading is partially explained by the geographically ispersed nature of the market and the price discovering process.
Until the late 1990's large financial institutions dominated the forex market. Over the last several years the market has witnessed adramatic evolution, with mdependent firms offering direct access to the forex market via internet-enabled trading platforms. savvy individual investors are now tapping into the forex market's significant profit potential, with access to the same pricing, market data and tools used by institutions, hedge funds and professional traders.
The explosion in the participations of retail segment in the forex market can be attributed primarily to the accessibility and affordability of enabling technologies and equipments. with the cost of personal computers and internet accessibility crashing over the years, several established broker-dealer firms across the globe were able to offer forex Trading to their retail clients after building in required leverages.
The popularity of this investment avenue, attractted many new firms to offer these services to a larger population across the globe. theregulatory bodies like National futures Association and CFTC in USA, and FSA in UK contributed their bit by keeping the industry minimally regulated and hence the growth of this fairly new investment avenue for retail investors.
Today, there are several global broken dealers registered with regulatory bodies in different cuntries offering Retail Forex Trade to a clientele which is generally spread across 100to 110countries!
The Forex market is an over-the-counter market with no centralized exchange. Traders have a choice between firms that offer trade - clearing service. Unlike many major equities and futures markets, the structure of the Forex market is highly decentralized. In other words, there is no central location where trades occur.
In the Forex market there are multiple dealers mhose business is to unite buyers and sellers. Each dealer has the ability and the authority to execute trades independent of each other. This structure is inherently competitive as traders are faced with achoice between a variety of firms with an equal ability to execute their trades. The firm that offers the best services and execution will capitalize on this market efficiency by attracting more traders.
As aretail investor you need to become client of some registered broking entity offering spot forex trading. Majority of the entities offering Forex trading facilities to their clients are either registered with National Futures Association, and CFTCin USA, FSA in UK, or other applicable regulatory bodies. (you should be very careful in selecting a broking company for forex trading. The companies that are not regulated by any federal agency are fly-night kind. your interest is best protected with regulated entities). The regulations governing Spot Forex Trading are generally not excessive or rigid.
The above regulated entities usually tie up with some reputed financial services firms to expand their business across physical boundaries. These tie ups enable them to service thir clients in a cost effective and timely manner. Almost all the briker-dealers have some minimum criteria specified under the applicable regulations that an applicant needs to folfill before he/she is allowed to become a full fledged client. these criteria may be related to the applicant's previous trading experience, net worth, risk capital, education etc., An approved client is allowed to trade only after he/she remits the minimum margin amount required to make the account active. these minimum amounts should not be confused with minimum deposits. Most of the market players offer ''zero-minimum balance'' accounts. What ever you remit, is all tradable i. e. you can use all the transferred moneys to place trades.
On successful opening of Forex account, aclient can place trades either through a Trading plat form or through a ''call and trade center'' set up the service provider.
A forex trading plat form looks similar to an equity trading platform, only, it's much simpler to place trades. placing atrade usually is a three click business on most avilable trading platform. Several add-on features like charting, news and analysis is provided on the trading platform itself to aid the clients in taking informed trading decisions.
Whrn you choose to place your trade through the call-and-trad center, your identity is verified and the Forex dealer places the desired trade on your behalf, using his login I. D. and pass word. To maintain additional security and possible dispute resolution your telephonic conversation is recorded.
In Forex trading margin can be understood as collateral against an open position. It is the amont that is bloked from your existing trading equity when you place a trade. Different broker-dealers offer different margin requirements to their clients. Generally, margin requirement may vary from 0.5% to5%. i. e. clients may be allowed to take a position of US dollars 10,000 by committing some where between US dollars 50to 500.
For examole, imagine that you have remitted US dollars 1000 to your Forex Trading account as the fist step to start trading and your service provider offers you a margin requirement of 1%. You may want yo take a position of USD 10,000 by buying 10,000 USD/JPY at the market rate. For the above position 1% value of the total trade would be locked from your total account equity. The total value of the above trade is US dollars 10,000. So US dollars 100 would be locked from your total account equity of US dollars 1000. Hence, after the trade, you will have US dollars 900 (1000-100) is available in your account to take additional position.
So effectively, a margin of US dollars 100 allows you to trade value worth US dollars 10,000. this translates into a leverage hundred times.
Almost all trading platform allow their clients to view their account valuuation, account equity and margin requirements on a live basis.
Margin Trading enables a trader to leverage his position and trade considerably higher values than they would have done without leverage. But this is not without inherent risks. Margin trading gears up profit as magnifier losses. Hence a Trader should be disciplined while placing trades in Forex Market using Margin facility.
MARGIN CALLS:In case of running losses in their open position, a trader's account equity may fall below the margin requirement for the said position. In such a case, the trading system generates margin calls to be sent electronically to the trader so that he/she may top up the account by remitting additional funds.
Margin calls will be sent to traders if their account equity drops down to a level where the required margin is exactly equal to the account equity. A margin call would be generated as soon as Margin Required>Account Equity. The frequency of the margin calls vary from one service provider to another.
ORDER FUNTION: Order funtions provides traders with the ability to ''Auto Excute'' traders ''pre-specified'' price levels. Orders may be put to use forexecuting atrade, limiting down-side, booking profit when a particular price is reached, and so on. With the underlying tacnology getting more efficient day by day, trading platforms around the globe are providing their clients with aslew of ''order-choices''. Out of them the most relevant to retail traders are:
MARKET ORDERS: A market order is an order to buy or sell at the current market price. Traders can click on the buy or sell button after having specified their deal size. the execution of the order is intantaneous. This means that the price seen at the exact time of the click will be given to the trader. Placing amarket order by phone is quite similar but usually takes a few seconds more time.
ENTRYORDERS: Entry order constitute of pre-specified price and duration-essestially used to initiate a fresh position when the currency-pair reaches at acertain level.
Traders usually use entry orders when Tecnical analysis suggests srong support or resistance at certain price levels. for example, a trader might want to go long in a falling EUR/USD market when the rates have touched bottom/near bottom. In this case, the trader may place entry order to buy close to the suggested support level.
LIMIT ORDERS/TAKE PROFIT ORDERS: A limit order is an order placed to buy or sellatacertain price. The order essestially contains two variable, price and duration. The trader specifies the price at which he wishes to buy/sell acertain currency pair and also specifies the duration over which the order should remain active. The specified duration time of the next trading day. When limit orders are used to book profit on an exiting position they are called ''Take profit Order'.
GTC (Good till cancelled): A GTC order remains active in the market untill the trader decides to cancel it. The dealer will not cancel the order at any time therefore it is the traders responsible to remember that he possesses the order.
GFD (G ood for the day): A GFD order remains active in the market until the end of the trading day. Since forgin exchange is an ongoing market the end of day must be a set hour.
STOP ORDERS/STOP LOSS ORDERS: A stop order is also an order placed to buy or sell at a certain price. The order contains the same three variables, price, amount and duration. The main difference between a limit order and a stop order is that stop orders are usually used to limit loss potantial on a transaction whilst limit orders are used to enter the market, add to a pre - existing position and profit taking. A stop loss order can be either GTC or GFD.
OCO( Order cancels other) ORDER: An OCO order is a mixture of both limit and stop orders. Two orders with identical amount and duration but different target prices (one take profit and/or one stop loss) are placed above and below the current traded price. When one of the orders is executed the other order is automatically cnacelled. OCOs are usually placed when the trader expects that currency movement may take either direction up or down, and he wishes to book profit at a certain level, while covering his possible downside.
1. A trader specifies the currency pair and the deal size to the dealer.
2. The dealer gives a two way price (BID and ASK price
3. The customer his the dealer on Either the BIDor the OFFER. (He may ask for a re-quote).
4. The dealer confirms the trade. Under normal market conditions, dealers usually respond to market orders in about 5 to 10 seconds at most. Assuming the trader deals immediatly on the offered prices a phone deal can be made in 10 to 15 seconds on average.
You should be aware that it is a correct market practice for institutions to quote two way prices to a trader who wishes to trade. A firm that dose not do so is almost certainly taking advantage of their customer's ignorance as far trading procedures are concerned.
I posted a basic system before with a chart of GbpUsd. Now I am going to use the same system and post the same pairs again.
Now GbpUsd has cross above LWMA55 and Macd has cross also. This is a new signal. So from now on only consider long position on GbpUsd. Btw anyone notice the price on this chart with the one i posted earlier?
Someone posted trade details. It seems the way I am trading will make me go bankrupt. All I can say is you dont have the idea what Forex is. Maybe I may not know how to handle the current market but my demo account has no drawdown. Maybe its coz im lucky. I just dont know.
I have stop trading the demo on marketiva. For $30 for the monthly winner. It is just a waste of time (Now I am going to reverse trade it). Instead I go for Instaforex forex sniper. Prize money is $1500 for weekly winner. Check out the banner on top.
President Buhari’s Interview with Al Jazeera is a MUST WATCH! Talks ForEx for Nigerian Students Abroad, Biafra, Boko Haram & Más
President Muhammadu Buhari recently sat with Martine Dennis of Al Jazeera in Qatar for an in-depth interview.
The journalist was up-to-date on the Nigerian economy and politics, and asked him the burning questions affecting everyday Nigerians.
On Falling Oil Prices “We were unable to diversify our economy, hence we are much more disadvantaged by the lower oil prices.”
Nigeria in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) “Nigeria will make the necessary sacrifice to remain in OPEC.”
On Biafra “At least two millions Nigerians were killed in the Biafra war. And for somebody to wake up maybe they weren’t born. Looking for Biafra after two millions people were killed, they are joking with the security and Nigeria won’t tolerate Biafra.”
Devaluing the Naira Nigeria “virtually imports everything, from rice to toothpicks”, it cannot afford to devalue its currency.
“If it is against our national interest, why can’t we go against the IMF advice?”
ForEx for Nigerian Students Schooling Abroad (from the 9 minute mark) Martine: “What about those who are slightly more privileged like yourself? You’ve got children studying abroad. There are parents in Nigeria with kids in universities and schools abroad, who are now facing the possibility of having to pull their kids out. They can actually no longer afford to pay for school fees?”
Buhari: “If the country cannot afford it, so be it.”
Martine: “But your children will continue their studies, no doubt?”
Buhari: “Those who can afford it, can still afford it. But for those who can’t, Nigeria cannot afford to allocate foreign exchange for those who decided to train their children outside the country. We can’t just afford it.”
Martine: “So it’s tough luck.”
Buhari: “Well, that’s the true situation we are in.”
On Boko Haram Al Jazeera reports, “Buhari’s election campaign rode on pledges to root out corruption and quash the armed group Boko Haram. Yet, Boko Haram remains active in many areas of Nigeria, seemingly able to strike at will.
He explains why he believes the security of his country is best served by being part of the Saudi-led Islamic anti-terrorism coalition announced in December 2015.”
About BellaNaija. com
ElessarisElendil March 7, 2016 at 1:15 am
Hilarious, you think your vote counts? The people that count are that 70% living below $1 a day that we will go twitter to mock for collecting bags of rice during election season. Do not vote for an independent candidate that can afford to compete, at least we know the source of the two majors money.
The only solution is more people joining the major parties, reforming the parties themselves.
Zee March 6, 2016 at 3:28 pm
Why isn’t he granting interviews to Nigerian journalists? This is disturbing! I would like to see him on Rubbing Minds..On Channels TV. I would love to see him being interviewed by a tough Nigerian journalist. Unfortunately, it’s as if the popular ones are not politically serious. We are not serious in this country. We don’t even take ourselves seriously. Kai! Our TV stations need to step up! I look forward to that day when western presidents will be interviewed on Nigerian airwaves, and it will mean something!
Baba just keeps globe trotting. Buying favor with the rest of the world but his own people! A good Nigerian would have handled this interview better!
Nakoms March 6, 2016 at 4:10 pm
Okay so he should provide scarce hard currencies to Nigerians who by choice must send their children to school. Tomorrow you will open your mouth to say I am a self made man or woman and bad mouth this country to no end.
The sad fact is the nations sole means of survival is selling dirt cheap in the market. Some things just have to give. It’s not only affecting the importation of education it’s affecting the importation of everything. Yes O everything, from tooth pick to tissue paper. From imported water (yes, in case you don’t know we do import water) to tomatoes.
I am an importer but instead of badmouthing my dear country I have redirected my energies to local food processing and livestock production and from what I have seen so far in the course of these new ventures, “the Land is green” literally and figuratively.
I know the past times of BN commenters is to rubbish my dear country but remember it is this same country you run to when Donald Trump and his Fascist minions run you out of town.
In my various travels I have seen how hardworking Nigerians outside the country are and it never ceases to amaze me if they realize they can make so much more here if they apply that same level of dedication here. Don’t give me that “there are no opportunities in Naija”; look beyond the obvious. Nigeria does not start and end in Lagos there are opportunities in the hinterlands. Where ever things are not working there will you find boundless opportunities to do good and make money at the same time.
So nwanna stop putting my country down and get real do some real work. Naija for life.
Tolani March 6, 2016 at 6:21 pm
Great points! But it’s unfortunate that most Nigerian parents have resulted to sending their children abroad. It’s not anyone’s fault the tertiary education system is below par. Everyone wants the best and to be competitive and so even “iya basiras” hustle hard and have their kids going to schools abroad. If uncle Buhari wants to lead by example, he should start by sending his children to institutions in Nigeria and encourage Nigerians to stay within the country. The majority of the people in politics have kids abroad and probably only use imported goods. You can’t be telling the populace to do something when you’re not doing it yourself! 2019 is coming sha. And if he thinks he’s getting re-elected, he’s actually jonzing. 😒😪
Pretty girl March 6, 2016 at 9:47 pm
just bored March 7, 2016 at 9:15 am
i so love your comment. True Nigerian. Most Nigerians commenting are sentimental. The question we need to ask is – How many Nigerians schooling abroad can their parents really afford it? If some of these parents didn’t steal OUR money, they wont have kids abroad. Please dont ask how i know because i live in the UK and i know a lot of civil servants with children (note my plural) schooling in very expensive schools. So why should the nation subsidize your fees by selling dollars cheap? Perhaps we should all direct our energies towards asking the government to improve our education.. For the guys saying Buhari isn’t doing well…The man inherited a very bad economy.
debby dibs March 6, 2016 at 4:12 pm
If GEJ were here, a) BH might still be an issue (as it still is now. Building our capacity for military intelligence will take time irrespective for who is CIC and the networks between BH and ISIL make this battle complicated); b) Our economic response to the crude oil price fall would have been more robust – our minister would have a clear roadmap and the corruption enabled by the difference in parallel and official forex markets would have been eliminated; c) we would not selectively ban imports in ways that feed into corruption – I am sure Dangote’s inputs are not banned. Its our poor Aba and Onitsha brothers that are crying under the weight of this policy; d) our budget would be reasonable – comparisons made by BudgIT show increases in allocations across the board when you compare GEJs budget to PMBs budget and for useless things – N322 million cable connection to drivers toilets for example; e) we would not be deceiving ourselves about addressing corruption (no one has been convicted under dasukigate, security votes that enabled dasukigate are STILL in the budget); f) the budget would have been passed by now and action would have started (ministers are all sitting ducks too scared to take action for fear of convictions according to Reuters. everything has to be approved by chief of staff and they cannot get meetings with PMB). All the action we see currently is backed by GEJs 2015 budget and projects he started that are ongoing/recently completed). No 2016 budget is even on the floor for debate yet. We can wait for 2019 to reach the conclusion we can reasonably reach now. We made a mistake. PMB was unprepared. Baring a miracle, he will run is into the ground like he did in 83-85…
nnenne March 7, 2016 at 3:59 am
@debby dips… You don’t have to explain anything. A look at Buhari’s ministers says it all. Those who have eyes will continue to see. Those who don’t have eyes, well…. Fore sighted people warned voters but they refused to listen. BTW, who runs most bureau de change ( black market exchange) in Nigeria? Buhari’s brothers! You wonder why there is so much margin between the banks and black market. It is called pay back, otherwise he would have scrapped the parallel market.
As for those comparing GEJ to Buhari, wait for your answer in less than four years time. In the mean time, Buhari is still ridding on GEJ’ left over ideas.
Udegbunam Chukwudi March 6, 2016 at 4:26 pm
LMAO. This man ain’t got no chill. Jaja. He’s saying the truth sha. The country is a mess right now so na to begin adjust expectations. Some of us wey dey do online masters don begin take leave of absense until we can study again at the current exchange rate.
The annoying thing sef is that more Nigerians are still applying to study overseas and will increase the burden on the small dollars wey we get so what are we saying.
Poor people don dey cry for this country since and now “rich” people are affected we wan begin act like say na today the suffer start.
Some folks including the president PROBABLY prepared for this mess so they can still afford to send their kids abroad. I can only fault the man if he’s easily accessing forex for his kids education from CBN. *we no go ever know that one sha*
chikala March 6, 2016 at 4:29 pm
I hope Mr President learns from this, it goes to show u that the world is watching u. U see how well informed the lady was…fearless with direct questions, quoting facts about our budget and all. Our naija journalists shud take a cue from that. Buhari needs to wake up, he’s still living in the military era and needs to know Nigeria is now in ‘democrazy’ so he has to step up and stop blaming every single thing on the past govt. Agreed that the past regime didn’t do well but he was well aware of the before sitting on that chair. Imagine his comment abt parents who can’t pay the fees of their kids abroad! It’s high time we make our leaders accountable or else we’ll go nowhere. May God see us thru and give us the wisdom and courage to do the right thing.
CJ March 6, 2016 at 5:22 pm
This is disappointing in some respects. How can you welcome the idea of dialogue with a murderous group like Boko Haram, and refuse to even entertain such thoughts against largely peaceful IPOB? I’m not in support of any militant group, but this reeks of bias. Again, you should not dampen expectations regarding defeating Boko Haram. Your promise was to defeat them by Dec 2015, not to reduce them to being able to attack soft targets only.
ElessarisElendil March 7, 2016 at 1:20 am
Is Boko Haram still claiming part of our territory? Tell IPOB to be sensible and change from secession to devolution then we’ll talk.
Besides all this talk of dialogue is for the human rights doves, meanwhile the army is doing the talking with bullets.
Someone Naughty March 6, 2016 at 11:15 pm
And there you have it Nigeria, the man you voted in as president.
These comments can never come as a surprise me. A man that referred to other contenders as mushroom parties; a man that clearly stated that he does not care for those who didn’t vote for him.
This man has shown his true self over and over again and we keep hoping for a good man. He is not kind, he is not considerate and he considers himself better than all other Nigerians.
I always asked what is the different thing Buhari was offering in 2015 that he did not offer all other times he ran for the presidency and lost. All I saw was a desperate man that chanced upon a desperate nation and here we are today. Nigeria, this is the change you voted for.
bess March 6, 2016 at 11:27 pm
overtly sentimental Nigerians who uses their ass to think… see where u lots v taken us….Common sense isnt common to the Nigerians who voted this man. Imagine his responses. I swear that woman had to end the interview before that man change am for am there…lol..Communication skill so zeroooooo
mabel March 7, 2016 at 12:31 am
I remember when a commenter on this same blog made a comment that rich parents should stop disturbing nigeria jor, tha they should bring their kids back home if the present rate is giving them headache. Come and see abuse from all sides both home and abroad. Both pmb and Gej supporters cyber killed the guy. Now that they have heard it from their lord and master see silence every where. Oya, oga buhari said he can afford the rate o from the salary you are paying him o. If you can’t afford the rate sharply withdraw and bring back. If it’s to do jamb, it is now 2k5. But don’t worry Nigerian schools will accept former abroad students. Country no matter. Pmb see your life.
ElessarisElendil March 7, 2016 at 1:27 am
“Those who can afford it, can still afford it. But for those who can’t,” Oshe!🙌🙌🙌🙌🙇🙇🙇
“They see me rollin They hatin”
This is the part where our intrepid opposition in the house, especially common senseTM use his words to trap him, pass a bill preventing public officials from getting allocated forex since to quote him “Nigeria cannot afford to allocate foreign exchange for those who decided to train their children outside the country. We can’t just afford it”.
This ought to be fun.
ElessarisElendil March 7, 2016 at 2:26 am
Some people tend to forget what OPEC did for us, took Oil from $20 to $34 being regarded as abnormal. I understand his loyalty.
I wonder ohh………Who voted in IMF. Same IMF told Korea not start up their steel industry.
If local entrepenuers imported their goods via a devalued currency, they would pass the costs down to the consumer who won’t be able to afford it anyways.
Eventually, high costs will drive the black markets cost down. There is only so much disposable cash in the system.
A better answer ought to have been even with a devalued currency some would not be able to afford it. Its not tone deaf, we can’t back our currency.
His point on sabotage stands though, it is well known, its what the LDP has used to hold onto power.
Baba should have read the budget sha, less than 1200 pages. Nothing dey there.
Should have been the judiciary for slowness, he’s sent the case to the court for judgement.
Bullshit, we’re part of it because you’re Sunni, everybody knows some Sauds are terrorist sponsors, should have stuck with a Nigerian led task-force.
BTW aren’t Qataris funding rebels in Libya?
How can “I change the religious identity of Nigeria”: The amount of people that believe religion can be changed by decree will shock you.
Nigerian territory is non-negotiable. Are you people insane, take a look at our geographic map. We’re all dependent on each other.
Pretty much more of the same, if you weren’t biased already he didn’t say anything untrue or mind blowing. Should not have wasted my 26 minutes.
Iseeubaby March 7, 2016 at 2:51 am
Elessaris. & # 8230; I see you, I see what your doing continue running all over people’s comments in a subtle defence of your guy, atleast you do turn up, can’t say the same for Ada Nnewi..but while we wait for the ‘intrepid journalisy and opposition especially the common sense man’ allow people wail in peace afterall it didn’t take these two to bring liberty to Ese but the voice of wiles. And yes the common sense man has been talking, what have u done with his speech as he recently spoke about the government importing grass.
Iseeubaby March 7, 2016 at 2:52 am
*voice of wailers
ElessarisElendil March 7, 2016 at 4:02 am
Ehm, I see you too. On the contrary, I not defending anybody, merely having fun. I think I’ve been fair and balanced. As my general comments on political issues ought to show, I’m not a democrat, so unlike most here I’m not emotionally invested in the process.
If you feel I haven’t been fair or made a comment you think is wrong, indicate and I’ll defend my position. Still doesn’t change the facts.
1. The global economy generally is in a downturn, OPEC is keeping prices low to drive out shale producers. So the main question here is, what happened to our reserves. The Sauds built a new country from the desert, they’re not complaining, ditto the Qataris etc. So where is our own, do you see a sparkling country I’m not seeing. That question only leads in one direction and its not PMB.
2. His comments on forex allocations is a trap that can used against him by the house by removing him from official rates allocation, if he can afford black market rates, begrudging him that does no good.
3. I think IPOB and Boko Haram are both traitors, sorry. I believe they’re both cut from the same cloth of short-sighted reactionary idiots that simply refuse to stop haunting Africa.
4. Leaving OPEC won’t solve anything.
5. Education is an investment game, it makes no sense to blame solely government. When the schools were good, certain people went there, benefited and became successful, rather than doing what alumni of the schools they’re rushing to did and endow their alma mater. They left it to rot because blaming government is easy. Harvard alumni account for $37.6bn of its funds, in addition to sending their children there.
I simply share my views, depending on the person’s bias that day, it may seem I’m attacking or defending. “I belong to everybody, I belong to nobody”😁😁😁Never got the hype behind that TBH, seems like an awful life.
Mohammed March 7, 2016 at 3:49 am
To those of you who said president buhari is a dissapointment, you clearly do not understand what it takes to govern a country like Nigeria…if you were attentive during the interview, you would have known that everything mr president said is true..we cannot devalue the naira, the eradication of Boko haram is a gradual process that will be actualized, Biafra will not be tolerated because we all know that it is a selfish move by some corrupted/brain-washed eastern youths, strangulation of the economy is a necessity at this point because discipline they say brings about good moral behavior and improvement in financial standings…..and president buhari is not going to islamatize Nigeria…God bless Nigeria, God bless the president..Thank you
sai baba loool! March 10, 2016 at 8:28 am
lmao, i meeean, of course YOU would support your brother, violent bunch. after squatting to piss i hope you washed that stinking hand. your ppl have been funding bh on the low bcos you don’t actually give a shit about this country, allow us to be brain washed we don’t want to share a country with you and your people dragging the country behind.
Love March 7, 2016 at 7:20 am
boluji March 7, 2016 at 3:28 pm
i stand with a lot of what he said, we seem to think only for ourselves and not the whole country as a whole, which is where I think he is coming from, why should he care about the discomfort of a certain few when it could benefit the economy of Nigeria in the long run. I feel like people who say that they are disappointed don’t seem to understand economic policy, it doesn’t work to be roses for every one some will have to get pricked. yes its a hard pill o swallow but if times are hard and you cant afford it bring your kids back to Nigeria let them study here are we saying that people who study in Nigeria cant make it. work hard, a lot of people are sending kids abroad to low rated universities just to say that they had foreign education. if he’s able to afford it good on him.
Olori March 7, 2016 at 4:23 pm
PMB, I just want to know one thing. Do you get your exchange rate as CBN or Black Market because the way nonsense is spewing from your mouth blows me. Why don’t you lead my example and put your kids in Universities in Nigeria? So basically your kids are better than us abroad? You’re talking like Universities in Nigeria are so great honestly when you know they aren’t. Please fix up Bc 2019 go knock soon.
Truth be told March 7, 2016 at 4:25 pm
Most BNers belong to the high class/privileged class and only disappointed at the policy that will benefit Nigeria as a whole. Many parents are not seeing money to steal again like b4 and it is taking a toll on their children, some of whom are here dropping comments
Most of you and your parents are capitalists who only derive joy in exploiting others. Majority of the so called rich today (who can afford to send their kids abroad) benefited from the crooked system to enrich themselves.
Corruption is so deep that most who send their kids abroad wouldn’t have done that in a sane system. If you can afford to send your kids abroad, buy dollars @ 350/400. If you cant, find a good school in Nigeria, private or something and put them there. Many schools here have foreign curriculum.
A few cant be enjoying at the expense of millions
Olori March 7, 2016 at 7:02 pm
Pls remember that not everyone’s parents are thieves and make clean money. So what should they do?
naky March 8, 2016 at 2:02 am
You r on point, education is not something we should joke with. We all know that the quality of our education is bad just like infrastructure too. I have seen people save money for years to get education abroad because it pays. The answer to that school abroad shouldnt have been “if you can afford black market”. He should have just said something is being done to resolve that. We need to train our leaders on effective public speaking. GMB should withdraw his children from schooling abroad to assure Nigerias that our educational system is worth it. And he should stop patronizing black market or where does he get his forex or is it from CBN that he has stopped? We need to know how he got the forex.
kyloren March 8, 2016 at 2:13 am
you are the biggest fool on earth no jokes. Your straw-man argument only shows how intellectually bankrupt you are. You are not worth the energy i’m expending typing this reply. This mentality of yours is the reason why you can never be successful in this life no matter how hard you work. You are an envious and bitter soul. SMH what a loser!
Ekito March 8, 2016 at 1:01 am
I believe in the Nigerian dream our founding fathers had in the context of our national anthem, I also believe that the present government won’t do any better than their predecessors but we will make more sense if we all can tell ourselves the truth for once and leave tribalistic politics. We all saw the incompetence of GMB before we voted him to power, we all knew APC was a white washed cepulcher of hypocrites who were no more benefiting from the PDP led government and it was all the calumnies during the election were half truths made absolute by sponsored propaganda. We all knew “corruption” was institutionalized in the system before GEJ came and though he did nothing to change it, Nigeria would still have fared better if he was allowed to complete the few prospective projects he started. We all know the present government would do nothing to end this corruption because those who stole the most in the last administration are the people in inner caucus of the present government. We all know the change Mantra was about ensuring the resources of the nation remained in the hands of same people who had been ruling and running the nation as their private companies when Obasanjo tore his PDP card because his wishes were not the command of the day. So instead of fighting ourselves in the media. let us all determine in our hearts to work hard to build a future for the Nigeria of tomorrow. I think we can make a difference if we believe in the words of our anthem and do our bits to hand over that ideology to the next generation because our fathers have failed us over and over again.
MommaF March 9, 2016 at 5:25 am
Nigeria is in a huge mess which cannot be salvaged in 9 months, talk less of 4 years (except God has mercy on us). Deterioration began since, say when? Abacha’s tenure? How can Baba change everything in nine months? Nigerians, be patient. Keep hope alive and trust the Almighty for the best!
jdk aminu bello March 9, 2016 at 4:16 pm
dear commentators Let be honest about the issue of Nigerians studied in abroad its illogical and senseless as leader to responded, Dear Mr. President I am honestly preparing you for a resounding defeat and humiliation in the upcoming election………. so disappointed
Fav March 10, 2016 at 1:36 am
This is the same person dt said he doesnt have moni during campaign now in space of less dan a yr he is braging dt he can affort sending his children abroad. Well i am never suprised cos i knew he had notin to offer. Enjoy d change niaja. Una nver see anytin yet
Agi March 10, 2016 at 7:30 am
How many medical schools in Nigeria have full accreditation up to the final year! Many do not! A strategic government should in the least do a review of the courses/ programmes that are not readily available in its country and provide the needed FOREX for the students. The problem is that we have leaders who do not have any strategic programme for the progress of this country and who think only of themselves! Why would President Buhari’s children be good enough to attend schools abroad and other Nigerian children be inferior!
Agi March 10, 2016 at 7:47 am
How can you compare Boko Haram with Biafra agitators. Boko Haram has killed thousands of innocent citizens for mainbly a RELIGIOUS ideology. Biafra agitators are unhappy with their continued stay in Nigeria and are PEACEFULLY asking to be on their own and the Nigerian government led by PMB is killing them during their peaceful walks. Please do not offend our sensibilities with your highly misguided comparison.
sai baba loool! March 10, 2016 at 8:42 am
so ro m juo nwannem. heartless bastard, him and his kind, that is why this country will never know peace, when their citizens are being killed unjustly even when they are protesting people, when their citizens are not happy and yet they go on to neglect their voice more. a house divided against itself can never ever stand, as long as some ppl are crying to God in pain and tears He will answer and i can see it happening. as long as this country is in disarray ethnically, this country will have problems and no be curse na common sense because its when ppl share a common national identity that they can move a country forward. let dem well done, we go see as dis country go turn out.
kwazu philip March 10, 2016 at 9:48 am
CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! i have gone from scared to laughing over the space of a few hours. who didn’t see this coming? yo si. The man lied during election about his status, his account statement, BH and education, unemployment the list is endless and growing. despot cannot be president but it’s only in africa it’s happens. speaking of what ever comments we make about our public officials might soon be illegal that’s CHANGE. Here’s question there were move than two candidates for president does anyone know the fourth and fifth candidates now am sure that by 2019 we would still what to vote and think that the main opposition is the answer WRONG. again we need people we can hold accountable for their actions not these people ( and i say that with so much hate for them) why can’t we have a national debate during our elections and if you want it then no one should vote for you, that’s change PMB but don’t blame him blame him blame us yes we the people of this great country nigeria ( and i say that in a laughing yet pessimistic voice don’t claim we didn’t know cause we did
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How to trade in the Forex market. Forex is traded in various forms and some of the most popular include spot forex, futures, options and exchange traded funds or continental.
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Isabel Nogales lleva operando en los mercados financieros desde el 2007 con una rentabilidad creciente y consistencia en sus cuentas. A sus espaldas su trayectoria profesional respalda su formación sobre forex, bolsa y trading.
& Gt; & gt; Postgrado en GESTION FINANCIERA Y BOLSA (Estudios Financieros EFEM).
& Gt; & gt; Asesor FISCAL Y FINANCIERO ( Postgrado en Fiscalidad y Finanzas GADE) >> Operador FOREX RETAIL TRADING y otros activos y recursos financieros. & Gt; & gt;.Consultora EN CONFLICTOS FINANCIEROS, fomentando la utilización de recursos en conflictos financieros, estrategias de inversión, Asesoramiento financiero >> Conferencista. .>> Psicología clinica ( UNED) ; . & Gt; & gt; D. U.E. ( Universidad Complutense de Madrid . >> Fundadora del proyecto Formativo PORTAL DE FORMACION DE TRADING PROFESIONAL en forex www. forexalalcancedetodos. com y del CURSO DE FOREX PROFESIONAL
>> Creadora del Proyecto educativo integral Nazareth. ESCUELAS PEIN Para el desarrollo integral de la persona. Labor que continua realizando hasta el día de hoy. Si deseas tener a Isabel Nogales como tu tutora personal en tu proceso de formación como Trader puedes solicitar los servicios de tutoria personalizada.
Los honorarios para una tutoria personalizada con Isabel Nogales ( uno a uno) es de 150 € la hora ( ciento cincuenta euros) con un mínimo de dos horas por sesión.
Todos o casi todos lo que nos acercamos a los mercados financieros es con la expectativa de generar riqueza material de uno u otro modo, bien por necesidad de mejorar una situación económica deteriorada, como salida a la inestabilidad laboral. bien operando en los mercados y haciendo del trading nuestro desarrollo profesional, bien como hobby con el que conseguir unos ingresos alternativos o bien como inversores a través de terceros con el fin de rentabilizar nuestros ahorros, muy pocos por el mero hecho del aprendizaje en si y con el objetivo de auto-realización y crecimiento personal por el mero placer del aprendizaje, aunque también los hay.
Lo que es común en todos los casos es que se precisa de la motivación necesaria para activar los recursos suficientes para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, sean cuales fueran de los que hemos visto anteriormente y ahí es donde entra el tema que voy a exponer a continuación y que es tan importante en el psicotrading y la formación del operador de los mercados. la motivación, esfuerzos, resultados, atribuciones y expectativas.
Datos personales
isabel nogales
Analista técnico Financiero, Máster Gestión Financiera y Bolsa por EFEM, Forex Curso avanzado profesional. Day y swingtrader forex retail, Grado Psicología (U. N.E. D). D. U.E. por UCM.
Publicaciones propias:
Serie "Forex al alcance de todos" vol I, II, y III. y “Todo sobre FOREX: teoría y Práctica” Título perteneciente a la serie “Forex al Alcance de Todos” .- Educativo. Sector Economía, finanzas e inversión 1ª Edición 2014.
“Como hacerse Rico ¡¡YA!!”.Série Educación Financiera para Gente Corriente. & # 8211; Educativo. 1ª Edición 2011. 2ª Edición extendida 2014.
"Estrategias rentables de forex”. pertenenciete a la serie “Forex al Alcance de Todos” .- Educativo. Sector Economía, sistemas de inversión 1ª Edición 2014.
Recientemente comprometida a la labor de facilitar el aprendizaje acerca del apasionante mundo del forex a aquellos que deseen seguir el mismo camino que ella emprendió hace ya más de 6 años.
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FOREX AL ALCANCE DE TODOS NO es un Broker de bolsa. FOREX AL ALCANCE DE TODOS se dedica a la educación y la formación de traders. FOREX AL ALCANCE DE TODOS ofrece una serie de productos y servicios, tanto electrónicos (a través de Internet www. forexalalcancedetodos. com y presencialmente.
Ninguna información presentada constituye una recomendación de FOREX AL ALCANCE DE TODOS o sus filiales para comprar, vender o mantener cualquier activo, producto financiero o instrumento del mismo, o la participación en cualquier estrategia de inversión específica. El contenido no es, ni debe ser interpretado como una oferta o una solicitud de oferta para comprar, vender o mantener cualesquiera títulos. Existen riesgos asociados con la utilización de un sistema de comercio basado en Internet, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, el fallo de hardware, software, y conexión a Internet. Cualquier opinión, noticia, investigación, análisis, precio u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general de mercado y no constituyen asesoramiento de inversión. FOREX AL ALCANCE DE TODOS no se hace responsable por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficios, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o confianza en dicha información. FOREX AL ALCANCE DE TODOS ha tomado medidas razonables para asegurar la exactitud de la información en el sitio web. El contenido de este sitio web está sujeto a cambios en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. Las operaciones en divisas se hacen utilizando márgenes, lo cual trae consigo un alto nivel de riesgo, el cual no es apto para algunos inversionistas. El alto nivel de apalancamiento que ofrece el mercado podría favorecerlo o actuar en su contra. Antes de involucrarse en el mercado de divisas debe analizar cuidadosamente los objetivos de su inversión, su nivel de experiencia, y su disposición a tomar riesgos. Existe la posibilidad de sufrir pérdidas parciales e incluso totales de su inversión inicial, y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no esté en posición de perder. Como inversionista usted debe estar consciente de todos los riesgos relacionados con el comercio de divisas y buscar, en caso de tener dudas, el asesoramiento de un consultor financiero independiente. Renuncia de responsabilidad. El trading ofrece un gran potencial de beneficio, pero también un gran potencial de perdida. Usted tiene que ser consciente de los riesgos y aceptarlos para poder invertir en los mercados de futuros. No opere con dinero que no pueda permitirse perder. Esta información no es ni una sugerencia ni una recomendación de compra o venta. Los resultados pasados de cualquier sistema de trading no son necesariamente indicativos de los resultados futuros. Cftc regla 4.41-LOS RESULTADOS HIPOTETICOS O SIMULADOS TIENEN CIERTAS LIMITACIONES A DIFERENCIA DE UNA OPERACION REAL Y NO SON TRADING. ADEMAS, DADO QUE LAS OPERACIONES NO FUERON EJECUTADAS. LOS RESULTADOS PUEDEN SER SOBRE O MENOS COMPENSADOS POR EL IMPACTO DE CIERTOS FACTORES DE MERCADO, COMO LA FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. EL TRADING SIMULADO, TAL COMO EN ESTA PRESENTACION EN GENERAL, ESTA SUJETO AL HECHO DE UN POSIBLE DISENO DESPUES DE REALIZADO. NO SE HACE NINGUNA REPRESENTACION SOBRE QUE ALGUNA CUENTA PODRA O PUEDA ALCANZAR CIERTO NIVEL DE BENEFICIOS O PERDIDAS SIMILARES A LOS QUE SE MUESTRAN AQUI.
El contenido de este sitio Web está sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso y es proporcionado con el único propósito de ayudar a los operadores a tomar decisiones de inversión de forma independiente. FOREX AL ALCANCE DE TODOS ha tomado medidas razonables para asegurarse de la precisión de la información proporcionada en este sitio Web, sin embargo, FOREX AL ALCANCE DE TODOS no garantiza su exactitud y no acepta responsabilidad alguna por cualquier daño y/o pérdida que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente por el contenido de este sitio Web, por su incapacidad para acceder a este mismo. Por cualquier demora y/o falla en la transmisión o recepción de cualquier instrucción o notificación enviada por medio de este sitio Web. E ste sitio Web no está previsto para ser distribuido o usado por personas viviendo en países donde dicha distribución o uso es contrario a las leyes o regulaciones locales. Ninguno de los servicios o inversiones mencionadas en este sitio Web están disponibles para personas viviendo en países donde la prestación de dichos servicios o inversiones es contraria a lo establecido en las leyes o regulaciones locales. Todo usuario de este sitio Web es responsable de examinar los términos y de cumplir con cualquier ley o regulación doméstica a la cual este sujeto. En ciertas jurisdicciones, podría ser una situación no legítima el hecho de examinar el material al cual usted está buscando acceder. En otras jurisdicciones, sólo a ciertas categorías de persona se les puede permitir examinar ese material. Cualquier persona que desee inspeccionar ese material y/o comercializar a través de este sitio web, en primer lugar, debe cumplir con la condición de que no está sujeta a ningún requerimiento local que le prohíba o le restrinja de hacerlo. Por el hecho de acceder a este sitio web, se va a considerar que usted ha confirmado que bajo las leyes y regulaciones de su jurisdicción local, se le permite tener acceso al material que se muestra en este sitio web y a comercializar a través de FOREX AL ALCANCE DE TODOS. Si a usted no se le permite revisar el material de este sitio web y/o no se le permite comercializar a través de este sitio web o si usted tiene alguna duda acerca de si acaso se le permite hacerlo, por favor, retírese de este sitio web.
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I’ve been on some pretty bad airplanes in my time, and you can owe it all to the cruddy service that the airline themselves strive to provide. I know there are plenty of airlines that are looked as being “cheap alternatives”, so you can’t really expect much, but I’ve been on flights that are quite Hollywood-worthy. I can remember this one flight where I had to sit beside a flatulent… Read Article →
Before looking at effective ways of disciplining a cat, it’s important to understand good and bad cat behavior as well as the good and bad ways of disciplining a cat. If you’re a cat owner like me, you have probably had to deal with annoying cat behavior which ranges from climbing kitchen counter tops and scratching furniture/carpets to biting and using parts or the entire house as a toilet. Cats… Read Article →
In the world we live, the concept of security and its presence in our lives or lack thereof is a constant menace. Personally, I always fret about where my kids are, what they are doing and whether they are safe. When at work, I split hairs about my place. Is it secure? Is my pet okay? What about the rest of my family? Are they doing okay? For me, it… Read Article →
Before purchasing a bread maker, you should think about the features you want it to have, so that you can select the right one for you. All machines can help you make delicious, healthy homemade bread, but some of them offer an express bake feature, while others are ideal for small or large loaves, so it all depends on your requirements and your budget. The advantages of baking your own… Read Article →
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Is forex money losing machine
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Is forex money losing machine
Is forex money losing machine
Ebook 14 Strategies From A Millionaire Trader
KamiForex | Ebook 14 Strategies From A Millionaire Trader - Giving Yourself Time and Room to Be Right. How many times has this happened to you? You waited patiently for the market to show you where it’s going, then bought or sold the breakout to new highs or lows, only to be stopped out when price pulls back against the new trend. And of course, once you were stopped out of the market, the market returned to the trend—without you!
Or maybe you waited patiently for price to approach a prior area of support, then got long at that support area. Once you were in the market, price briefly violated the support area, stopping you out of your position. And of course, once you are stopped out of the market, the market climbed back above the support and headed higher—without you! The traditional method for buying at prior support would be a limit buy order at the test of the prior multiple bottoms marked by the blue trend line and then putting a stop loss order below the trend line.
You can see this method would have resulted in you entering a long position and then quickly getting stopped out as price briefly plunged through the trend line area. When prices began to trade below the trend line marking the multiple lows, breakout traders began selling “at the market” to enter new short positions.
These new entry orders pushed the market lower, executing stop loss orders left by the traders that had been getting long against the support marked by the trend line. But note that once the breakout traders’ orders and the stop loss orders ran their course, price pulled right back above the trend line and headed higher—as the new short positions entered on the break below the trend line began to be stopped out! Getting “washed and rinsed” is a common occurrence in trading.
Is there a way you can avoid it? I have been working with my students in one-on-one mentoring with a pattern we call the “Lazy Z” that was designed to help avoid being “washed and rinsed” when attempting to enter trades at these critical areas. Let’s look at some charts and see if I can explain how we use this “Lazy Z” pattern to help avoid being “washed and rinsed.”
Khidmah is quick to respond to unexpected UAE storms
In the midst of recent, unexpected storms that hit the UAE, Khidmah proved that its staff was readily available and effective in responding to their communities’ needs. As one of the largest fully integrated property service solutions providers in the UAE, Khidmah’s staff undergo regular trainings to ensure that they are equipped to handle different issues and hazards in the various communities managed by the company.
From Reem Island Gate Towers to Burj Mohammad Bin Rashid Sky Scraper and from Al Raha Exclusive beach front communities and to various iconic towers throughout the Mainland and in most of the master planned communities and neighborhoods in Abu Dhabi, Mussafah, Al Ain, Western Region and Northern Emirates and as the Storm was progressing with the presence of rain and wind; Khidmah’s 4000 team provided comfort and care to its customers. The team was checking power outages, clearing streets, unplugging storm drains and making sure that tenants were safe.
Khidmah’s properties management and facilities management teams were efficient and swift in responding to the situation, and supported by removing safety hazards, minimizing on-site damages, and directing people to safety. Khidmah’s 24/7 call center received over 2,400 phone calls and additional staff were brought into handle inbound calls. Khidmah also dispatched technicians to affected sites that had no contract for Facilities Management to support the owners.
Commenting on Khidmah’s response to the storm, Abdulla Saeed Al Qamzi, Managing Director, said: “As a leading property service solutions provider, we are adept at dealing with difficult situations and in responding effectively to emergencies. We value safety above all else, and our employees were present on ground at all sites that were experiencing problems, to ensure the safety of tenants. Due to our team’s preparedness, no injuries were sustained and all damages were handled or are in the process of being fixed.”
Emarati owned and managed, Khidmah delivers comprehensive services to some of the finest properties in the Middle East. Established in 2009, the company specializes in asset management, in addition to providing best-in-class properties and facilities management provisions. Khidmah grew from 15 employees in 2009 to an impressive number of almost 4000 employees in 2016. It currently manages 25,000 households across a diverse portfolio of communities.
Sobre el Autor
PalFX FZ LLC is a leading financial information services company, registered in the Creative City of Fujairah – United Arab Emirates. Our mission is to provide traders with information and analysis that can help them in their day to day trading. Our target customers are Arabic traders; and we are the only media outlet that provides full coverage of the international market information in Arabic. Our team consists of a highly qualified financial analyst known in the Middle East region through their frequent appearances in interviews in the financial media. Our reports are published in newspapers and online portals; and we are the sole providers of analysis reports for the FOREX market in Arabic. We also serve the needs of our clients by allowing them to provide unique reports and services to their own customers.
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I’ve been on some pretty bad airplanes in my time, and you can owe it all to the cruddy service that the airline themselves strive to provide. I know there are plenty of airlines that are looked as being “cheap alternatives”, so you can’t really expect much, but I’ve been on flights that are quite Hollywood-worthy. I can remember this one flight where I had to sit beside a flatulent… Read Article →
Before looking at effective ways of disciplining a cat, it’s important to understand good and bad cat behavior as well as the good and bad ways of disciplining a cat. If you’re a cat owner like me, you have probably had to deal with annoying cat behavior which ranges from climbing kitchen counter tops and scratching furniture/carpets to biting and using parts or the entire house as a toilet. Cats… Read Article →
In the world we live, the concept of security and its presence in our lives or lack thereof is a constant menace. Personally, I always fret about where my kids are, what they are doing and whether they are safe. When at work, I split hairs about my place. Is it secure? Is my pet okay? What about the rest of my family? Are they doing okay? For me, it… Read Article →
Before purchasing a bread maker, you should think about the features you want it to have, so that you can select the right one for you. All machines can help you make delicious, healthy homemade bread, but some of them offer an express bake feature, while others are ideal for small or large loaves, so it all depends on your requirements and your budget. The advantages of baking your own… Read Article →
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Forex the History
Forex the History
Investment is an act that’s directed closer to producing or including value to the wealth you already possess. You no longer must be a millionaire to improvement from the act of investment; actually, any one can make investments relating to the amount of wealth they have received. Nonetheless, earnings are without doubt now not assured in any kind of funding you are making. Some investors are threat-averse in order that they prefer saving instead to investing somewhere, while others embrace the danger and make investments. It’s all in regards to the time and market the place you spend money on, be it the forex markets, commodities, mutual cash, treasury bonds, property, or even the currency trading market.
People began investing in commodities lengthy ago when gold, sterling silver, copper, and different grains have been traded in values decided with the aid of their demand and give available in the market. As time passed, folks developed a sophisticated feel of economics. They started diversifying their own portfolio through investing in mutual money and equities (shares) of companies that had been listed on their stock exchanges. A few decades in the past, a brand new market known as currency trading got here into being the place investors would trade currencies in keeping with the currency conversion and speculate on their tendencies. The intention used to be the same, to make profit and exit the market upon accomplishment of the goal.
What is currency exchange buying and selling?
Currency trading trading is commonly about buying and selling currencies of exclusive international locations in opposition to one another. Currency exchange market will contain the trading of currencies in frames, the place the word ‘alternate’ means you alternate one forex in opposition to a further.
within the Eighties, fundamental multinational banks from around the globe began investing in currencies. They, together with intermediaries and brokers would alternate enormous amounts of cash. As time went by, brokers proposal of enabling man or woman buyers to exchange in foreign exchange too. In order for this to happen, they shortened the distributed and lot sizes which stimulated rich participants to step into the forex market.
With advances in technological know-how, the currency trading market matured greatly, gathering more and more investors all over the world. Brokers responded to this through narrowing the spread and lot size which further prompted those with smaller investments. In the late Nineties, brokers presented mini lots for small buyers for illustration students, residence-wives, or perhaps chance-averse buyers. The buying and selling would be completed online thereby making the necessity for physical presence on the buying and selling flooring with a paper for your hand, shouting bids and presents needless. Traders from world wide could easily put their money on this market effortlessly by making use of a trading platform on a laptop procedure and withdraw from this every time they favored.
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Hi this is Jed Norwood with forex strategy secrets dot com another video from the Forex Profit Classroom want to share with you the concept love understanding how to recognize a market reversal worse retracement this question was asked the bus today trading room session and i felt that it was important enough to want to make a video for everybody to see this is one chief understand what to look for some the basic set a little things in the trans charge looking at you can deal the makes dat judgment a little more crisp renewable clearly here you can see I’m in the Aussie US the week chart and I’ve drawn to lines here represent the market movement momentum you can see going off the direction so this divergence market that your first clue something’s not quite where you want to be or that there’s a potential reversal slowdown in the market now sometimes reversal happens retracements will happen in between the time you get a reversal and the former so want the she’s gonna look for with your momentum indicators what’s going on right here crossed 0 life that’s a good indication and understanding what Lake Marion I talked about this all the time about knowing when you’re in like two I like to see that we are right probably Italy choose probably very please consider looking interesting entry for this position but I don’t just take this chart for face value wanna look at the other time frames to verify that and see if I can demonstrate you exactly what a reversal is first retracement something go down to the one hours a day chart you see this segment up the charts moisture okay see here top not theirs.
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The two hills that we saw on the way to church now you can see that would clearly had big trend change sheer because again we have this happening here so that was a good clue so that makes this a reversal to this trend shows you that it didn’t really do anything to make a big change still the trend this was a reversal attempt again crossed which made it a trend change and again to change trend change again CC trend changes here the overall trend still on the Wii chart is downs trend in general is down in the teacher still for our church she’s changing k you can see you can see sure that we are deduction dealing with a downtrend overall 4-hour chart for issue movements about zero line here lots long strong bars on the downside so that’s another indication is what side are these images mostly our at large she dealing with a trend direction or just a trend retracement K transfer noisy trains inside this large so with that said you’ve got long-term movement any short term market.
Okay this retracement in my opinion even shows telltale sign could be the beginning is something possibly as wave up through the try that time frames so the you’re looking for so set-ups follow settle following the keep going in the direction of the trend you see you know that that is another indication you’re dealing with just retracement or a potential reversal to pay phone when she see here I would say this is just trees stood out thirty-minute now again you’re watching the last day source data and in this particular day I’ve noticed this right here or divergence on the long side another large time frames are down trends that to me been signal that we’re dealing with this being a true reversal on this particular segment fact I am going to action place myself trade right now I see a five-alarm trade and use here alright moving on so much stuff yeah she minutes want to finish this up for you going down to the fifteen-minute again you can see some great trance here all trading duration: the large time frame all these are a treatment rates checks to you can be trading both directions this market if you know what you’re looking for you can trade with a trend against the trend with the trend against a this particular issue River being river being the large movement a large time frames a large movement seen River which weighs River terms turnaround offenders Street mom sucks trend but all the little ripples stuff on top of the water these more time frames chicago won in the direction of major trends she need to keep that in mind softly this self for you message it was for a strategy secrets dot com wishing you heavy trading.
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