Thursday 23 November 2017

11 Сѓрμрѕс, Сџр ± Сђсџ 2001 Forex

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¿Cómo reacciona el mercado de divisas en riesgo geopolítico? Forex Trading - Cuando la crisis geopolítica o financiera sacude al mundo, el mercado de divisas actúa en un mercado similar. El 11 de septiembre de 2001, cuando un ataque terrorista contra el World Trade Center, & # 8230 ;. Gestión de Riesgo de Forex & # 8211; Gestión de Forex Trading Riesgo & middot; Forex Avanzado & # 8230;

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Él negocia los mercados de tasas de interés de EE. UU. y extranjeros, divisas, petróleo y oro. Larry es extremadamente disciplinado en su gestión de riesgos: "Si sus pérdidas en cualquier mes & # 8230;

Surf Fx Trading Horas La semana de la compraventa de divisas ha llegado y se fue. Y el tema principal para esta semana fue la dominación de Aussie sobre sus rivales de la divisa, aunque la fuerza de Kiwi y seguro-refugio & # 8230; ¿Cómo es dejar tu vida y empezar de nuevo? - Decidí entrar en el comercio - comprar y vender productos químicos & # 8230; trabajo

Curso de Certificado de Divisas y Gestión de Tesorería, Noida, March, 2016 & middot; Curso de Certificado de Divisas y Gestión de Tesorería, & # 8230;

Feb 3, 2013 & # 8230; Los gestores de riesgos deben ahora evaluar los riesgos que ni siquiera existían hace unos años. & # 8230; Plan con el plan de continuidad empresarial, otra herramienta esencial de gestión de riesgos. & # 8230; A sólo una manzana de la sede del World Trade Center, los ejecutivos de la firma estuvieron bien; Suplemento de divisas 2015 & # 8230;

Los preparativos para el año 2000 y los impactos de los atentados del 11-S han proporcionado algunos datos. Gestión de Riesgos & # 8211; La síntesis de la evaluación de riesgos, área de negocio & # 8230;

Barbara Kahan perfil de negocios. Posiciones pasadas y presentes de Barbara Kahan. Lista de las empresas de propiedad de Barbara Kahan. Perfil de director de empresa libre.

FACTORES DE RIESGO. Factores Internos (a) Reserva de Reembolso de Obligaciones: Los inversionistas deben tener en cuenta que los Bonos no están garantizados y que ninguna Reserva de Reembolso de Debentures ha sido ...

Opciones de cuenta. Registrarse; Configuración de búsqueda; Historial Web & # 215;

Mensaje de navegación

El presidente Bush y la primera dama Laura Bush honran a las víctimas de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre con un momento de silencio en el Jardín Sur de la Casa Blanca. El silencio fue observado a las 8:46 a. m. para marcar cuando el primer avión golpeó el World Trade Center. (Foto: J. Scott Applewhite / AP Wide World)

Alrededor de la nación

11 de septiembre & # 151; El presidente George W. Bush comenzó el día en el césped de la Casa Blanca rodeado por funcionarios de la administración y empleados de la Casa Blanca. A las 8:46, él y la Primera Dama Laura Bush llevaron al grupo inclinando la cabeza en un momento de silencio.

A partir de ahí, su día se convirtió en un torbellino, que incluyó visitas a los tres sitios del accidente y un discurso a la nación de Ellis Island.

En el Pentágono vio cómo se desplegaba una bandera gigante encima de la parte reconstruida del edificio de cinco caras.

"Los enemigos que nos golpearon están determinados", dijo en la ceremonia del Pentágono. "No serán detenidos por una sensación de decencia o conciencia, pero serán detenidos".

En Shanksville, Pensilvania, colocó una corona de flores donde se estrelló el Vuelo Unido 93, matando a 40 personas. El Presidente también se reunió en privado con miembros de la familia mientras un coro militar cantaba en el fondo.

El presidente Bush se presentó en la Zona Cero en la tarde, después de la lectura de la mañana de los nombres. Colocó otra corona en el suelo ahora sagrado y habló a los miles de personas presentes.

"Para aquellos que perdieron seres queridos, ha sido un año de dolor, de lugares vacíos, de niños recién nacidos que nunca conocerán a sus padres aquí en la Tierra", dijo el presidente Bush. "Para los miembros de nuestras fuerzas armadas, ha sido un año de sacrificio y de servicio lejos de casa, para todos los estadounidenses ha sido un año de adaptación de aceptar el difícil conocimiento de que nuestra nación ha determinado a los enemigos , Y que no somos invulnerables a sus ataques ".


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Прогноз на понедельник 2001-11-05

Предполагается, что фьючерсы Федеральной резервной системы с вероятностью 65% на снизятся 50 базисных пунктов на следующей неделе. Остается вопросом процентная ставка ЕЦБ, собрание членов которого состоится в четверг. Понедельник - ключевая дата, так как Евростат опубликует октябрьский IPC, который окажет влияние на дальнейшую программу действий. По этой причине величина уменьшения процентной ставки зависит от опубликования отчета ЕЦБ. Вероятно, что рынки будут недовольны банком, если процентная ставка снизится менее, чем на 50 базисных пунктов

05:00 Japón Principales indicadores (septiembre) preliminares - 55,6 05:00 Japón Indicadores coincidentes (septiembre) preliminares - 0,0 09:30 Reino Unido Índice de servicios CIPS (octubre) - 48,1 09:30 Reino Unido Producción industrial (septiembre) -0,1% 09:30 Reino Unido Producción industrial (septiembre) Y / Y - -2.4% 09:30 Reino Unido Producción manufacturera (septiembre) -0.3% 1.4% 09:30 Reino Unido Producción manufacturera (septiembre) M0 oferta de dinero (octubre) provisional - 0,8% 09:30 Reino Unido M0 oferta de dinero (octubre) provisional Y / A - 6.3% 11:00 UE (12) Armonizado CPI (octubre) CPI (octubre) S / A 2.4% 2.5% 11:00 UE (12) IPC armonizado excluyendo energía (octubre) S / A - 2.8% 15:00 EE. UU. Índice de servicios NAPM (octubre) 46,0 50,2

Даже Фунт не сумел удержаться и потерял половину цента, упал ниже уровня 1,46.Уровень 1.4660 фигурирует только после отчета posts de рабочей силе США, но это было проигрышное сражение за остаток от дня. Поддержка 1.4620, 1.460 и 1.4560. Сопротивление 1.4645, сопровождается 1.4680 и 1.4720.

Положительная реакция доллара перед лицом сегодняшних сообщений объясняется классической иллюстрацией "продают на слухе - покупают в факт" поскольку рынки наконец получили очень ожидаемые числа. После скачка к 90.74, el EUR / USD быстро откатили к 90.50 и практически под конец американской сессии достигли уровня 90,12 Возможно BCE не урежет ставки на следующей неделе. Уровень поддержки 89,90 перемещается к 89,50. Сопротивление 90,35-45 сопровождается 91. (61,8%)

Ещё одна серия суровых данных США не сумела сбить доллар с его позиций против основных валют. Уровень безработицы США взлетел до 5,4% в октябре 4,9%, самый высокий уровень за последние пять лет. Количество занятых в несельскохозяйственном секторе экономике в США упало за октябрь на 415 тысяч, уровень не наблюдавшийся с 1980 года. Не смотря на то, что отчёт превысил ожидание, доллар немного ослаб, перед тем, как укрепиться в американскую сессию.

Источник: https://www. fxclub. org/trader_analytic/sec73/2001/11/02/article168.html - Доллар

Archivo de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia 11/9

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Washington, D. C. 19 de junio de 2012 & ndash; El Archivo Nacional de Seguridad hoy está publicando más de 100 documentos de la CIA recientemente publicados relacionados con el 11 de septiembre, Osama bin Laden, y las operaciones de EE. UU. contra el terrorismo. Los registros desclasificados recientemente, que el Archivo obtenidos bajo la Ley de Libertad de Información, se hace referencia en las notas al informe de la Comisión 9/11 y presentar un recurso público sin precedentes para obtener información sobre 11 de septiembre.

La colección incluye mensajes de correo electrónico de la CIA, cables de inteligencia crudos, resúmenes analíticos, materiales informativos de alto nivel y reportes generales de contraterrorismo que generalmente son omitidos del público debido a su sensibilidad. La publicación de hoy abarca una variedad de temas de gran interés público, incluyendo antecedentes para la planificación de Al-Qaeda para los ataques; Los orígenes del programa Predator ahora en uso pesado sobre Afganistán, Pakistán e Irán; La relación de al-Qaeda con Pakistán; La CIA intenta advertir sobre la inminente amenaza; Y el impacto de las restricciones presupuestarias en la búsqueda del gobierno de los Estados Unidos por Bin Laden.

La publicación de hoy es el resultado de una serie de solicitudes de la FOIA hechas por personal del Archivo de Seguridad Nacional basadas en una minuciosa revisión de referencias en el Informe de la Comisión del 11 de Septiembre.


Los documentos publicados por la CIA detallan la meticulosidad del complot de Al Qaeda contra Estados Unidos y los intentos de la CIA de contrarrestar la creciente amenaza terrorista. Un informe de inteligencia en bruto previamente divulgada que se convirtió en la base para los 4 de diciembre de 1998 diarias Breves notas del Presidente que cinco años antes del ataque real, agentes de al-Qaeda había eludido con éxito la seguridad en un aeropuerto de Nueva York en una prueba de gestión de Bin Laden Planean secuestrar un avión estadounidense. [1998-12-03]. Los informes analíticos de la CIA también ofrecen información interesante sobre las estrategias políticas en evolución de al-Qaeda. "En nuestra opinión, los secuestradores fueron cuidadosamente seleccionados teniendo en cuenta su valor operacional y político. Por ejemplo, el gran número de ciudadanos saudíes fue más probable es elegido no sólo debido a la facilidad con la que ciudadanos saudíes podrían obtener visas de EE. UU., sino también porque Bin Laden podría enviar un mensaje a la familia real saudí. & Quot; [2003-06-01]

Los informes sobre los primeros intentos de detener a Bin Laden detallan el inicio del programa de aviones teledirigidos estadounidenses Predator en Afganistán y Pakistán. Primera misión de Predator sobre Afganistán [extirpada] el 7 de septiembre de 2000. & quot; [1] "Dos veces en el otoño de 2000, el Predator observó a un individuo con más probabilidades de ser Bin Ladin; Sin embargo no tuvimos ningún modo en el momento de reaccionar a esta información. & Quot; [2004-03-19] Los UAV americanos no tenían suficiente capacidad de armas en el momento en que la CIA probablemente vio a Bin Laden en 2000 para disparar contra el sospechoso usando el UAV.

Los vínculos de Al-Qaeda con Pakistán antes del 11 de septiembre también se mencionan en varios documentos. El ejército islámico de Usama (Bin Ladin) consideró el área de Pakistán / Afganistán una región. Tanto Pakistán como Afganistán sirven como base regional y centro de capacitación para las actividades del Ejército Islámico que apoyan las insurgencias islámicas en Tayikistán, la región de Cachemira y Chechenia. El ejército islámico tuvo un campamento en Pakistán. El objetivo del campamento era entrenar y reclutar nuevos miembros, principalmente de Pakistán. [1997-07-14] Mientras que, "los elementos de UBL en Paquistán según se informa planean atacar POTUS [U. S. Presidente Clinton] con misiles [excisados] si visita Pakistán. " [2000-02-18]

Al igual que en el informe de la Comisión del 11-S, los detalles de la colección de documentos reiteran las advertencias de la CIA sobre la amenaza terrorista de Bin Laden antes del 11 de septiembre. Según un informe secreto de enero de 2000 al Director de la Inteligencia Central, Compró el tiempo & # 8230; Semanas & # 8230; Meses & # 8230; Pero no más de un año & quot; Antes de que Al-Qaeda hiciera huelga. [2000-01-07] "Un ataque UBL contra los intereses estadounidenses podría ocurrir en cualquier momento o en cualquier lugar. Es poco probable que la CIA tenga previo aviso sobre el momento o el lugar. [1999-08-03] En septiembre de 2001, los funcionarios de contraterrorismo de la CIA sabían que se estaba desarrollando un complot pero que no podían dar detalles a los encargados de formular las políticas. "A finales de agosto de 2001, había indicios de que un individuo asociado con Al Qaeda estaba considerando la posibilidad de realizar operaciones terroristas en los Estados Unidos, [Excised]. No se dispone de más información en el momento de los posibles ataques o en los presuntos objetivos en los Estados Unidos. " [2001-08-24]

A pesar de las crecientes advertencias sobre Al Qaeda, los documentos publicados hoy ilustran cómo antes del 11 de septiembre, las unidades de contraterrorismo de la CIA carecían de los fondos para perseguir agresivamente a bin Laden. El presupuesto se refiere a & # 8230; CT [counterterrorism] suplementario todavía en NSC-OMB [Consejo de Seguridad Nacional & # 8211; Oficina de Gestión y Presupuesto]. Necesidad de movimiento hacia delante en suplemento más pronto debido a esperado receso temprano debido a convenciones, campañas y elecciones. Debido a restricciones presupuestarias & # 8230; CTC / UBL [Centro de Contraterrorismo / Unidad de Osama bin Laden] pasará de la postura ofensiva a la defensiva. " [2000-04-05]

Aunque la colección es parte de un esfuerzo encomiable por parte de la CIA para proporcionar documentos sobre eventos relacionados con el 11 de septiembre, muchos de estos materiales están fuertemente redactados y aún representan sólo una cuarta parte de los materiales de la CIA citados en el Informe de la Comisión 9/11. Cientos de informes y cables citados siguen clasificados, incluyendo todos los materiales de interrogación, tales como los 47 informes de interrogatorios de la CIA de Khalid Sheikh Mohammed desde el 24 de marzo de 2003 & # 8211; 15 de junio de 2004, que se mencionan en detalle en el Informe del 11-S.

Lo más destacado de la colección de documentos de la CIA del 11 de septiembre incluye:

El Informe de Inteligencia Cruda de 1998 sobre los planes de UBL para secuestrar un avión que se convirtió en un elemento en el Diario del Presidente del 4 de diciembre de 1998 [1998-12-03].

El informe detalla cómo Bin Laden planeaba nuevas operaciones contra los objetivos de Estados Unidos en un futuro próximo. Los planes para secuestrar un avión estadounidense estaban avanzando bien. Dos individuos del equipo operacional pertinente en los Estados Unidos habían evadido con éxito los controles de seguridad durante una prueba en el aeropuerto de Nueva York [extirpado].

E-mails internos de la CIA sobre Osama bin Laden

1998-05-05 & # 8211; \ Vskip1.000000 \ baselineskip \ vskip1.000000 \ La planificación para la interpretación de UBL va muy bien, & quot; Para: Michael F. Scheuer, De: [Excised], correo electrónico central de la agencia de inteligencia. Citado en el informe de la Comisión 9/11 como Capture Op, & quot; & Quot; [Gary] Schroen a Mike. & Quot; [Capítulo 4, Nota 22 9/11 Informe de la Comisión]

1998-12-20 & # 8211; "Re: urgente re ubl, & quot; Nota Para: Michael F. Scheuer, De: [Excised], Correo Electrónico de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. Citado en el informe de la Comisión del 9/11 como "Gary Schroen a Mike & quot; [Capítulo 4, Notas 117, 119 9/11 Informe de la Comisión]

1998-12-21 - "your note, & quot; Nota para: [Excised], De: Michael F. Scheuer, Correo Electrónico de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. Citado en el informe de la Comisión 9/11 como Mike a [Gary] Schroen, & quot; [Capítulo 4, Nota 119 Informe de la Comisión del 11 de septiembre]

1999-05-17 & # 8211; & Quot; su nota, & quot; De Michael F. Scheuer, Para [Excised], Correo Electrónico de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. Citado en el informe de la Comisión 9/11 como Mike a [Gary] Schroen & quot; [Capítulo 4, Nota 174 9/11 Informe de la Comisión]

2001-05-15 & # 8211; [Excised] Query [Excised]. & Quot; Email de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. Citado en el Informe de la Comisión del 9/11 como Dave to John. & Quot; [Capítulo 8, Nota 72 9/11 Informe de la Comisión]

2001-05-24 & # 8211; [Título extirpado] "Agee (sic) necesitamos comparar las notas, & quot; Correo Electrónico de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. Citado en el Informe de la Comisión del 9/11 como Dave to John. & Quot; [Capítulo 8, Nota 64 9/11 Informe de la Comisión]

2001-07-13 & # 8211; [Excised] Khalad [Excised], & quot; Correo Electrónico de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. Citado en el informe de la Comisión 9/11 como Richard a Alan & quot; [Capítulo 8, Nota 64 9/11 Informe de la Comisión]

2001-08-21 & # 8211; Re: Khalid Al - Mihdhar, & quot; Memorandum, Correo Electrónico de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. Citada en el Informe de la Comisión del 11 de Septiembre como Mary to John. [Capítulo 8, Nota 106 9/11 Informe de la Comisión]

Dos informes definitivos de la CIA sobre los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001

2003-06-01 & # 8211; & Lt; 11 de septiembre: The Plot and the Plotters, & quot; CTC 2003-40044HC, Informe de Inteligencia de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 5, notas 42, 60, 61, 64, 70, 105, capítulo 7, notas finales 45, 52, 60, 83, 86, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 105 9/11 Informe de la Comisión] Es una historia completa de la CIA del ataque del 11-S. El análisis incluye notas sobre al-Qaeda, la evolución de la trama, técnicas terroristas, cronogramas y perfiles detallados de secuestradores.

2004-03-19 & # 8211; "DCI Report: The Rise of UBL y Al-Qa'ida y la respuesta de la Comunidad de Inteligencia", & quot; Borrador, Informe Analítico de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 2, Nota 67] Este documento es un resumen detallado de los esfuerzos de la CIA para arrestar a Osama bin Laden de 1989 a 2004. Los destaques incluyen:

Agencia notas sobre la evolución de Bin Laden de "terrorista financiero" A comienzos de la década de 1990, a una amenaza significativa para los intereses estadounidenses a mediados de 1990.

Debates y debates sobre el uso de los aviones teledirigidos Predator ya en el año 2000. [2]

Críticas de los sistemas de información del FBI como impedimentos a los esfuerzos de lucha contra el terrorismo - "Una preocupación importante y constante es el propio sistema interno de difusión del FBI. Los oficiales de la CIA a menudo encuentran necesario entregar los mensajes a los destinatarios dentro del FBI. En el FBI adicional no ha perfeccionado su sistema de informes de FI y las comunicaciones de la sede-campo así que la difusión de la inteligencia fuera de FBI sigue siendo irregular. Y el informe confirma las sugerencias del informe de la Comisión del 11 de septiembre de que "la cultura organizacional y los objetivos del FBI y la CIA a veces se interponen en el camino de los resultados deseados". (Página 22)

Un grupo de líderes de jueces afganos trabajó con la CIA en el asunto UBL, pero "Excised" juzgó que es improbable que ataque con éxito a un Bin Ladin fuertemente custodiado. & Quot; "Masood tiene que ser contratado para ayudar en el intento de capturar a Bin Ladin, pero con la comprensión de que él sería su propio hombre, nunca un agente de sustituto del gobierno de los Estados Unidos & # 8230; Incluso si aceptó hacerlo, sus probabilidades de éxito contra los talibanes se juzgaron inferiores al cinco por ciento. (Página 58)

La nota "DIF" Escrito en varias páginas significa & quot; Denegado en completo & quot;

Una Serie de Informes de Inteligencia Ejecutiva Senior de la CIA (SEIBS) de junio a septiembre de 2001 Advertencia de "Inminente" Al-Qaeda Ataques:

2001-06-23 & # 8211; International: Los ataques de Bin Ladin pueden ser inminentes [Excised] & quot; Resumen Ejecutivo de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 8, Nota 14, Véase también p. 257 9/11 Informe de la Comisión]

2001-06-25 & # 8211; Terrorismo: Bin Ladin y Asociados que hacen amenazas a corto plazo, & quot; Resumen Ejecutivo de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 8, Notas 12, 14]

2001-06-30 & # 8211; Terrorismo: Bin Laden Planificación de ataques de alto perfil [Excised], & quot; Resumen Ejecutivo de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 8, Nota 12]

2001-07-02 & # 8211; Terrorismo: La planificación de los ataques de Bin Ladin continúa, a pesar del retraso [extirpado], & quot; Resumen Ejecutivo de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 8, Nota 18]

2001-07-13 & # 8211; Terrorismo: Planes de Bin Ladin retrasados ​​pero no abandonados [Excised], & quot; Resumen Ejecutivo de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 8, Nota 28]

2001-07-25 & # 8211; Terrorismo: Una operación de Bin Ladin retrasada, otras en curso [excisada], & quot; Resumen Ejecutivo de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 8, Nota 28]

2001-08-07 & # 8211; Terrorismo: Bin Ladin decidido a atacar en los EE. UU., & quot; Resumen Ejecutivo de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 8, Nota 38. Capítulo 11, Nota 5. Página 342]

Informes detallados sobre la Organización Al-Qaeda

"El aumento en la actividad de la red se debe en parte a cambios en las prácticas de Bin Ladin. Para evitar implicarse a sí mismo ya sus anfitriones talibanes, Bin Ladin en los últimos dos años ha permitido que las células de su red, Al Qaeda, planifiquen los ataques de manera más independiente del liderazgo central y han tratado de obtener apoyo para su agenda fuera del grupo . & # 8211; La red también se ha beneficiado de un fuerte aumento en el reclutamiento de los mujahidin desde la reanudación del conflicto en Chechenia en 1999, que expuso a una nueva generación de militantes a las técnicas terroristas ya la ideología extremista a través del entrenamiento en los campos de Al Qai'da en Afganistán. & # 8211; La violencia entre israelíes y palestinos, además, está haciendo que los extremistas suníes estén más dispuestos a participar en ataques contra los intereses de Estados Unidos o Israel ". 2001-02-06 & # 8211; "Sunn Terrorist Threat Growing, & quot; Resumen Ejecutivo de Inteligencia, la Agencia Central de Inteligencia. [Capítulo 8, Nota 4 9/11 Informe de la Comisión]

Los intentos de Bin Laden de adquirir armas de destrucción masiva

Bin Ladin y sus asociados han experimentado por medios crudos para hacer y desplegar agentes biológicos & # 8230; Bin Ladin ha tratado de adquirir agentes biológicos de grado militar o armas. " 2001-02-14 & # 8211; Afganistán: el interés de Bin Ladin en armas biológicas y radiológicas, & quot; Informe analítico de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia [Capítulo 11, Nota 5. 9/11 Informe de la Comisión Página 342]

Una evaluación positiva de la CIA de las capacidades de la CIA contra el terrorismo en agosto de 2001

A diferencia de las conclusiones del Informe de la Comisión del 11-S y de la revisión de la Oficina de Inspección General de la CIA de 2004 de sus prácticas antiterroristas pre-9/11, un informe completado en agosto de 2001 por el Inspector General de la CIA da muy positivamente revisiones a las prácticas antiterroristas de la CIA , La gestión de la información y la cooperación interinstitucional. "El CTC cumple con las responsabilidades interinstitucionales de la ICD mediante la coordinación de la inteligencia nacional, la provisión de advertencias y el uso eficaz de los recursos de la Comunidad de Inteligencia en temas de terrorismo. Su relación profesional con la Oficina Federal de Investigación.


Rango de Apertura del AUDUSD Pendiente Pendiente de los Datos de Empleo de Aussie

Perspectiva Técnica: AUDUSD rebotó bruscamente en el soporte de confluencia a 69 85 a principios de este mes con el rally ahora extendiéndose hacia la resistencia en el retroceso de 61.8% del avance de 2001-2011 en 7177. El rango de apertura semanal ha tomado forma justo debajo de este nivel y nosotros & rsquo; Estaremos buscando una ruptura de este rango para validar nuestro sesgo direccional con un sesgo general favorecido mientras que sobre 7034 (invalidación alcista).

Un incumplimiento de los altos observa objetivos de resistencia más críticos en 7271/81 donde la extensión de 1.618% del avance converge en la apertura 2016 & amp; Un par de línea mediana que se extiende fuera de los mínimos de 2015. Tenga en cuenta que en los próximos días la media móvil de 200 días también se deslizará en este rango.

Evite las trampas de las estrategias de negociación a corto plazo al alejarse de los errores clásicos. Revise estos principios en la serie "Rasgos de comerciantes exitosos".

Notas: Un rango de apertura semanal limpio se establece entre el retroceso de 38,2% a 7083 & amp; La confluencia de resistencia 7171/77. Estaremos buscando comprar pullbacks / triggers largos mientras dentro de este canal fuera de los mínimos de enero con una brecha de orientación más alta resistencia de línea de tendencia que se extiende fuera de la alta Decemeber (

7210/15) respaldado por el máximo mensual en 7242 & amp; Resistencia clave en 7265/71.

El soporte interino descansa en 7127 & amp; 7083 con nuestro nivel alcista de invalidación a corto plazo establecido en 7034/37. Se necesitaría una sub-sub-6985 para poner en juego el sesgo más amplio. Una cuarta parte del promedio real promedio diario arroja objetivos de utilidades de 25-28 pips por cuero cabelludo. La precaución adicional se justifica dirigiéndose a los datos australianos del empleo más adelante esta tarde & amp; US CPI cifra el viernes con los lanzamientos probablemente a la volatilidad de combustible en AUD & amp; USD cruza.

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WNYC: 11 de septiembre de 2001

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En la mañana del 11 de septiembre de 2001, WNYC estaba transmitiendo desde estudios ubicados en el edificio municipal en el bajo Manhattan.

Poco después de que el primer avión golpeara la Torre Norte del World Trade Center esa mañana, el transmisor FM de WNYC, que estaba ubicado encima del World Trade Center, fue destruido y WNYC FM salió del aire. Pero WNYC continuó transmitiendo con su señal AM durante todo el día.

El audio de arriba es una grabación de lo que WNYC transmitió durante todo el día el 11 de septiembre de 2001, comenzando poco después de que el primer avión golpeó el World Trade Center. Incluye el primer relato de testigos oculares de los ataques grabados y transmitidos ese día.

Escucha las canciones seleccionadas:

Década 9/11

Explore todas las historias, música, imágenes y eventos que rodean el décimo aniversario del 9/11 de la Radio Pública de Nueva York: WNYC, WQXR y el espacio de rendimiento Jerome L. Greene.

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Transmisión de vídeo exclusivo.

Música, historias y audio archivado.

Buscar y asistir a eventos relacionados.

También visto en.

El Libro del Recuerdo de Aon sirve como un monumento conmemorativo para todos los afectados por los acontecimientos del 11 de septiembre. Comparta sus pensamientos y condolencias por los que quedan.

Las entradas del Libro de invitados pueden incluir palabras y fotografías. Todas las entradas son gratuitas y se publican después de revisar el contenido apropiado.

Un tributo en movimiento & # 153; Utiliza fotografías, texto y audio de una manera especial para honrar a sus seres queridos y amigos. Moving Tributes & # 153; Para los perdidos el 11 de septiembre están disponibles gratuitamente en Legacy. com.

Centro de Noticias de OANDA


11 de julio de 2008 & # 8211; PRWeb & # 8211; "El nuevo servicio de OANDA reduce el costo de la transferencia internacional de fondos" & # 8211; "OANDA Corporation, ampliamente reconocida como una empresa innovadora de servicios de divisas en línea eficientes, ha introducido fxGlobalTransfer, un servicio de cable que establece nuevos estándares de bajo costo, transparencia y administración de efectivo efectivo en la transferencia de fondos transfronterizos".

Julio de 2008 & # 8211; Euromoney & # 8211; "Mejor Casa de Cambio Global" (PDF) & # 8211; "Euromoney lista a OANDA en su Premio de Excelencia 2008 a la Mejor Casa Global de Divisas. OANDA merece una mención especial porque ha" democratizado FX de una manera que los bancos simplemente no tienen ".

29 de abril de 2008 & # 8211; Silicon Alley Insider & # 8211; "SAI 25: El mundo más valioso Digital Startups" & # 8211; "El sitio de negocios en línea Silicon Alley Insider (SAI) clasifica a OANDA entre las diez primeras empresas digitales privadas más valiosas del mundo. En el número diez, OANDA se une a las filas de gigantes de la industria como Facebook, Wikipedia y Mozilla Corp."

1 de febrero de 2008 & # 8211; Futuros & # 8211; "Richard Olsen y Michael Stumm: mercados FX para las masas" & # 8211; "OANDA's fxTrade trading platform is more than just a business, and has been from the day Richard Olsen and Michael Strumm launched it in 2001. 'For Michael, it was a chance to prove that all the technical innovations he teaches are real and doable, and that you can build a trading platform of institutional quality on a retail budget,' Olsen says. Stumm says: 'For Richard, it's about saving the world.'"


November 19, 2007 – Financial Times – "Technology can help stabilized currency markets" (Requires Registration) – "With continuous interest rates, central banks could intervene second by second to make smaller, more selective (and less damaging) adjustments. This would stabilise the foreign exchange market and restore the link between a currency's price and its yield." - Richard Olsen.

August 10, 2007 – Euromoney – "OANDA's Richard Olsen and Michael Stumm on Retail FX: the triumph of hope over experience" (Requires Registration) – OANDA's Richard Olsen and Michael Stumm point to the reasons for the remarkably rapid rise of the retail foreign exchange market in this guest column.

March 19, 2007 – Euromoney – "Dazed and confused" – "OANDA has actually come up with something that looks genuinely innovative by adding five new currency pairs to its fxTrade platfrom. These are USD/CNY, USD/TWD, USD/UNR and EUR/TRY and EUR/TRY. Few banks offer these on a streaming basis and OANDA certainly looks to be the first in retail."

March 12, 2007 – Euromoney – "Retail FX: Banks work out you have to be in it to win it" (Requires Registration) – "Richard Olsen, OANDA's joint chief executive, agrees that growth rates will remain high. 'The idea of internet trading has not reached the man on the street. The potential for further client growth is huge.'"



November 27, 2005 – Chicago Tribune – Full Story – "'People aren't quite sure on where things are going to go,' said Michael Stumm, president of OANDA (www. oanda. com), which provides foreign-exchange services for travelers. 'The dollar has gotten quite a bit stronger and has flattened off a bit.'"

September 21, 2005 – Financial Spread Betting - A Trader's Guide – "Exclusive OANDA and fxBoxOption Interview" – "Michael Stumm: It has been very positive. BoxOption was released just recently. We were very surprised how many different clients bought BoxOptions. Clients just love the simplicity of the user interface."

September 24, 2005 – The Motley Fool – ". in search of Rule Breakers of the future" – "New York-based OANDA, which provides a technology platform for trading currency over the Web, has decided to tap the private equity market after nine years in operation. The company raised $17 million in its first round. OANDA told VentureWire that it has been profitable since 2001 and that it has grown by 'a factor of three' over the last four years. Sounds like a Breaker in the budding to me."

September 5, 2005 – Security Industry News – "OANDA, which pioneered Web-based reporting of foreign currency rates ten years ago and launched its fxTrade e-trading platform in 2001, last month officially launched the BoxOption. It's a bit exotic, described as a cross between a binary option and a corridor option, but on the computer screen it is elegantly simple."

August 1, 2005 – Barron's – "OANDA's currency-conversion and localization services cover 164-plus currencies and are available in seven languages. Their mock-trading application is fxGame. It credits the player with $100,000 in 'play' U. S. dollars -- and it's free of charge."

July 26, 2005 – E-ForexBrokers. com – "While most brokers allow only the standard ($100,000) or mini ($10,000) lot size, OANDA gives traders the ability to trade any lot amount. Another attractive quality is that has its own user forum. In addition, OANDA has the capacity to have multi-denominated sub-accounts other than in USD with no minimum deposit."


October, 2004 – Euromoney – "Transparency boosts a growing asset class" – "Driving prices down has been a key factor for OANDA, a future commission merchant (FCM), which offers FX trading and information services over the Internet."

July, 2004 – Wall Street Journal – "A Look At Market-Moving Numbers - Literally" – "[On OANDA fxTrade,] you get what looks like a front-row seat at a forex dealer's trading screen. On your PC, you can chart the dollar/yen or euro/sterling market, project price movements, work out a trading strategy and then place a bet, with real money."


October 13, 2003 – FXWeek – "OANDA adds API" – "Currency trading and information site OANDA has developed an application programming interface (API) for its fxTrade platform to allow clients to automate trading and hedging procedures. Previously, all trading has been conducted through the internet portal on a manual basis but clients had requested the option to execute trades automatically. OANDA currently offers spot FX trading for 21 currency pairs but the firm is due to expand into currency options in the first quarter of 2004."


June 26, 2002 – The Globe and Mail – "OANDA. com: A reliable and convenient foreign exchange calculator. This site is definitely worth a bookmark."


& # 8211; 10 entries

April 12, 2001 – The Economist – "Currency trading for everyman" – "A new, miniature exchange brings foreign currency hedges to the masses."

April 4, 2001 – Euromoney – "OANDA Launches Online Currency Trading" – "OANDA, the online currency research and forecast-tool provider, has added a foreign exchange trading platform to its range of offerings, fxTrade. The platform is open to any user and will accept trades from as little as $1."

March 30, 2001 – Investing Online – Full Story – "fxTrade is a currency trading service from the famous currency information website, www. oanda. com, with an excellent FX trading game."

March 29, 2001 – Reuters – Full Story – "The small investor who thrives on the adrenaline rush of day trading stocks on the Internet has a new outlet for playing the market: online foreign currency trading."

March 28, 2001 – BridgeNews – Full Story – "OANDA launches FX Trading system for small investors. The portal is the first online trading system offering continuous interest rate differential payments."

March 26, 2001 – FXWeek – Full Story – "OANDA live with retail FX trading. The Internet trading service offers live FX trading for major currency pairs with a $1 minimum trade with no commission or charges."

March 8, 2001 – Globe and Mail – "Need some yen in a hurry? Try the Web." & # 8211; "New services to let travelers order foreign, currencies on-line for overnight delivery."

February 2, 2001 – CTV's Webmania – "OANDA offers a number of currency exchange services that are especially useful for business travelers."


& # 8211; 16 entries

December 20, 2000 – New York Times – "Web Sites to Make the Trip Less Work" – "[OANDA's] Currency Converter, lists current worldwide currency-exchange information and has a very user-friendly currency converter engine for international travelers."

December, 2000 – ECompany Now – "Along with some of the most thorough and useful currency conversion tools available on the Web, oanda. com offers fxDelivery, a service that will send the currency of 100 different countries to any US address, overnight."

November/December, 2000 – National Geographic Traveler – "OANDA Corporation, a spin-off of a Zurich-based econometrics firm, offers travelers a simple way to check exchange rates among 164 currencies. Users aren't limited to interbank rates of exchange that some sites display exclusively; they can also obtain the more useful cash or credit card rate of exchange. One great feature: wallet-size 'cheat sheets' for exchange rates between any two currencies, which travelers can print out before a trip or download on Palm VII's and Web phones. Since 1991, an archive has stored exchange rates for nearly every currency listed on the site --perfect for the procrastinator who waits months before submitting the expense report paperwork."

August 27, 2000 – New York Times – "Practical Traveler" – "Cash may be making a comeback. Two major companies say they have a brisk business delivering bundles of foreign currency to people who are preparing to travel overseas. In a study last year American Express discovered that people on the road in the United States carry an average of $500. Fat rolls of cash -- how quaint."

August 19, 2000 – The Economist – "Online Foreign Exchange" – "Richard Olsen, of Olsen & Associates, an economic-research firm based in Zurich, has bigger ambitions. Next month, OANDA. com, in which Olsen has a controlling stake, plans to launch fxChange, an electronic communications network. He says that, amazingly, it will offer retail investors trading spreads even thinner than in the professional market. Mr. Olsen sees the online FX market evolving as the equity markets have. Currency day-traders, he thinks, will become as common as equity day-traders are now."

July 26, 2000 – New York Times – "Business Travel" – "There's a conversational icebreaker for those interminable hours that you may be spending in airport lounges as this summer of endless flight delays grinds on: Did you know that 10 Bolivian bolivianos got you 3.4 Bulgarian levs at the money-changing counters yesterday? How about that Cyprus pound, one for $1.62. Or that Indonesian rupiah -- 9,100 for $1 today. This sort of detailed foreign exchange information, which I guarantee will instantly trump any unwelcome lounge colloquies on the mind-numbing subject of someone else's frequent-flier miles, used to be somewhat inconvenient to obtain with any precision and convenience. But smart international business travelers have recently been discovering a Web site that offers current foreign exchange data in exhaustive detail. It's www. oanda. com, extensively revamped last spring by the OANDA Corporation, an Internet company that was spun off four years ago by Olsen & Associates, the Swiss econometrics firm."

June 18, 2000 – London Times – The Sunday Times Travel – "How many Albanian leks will I get to a pound? And will there be anything worth buying when I get there? There are plenty of currency converters on the web but this site is worth visiting for its so-called 'cheat sheets'. Specify the two currencies involved, then print off a table of various permutations to slip into your wallet, saving you any amount of Carol Vorderman-type mental arithmetic in the craft shop."

June 15, 2000 – International Herald Tribune – "Charging Overseas? Beware of Fees on Currency Exchanges" – "Recognizing the additional fee requires that the consumer know what the exchange rate was on the day the charge came through and then do the math. Steps most people don't take. You can find the official rate for dates in the past at www. oanda. com."

June 4, 2000 – The Star Ledger, Newark, NJ – ". you can find the rate of exchange for pesos - or virtually any other currency - by going to the OANDA Web site. "

May 21, 2000 – Modesto Bee Sunday – "If you're planning a foreign trip, OANDA's Currency Converter is an easy, painless way to check rates and make cheat sheets. Plus you can check foreign currencies according to the interbank rate (the wholesale rate that banks pay), the credit card exchange rate (which adds the 2 percent they charge you for the transaction) and the cash rate (4 percent above wholesale)."


January, 1999 – World Trade – "What the Euro Means to Your Business" – "One of the most popular, and certainly one of the most comprehensive, currency conversion sites on the web is aptly named The Currency Site, a service of OANDA, the Internet arm of Olsen & Associates (www. oanda. com). The site offers two-way conversions for 164 currencies and will include the Euro, with current and historical conversions for the other currencies from January 1, 1990, as well as currency forecasts. It also offers a "cheat sheet" for travelers, which automatically includes typical credit card (2%) and cash (4%) assessments or allows you to choose your own assessment. You can also access the converter at cnnfn. com/markets/currencies/."


November 16, 1998 – Business Week – "A Virtual Concierge at Your Service" – "Services such as OANDA, which offers data on 164 currencies and is published by market-forecast technology developer Olsen & Associates Co.'s Internet unit, makes gazing into bank windows to get exchange rates a thing of the past."

September 9, 1998 – Web Finance – ". the Internet-focused offshoot of Olsen & Associates, a Swiss developer of forecasting technology for business and finance, doesn't process FX transactions. Instead, it provides sophisticated Web-based research and analysis. Examples include risk management tools, decision support systems and a daily updated conversion calculator that enables traders to view exchange rates among 164 different currencies. OANDA's difficult-to-duplicate, in-house knowledge base makes it a more attractive partner than a site focused on processing transactions - a capability that's easier to develop independently."

August 21-22, 1998 – The Wall Street Journal Europe – "Exchange" – "Unless you're a financial wizard, calculating how much things cost on holiday in terms of your home currency is a tricky business. Take a look at a handy little service for travelers provided on this Swiss web-site called the Cheat Sheet. The site also offers a number of subscription services aimed at those with a serious interest in exchange rates, including directional forecasts which cover point forecasts, indicating the expected value of a price at a specific time point in the future to a horizon of eight weeks, information on market volatility and currency ratings. Exchange rates between an impressive total of 164 currencies, updated on an hourly basis, are available through a basic currency converter service, and there's also a historical exchange service which provides exchange highs, lows and daily averages over a given period. It's also possible for browsers to incorporate customized models of these facilities into their home sites, also for free if they're willing to have a couple of advertising banners attached."

August 4, 1998 – Globe and Mail – "Every day, 80,000 people worldwide figure out currency conversions, such as switching their Icelandic Krona into Egyptian Pounds, by visiting [OANDA's Currency Converter]."

August 3, 1998 – Argus Extra – ". Olsen & Associates provide one of the best of the many free currency converters on the Web. The site provides exchange rates for 164 currencies, updated daily, with exchange between any two at the click of a mouse. It claims to be the only currency converter that can interclude percentage margins incurred when using credit cards abroad. Users can choose any margin from 1 percent to 10 percent. A useful feature when bookmarking the site is the ability to set personal preferences. Past exchange rates can be viewed back until 1 January 1990."

June 13, 1998 – Tagesanzeiger – "Eine Auswertung. ergab, dass die Wochenprognosen seit Anfang 1998 beim US-Dollar zu 72%, bei der D-Mark zu 56% und beim Pfund zu 50% eintrafen. Die Kursvoraussagen stammen vom renommierten Zürcher Institut Olsen & Associates. 'Die Prognosen entstehen bei uns durch die Umwandlung von psychologischen und ökonomischen in mathematische Daten' erklärt Gründer Richard B. Olsen und fügt hinzu: 'Unsere Systeme werden laufend verfeinert.'"

February 20, 1998 – Wall Street Journal Europe – ". perhaps the site's largest advantage is that it provides rates for even the most obscure of currencies: Tongan Pa'anga, Haitian Gourde and of course, the ECU. When the Euro starts to be traded this site will also be an ideal way to get European rates. Once you have the Cheat Sheet for Travelers in your wallet the days of guessing just how much that 100,000 lira restaurant bill might be are over."

Contracts for Difference (CFDs) or Precious Metals are NOT available to residents of the United States.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) limits leverage available to retail forex traders in the United States to 50:1 on major currency pairs and 20:1 for all others. OANDA Asia Pacific offers maximum leverage of 50:1 to on FX products and limits to leverage offered on CFDs apply. Maximum leverage for OANDA Canada clients is determined by IIROC and is subject to change. For more information refer to our regulatory and financial compliance section .

According to the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001, four commercial jetliners were hijacked by Arab terrorists, two of them were flown into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center and a third was flown into the Pentagon. This article presents evidence obtained from US-government-supplied records whose implication is that this cannot be true.

The four commerical jetliners allegedly departed from the airports, and with the flight numbers, shown below:

The U. S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics has a website at http://www. bts. gov/. The Bureau is reported to log every domestic flight scheduled from a US airport and conducted by a carrier accounting for more than 1% of domestic air traffic, and the database is required to include all scheduled flights, whether actually completed or not, unless the flight is cancelled more than seven days prior to the departure date.

The Bureau has a page on "Departure Statistics" a

To follow the reasoning of this article the reader is requested to go to that page and select "Scheduled departure time".

Select the "Newark, NJ" airport, then "United Airlines", then "September 10, 2001" (not 11). We find that UA 93, bound for San Francisco, was scheduled to depart at 08:00, and that the tail number of the plane assigned to this flight was N570UA.

Now do the same for "September 11, 2001" and we find the same, except that the tail number of the plane assigned was N591UA.

Now go back to the page on "Departure Statistics" and select "Actual departure time". Selecting airport, airline and dates as above we find that UA 93 departed at 7:57 on September 10th and at 8:01 on September 11th.

We can do the same for all of the flights listed in the table above. The results (where, for a tail number, "UNKNOW" is the BTS entry presumably meaning "unknown") are:

So according to this information Flights AA 11 and AA 77 were scheduled on September 11. One might wonder, however, why there are no tail numbers for the scheduled flights. If planes were assigned to those flights then the tail numbers would be known in advance of September 11, but the tail numbers are listed as "unknown". And if those flights actually occurred, why are the entries for actual departure time given as "0:00"?

But, more importantly, this information is not what was originally given on the BTS website. Up until sometime in 2004 queries to the BTS database returned different information. The results of these queries were reported by Gerard Holmgren in November 2003 and later updated here. [This page has now, January 2012, disappeared.]

Others who read his report saved the relevant BTS pages directly from the BTS website. They were previously discussed in an article on this website by the present author (Reply to Popular Mechanics re 9/11 ) and since April 2005 they have been available for downloading via: http://www. serendipity. li/wot/pop_mech/bts. zip

But as of January 2006 most 9/11 researchers apparently remain unaware of this data, so it seems that it is necessary to discuss it in more detail, and make explicit what it implies.

Let us see what the original BTS webpages have to say. Click on the links below to see copies (saved in November 2003) of the "Departure Statistics" pages for September 11, 2001, for United Airlines flights and for American Airlines flights at the relevant airports:

From which we obtain:

No record exists

No record exists

Thus for September 11, 2001, and for Flights UA 93 and UA 175, the destination, tail number and departure time are the same as that given above. But for Flights AA 11 and AA 77 the situation is totally different — these flights are not scheduled at all. The implication is that Flights AA 11 and AA 77 did not exist on September 11, 2001.

Further evidence for this can be found by considering the diversion data.

Go to this page on the BTS website:

and select "Newark, NJ". On the next page select "United Airlines" and September 11, 2001. Three planes are listed as being diverted, namely, UA 81, UA 83 and UA 641. But in the original records UA 93 (with tail number N591UA) was also listed as being diverted. Click here to see a copy of the original page.

Now check the diversion statistics in the same way for the other airports. The original BTS pages can be seen by clicking on the links below:

The results are as follows:

Diversion record exists in:

original BTS records

current BTS records

Thus the records for the diversion (alleged hijacking) of UA 93 and UA 175 were removed from the BTS database. This was presumably done to disguise the fact that although, in the original database, there were records for the diversion of UA 93 and UA 175, there were none for the diversion of AA 11 and AA 77. The reason why there were no records for the diversion of AA 11 and AA 77 is that these flights did not exist.

Further evidence for this can be found by considering the Airline On-Time Statistics.

Go to this page on the BTS website:

and select "United Airlines", flight number "0093" and the date range September 10th to 11th, 2001. A page appears which gives data for UA 93 on September 10th, but above this is a note:

On September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight #11 and #77 and United Airlines #93 and #175 were hijacked by terrorists. Therefore, these flights are not included in the on-time summary statistics.

But this note was added sometime after November 2003. Before that the same query (but for September 11, 2001, only) produced the page shown here .

In the original BTS database similar queries returned the following pages for UA 93. AA 11 and AA 77. Thus the summary on-time statistics (over any specified time period) for the four flight numbers differ in the current version of the BTS database from the version which existed until sometime in 2004 in this respect: In the original version that summary included data for UA 93 and UA 175 on September 11, 2001, whereas data on AA 11 and AA 77 is explicitly stated to be non-existent. But in the current version, data for all four flights on September 11, 2001, is excluded. This change was made presumably to disguise the fact that Flights AA 11 and AA 77 did not exist on September 11, 2001.

According to the official story an American Airlines Boeing 767 took off from Logan International in Boston as Flight AA 11, was hijacked by Arab terrorists, and was flown into the North Tower of the WTC. But since Flight AA 11 did not exist on September 11, 2001, this assertion cannot be true.

According to the official story an American Airlines Boeing 757 took off from Dulles International in Washington DC as Flight AA 77, was hijacked by Arab terrorists, and was flown into the Pentagon. But since AA 77 did not exist on September 11, 2001, this assertion cannot be true.

Consequently the official story, put out by the Bush Administration on September 11, 2001, and maintained without change for over four years now, is false. Arab hijackers could not have hijacked Flights AA 11 and AA 77, and crashed them into WTC1 and the Pentagon, because those flights did not exist. All the talk of Arab hijackers armed with box cutters and intent on the destruction of the Twin Towers must have been a concoction, a hoax, designed to cover up what really happened on 9/11, and, of course, to conceal the identity of the real perpetrators of this atrocity, in which about 3000 people were killed.

Of course, if Flights AA 11 and AA 77 never existed then there are questions to be answered.

1. What of the Naudet video, which is claimed to show Flight AA 11 crashing into the North Tower?

This video is the principal evidence put forward that a hijacked passenger jet was flown into WTC1. But there is good evidence that Jules Naudet's 9/11 Film was Staged. in other words, that the Naudet brothers had advance knowledge of the attack on WTC1, and positioned themselves in just the right spot to capture the explosion on video. If this is so then this in itself refutes the official story, since the alleged Arab hijackers or their leader are very unlikely to have informed the Naudet brothers of their plans. And if it is so then we can have no trust in the video, since it was made in order to provide "evidence" to support the official story, and it is not implausible that Jules captured only the explosion on tape, with the fuzzy flying object being added back in the video lab, before the tape was released to the media 24 hours later (though it can also be argued that he captured one or more real objects flying into WTC1, just not a Boeing 767).

2. What of the eyewitnesses who claim to have seen AA 77 fly into the Pentagon?

There are several reasons why these reports are not admissible as evidence:

(a) According to the 9/11 Commission Report the object which hit the Pentagon approached it at a speed of 530 mph, so witnesses had just a few seconds to observe the object. (b) An object flying into the Pentagon is so anomalous that people could make sense of it only after the event, especially after being told by the media what it was they saw. (c) The 9/11 perpetrators could be expected to plant false witness testimony to support the official story. (d) If an eyewitness reports what is physically impossible (such as a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon and leaving no identifiable part of itself — wings, engines, etc. — among the debris) then we cannot believe that person.

3. What about the passengers on Flights AA 11 and AA 77?

Obviously, if these flights did not exist then there were no passengers (or crew members) on them. So what about the passenger lists for these flights? We must draw the obvious conclusion: These passenger lists were fake. They were supplied to CNN, Newsweek, etc. by the perpetrators as "evidence" to support the official story. Some of these passengers were probably fictitious (with "memorial websites" later set up by the perps), but there were also real people whose names were included on these lists (e. g. Barbara Olson ) so one has to ask which of them are still alive (and where) and what happened to those who are not.

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FAQ about 9/11

What was the World Trade Center?

The World Trade Center (WTC) was a 16-acre commercial complex in lower Manhattan that contained seven buildings, a large plaza, and an underground shopping mall that connected six of the buildings. The centerpieces of the complex were the Twin Towers. On September 11, 2001, the entire complex was destroyed in a terrorist attack that has come to be referred to as “9/11.”

What were the Twin Towers?

The Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in New York City. At 110 stories each, 1 WTC (North Tower) and 2 WTC (South Tower) provided nearly 10 million square feet of office space for about 35,000 people and 430 companies. For a brief period upon their completion in 1973, they were the tallest buildings in the world. They attracted roughly 70,000 commuters and tourists daily.

The towers were massive. The North Tower rose 1,368 feet – 1,730 feet with a large antenna – and the South Tower stood 1,362-feet high. Views extended 45 miles or more from the top of the towers in every direction – far enough to see all five New York City boroughs, New Jersey and Connecticut. Each weighed more than 250,000 tons and contained 99 elevators and 21,800 windows. Each floor was an acre in size and there was enough concrete in the towers to build a five-foot-wide sidewalk from New York City to Washington, DC.

The towers had been the target of an attack before 9/11. On February 26, 1993, terrorists with links to an Islamist extremist group detonated explosives in a van parked underneath the WTC. Six people were killed and thousands were injured.

What happened on 9/11?

"9/11" is shorthand for four coordinated terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda, an Islamist extremist group, that occurred on the morning of September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,977 people.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists from al-Qaeda, hijacked four commercial airplanes, deliberately crashing two of the planes into the upper floors of the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex and a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. The Twin Towers ultimately collapsed because of the damage sustained from the impacts and the resulting fires. After learning about the other attacks, passengers on the fourth hijacked plane, Flight 93, fought back, and the plane was crashed into an empty field in western Pennsylvania about 20 minutes by air from Washington, DC.

The attacks killed nearly 3,000 people from 93 nations. 2,753 people were killed in New York, 184 people were killed at the Pentagon and 40 people were killed on Flight 93.

What happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

The hijacked Flight 11 was crashed into floors 93 to 99 of the North Tower (1 WTC) at 8:46 a. m. The hijacked Flight 175 struck floors 77 to 85 of the South Tower (2 WTC) 17 minutes later at 9:03 a. m. When the towers were struck, between 16,400 and 18,000 people were in the WTC complex. Of those, the vast majority evacuated safely. As they rushed out, first responders rushed in trying to save those still trapped or injured.

The fires from the impacts were intensified by the planes’ burning jet fuel. They weakened the steel support trusses, which attached each of the floors to the buildings’ exterior walls. Along with the initial damage to the buildings’ structural columns, this ultimately caused both towers to collapse. The five other buildings in the WTC complex were also destroyed because of damage sustained when the Twin Towers fell.

The collapse of the buildings left the site devastated, with ruins towering roughly 17 stories and spread beyond the 16-acre site. Thousands of volunteers came to Ground Zero to help with the rescue, recovery and clean-up efforts, and on May 30, 2002, the last piece of WTC steel was ceremonially removed.

Islam is the world’s second-largest religion. An adherent of Islam is a Muslim. Islam’s beliefs and practices center around two key sources: the Qur’an and the Hadith. The Qur’an contains what Muslims believe is God’s final revelation, made to the Prophet Muhammad, Islam’s founder, more than 1,400 years ago. The Hadith is a collection of Mohammed’s sayings and deeds during his life.

What is an Islamist Extremist?

“Islamists” see Islam as a guiding ideology for politics and the organization of society. That is, they believe that strict adherence to religious law should be the sole basis for a country’s law, as well as its cultural and social life. While some Muslims believe this, many do not. Islamist extremists believe violence is acceptable to achieve these ends. al-Qaeda is one of many Islamist extremist groups.

What is al-Qaeda?

Al-Qaeda is an international Islamist extremist terrorist network founded in the late 1980s by Osama bin Laden, who was killed in a U. S. military operation on May 1, 2011, and others who were involved in the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Their aim has been to overthrow governments in the Middle East, and elsewhere in the Muslim world, which do not strictly enforce a religiously-sanctioned political and social order. Attacks against the United States were intended to reduce American support for many of these governments; U. S. support was viewed by al-Qaeda as a major obstacle to creating a global order under Islamic authority.

They have claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks since the early 1990s, including the 1998 U. S.Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, the 2000 attack on the USS Cole, and the 9/11 attacks. They have also aligned themselves with and inspired other terrorist groups who have carried out attacks, including the 2002 Bali bombing, the 2004 Madrid train bombing, the 2005 London bombings, and the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, among many others.

Why did the terrorists attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?

The terrorists did not have the capacity to destroy the United States militarily, so they set their sights on symbolic targets instead. The Twin Towers, as the centerpieces of the World Trade Center, symbolized globalization and America’s economic power and prosperity. The Pentagon, as the headquarters for the U. S. Department of Defense, serves as a symbol of American military power. It is thought that Flight 93 was headed to the Capitol building, the center of American legislative government.

Al-Qaeda hoped that, by attacking these symbols of American power, they would promote widespread fear throughout the country and severely weaken the United States’ standing in the world community, ultimately supporting their political and religious goals in the Middle East and Muslim World.

What countries did the terrorists come from?

Fifteen of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. Two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Lebanon, and one was from Egypt.

What does Afghanistan have to do with 9/11?

Al-Qaeda was based in Afghanistan. They operated training camps there, and openly lived in the country with the support of the Taliban, an Islamist group that ruled the country.

On September 20, 2001, in a speech to a joint session of Congress, President Bush asserted: “Any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.” No distinction was made between a harboring state and the terrorists it was harboring. The U. S. government insisted that the Taliban immediately hand over the terrorists and close the training camps or face an attack from the United States. When they refused, "Operation Enduring Freedom" was launched on October 7, 2001, less than a month after the attacks of 9/11.

What is the 9/11 Memorial?

The 9/11 Memorial opened on September 11, 2011, the 10th anniversary of the attacks. It is located on the western side of the former World Trade Center complex where the Twin Towers once stood. The Memorial was designed by two architects, Michael Arad and Peter Walker, whose proposal was selected in a design competition out of 5,201 submissions from 63 countries.

The Memorial park surrounds two enormous reflecting pools set within the footprints of the North and South towers. This is where the towers used to stand. The pools feature 30-foot waterfalls – the largest man-made waterfalls in North America. The water cascades into reflecting pools, finally disappearing into the center voids. The names of people who were killed in the 9/11 attacks in New York, at the Pentagon, and on Flight 93, as well as in the 1993 bombing at the WTC, are etched in bronze around the edges of the pools.

The plaza is lined with cobblestones and will eventually have more than 400 swamp white oak trees, creating a space for reflection separate from the sights and sounds of the surrounding city. The trees were selected from a 500-mile radius of the WTC site, including nurseries located in New York, Pennsylvania, and near Washington, DC, to symbolize areas impacted on 9/11.

What is the 9/11 Memorial Museum?

The 9/11 Memorial Museum opened on May 21, 2014. It is located beneath the Memorial plaza. Visitors enter the Memorial Museum through a pavilion where two steel “tridents”— remnants of the North Tower’s façade — stand in the building’s atrium. The main exhibition space is located seven stories below the 9/11 Memorial at the bedrock foundations of the World Trade Center. The Museum offers displays of artifacts from the WTC and 9/11 attacks, interactive exhibitions, contemplative areas, and programs that convey individual and collective stories relating the experiences of survivors, responders, area residents and eyewitnesses. A memorial exhibition honors the individual victims of the attacks.

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